Kay Laurence - Learning About Dogs

Learning the Skills of Teaching and Our Dogs will Learn

Sue McGuire Season 1 Episode 20

"Too often the focus of luring is about 'getting the behavior' and not enough about the process of teaching or the learning process.If we focus on the process of learning, that will have an impact on every behavior the dog learns," says Kay Laurence of Learning About Dogs.

Read the full article here.

In this episode, Kay Laurence and Sue McGuire discuss what skills the handlers should have and understand as part of the process of teaching.

Teach the skills of teaching.

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Kay Laurence will be conducting an eight-week online  course on Clean Training,  through Learning About Dogs. "This course will focus on examining the component skills that develop really clear communication between two different species with training and teaching that leaves no doubts, no confusion and no uncertainty." This course starts August 14th.
Sue McGuire will be teaching a six-week in person course at the Humane Society of Sonoma County in Santa Rosa, California on "Living with Dogs. "This dog-centered approach embraces that dogs are dogs and understanding their innate behaviors opens a world of possibilities of learning for human and dog. The focus is helping people develop the kind of world in which their dogs succeed. This course starts August 17th. A second session will start October 5th.