Kay Laurence - Learning About Dogs

What is a dog training geek? TAKL 2020

Sue McGuire Season 1 Episode 12

TAKL2020 is a blend of a study course and a mentoring program. You can follow either route or a combination through self-selecting and self-progress. This is an online course.

The course encourages self-directed learning and critical thinking developing a new mind-set that will project forward to every dog you share your life with in the future. There is very little space for branded training recipes, off the shelf solutions or quick-fixes.

The course is equally suited to someone who enjoys training with their own dog or a professional teacher and trainer with clients.

Learning About Dogs online course and start your journey to Geekland.

The Heartbeat of Geekland--blog post by Kay Laurence.

Other resources:
In Australia: Delight in Dogs