Insights into Entertainment

Insights Into Entertainment: Episode 34 "Lose the Fountain, Save the Water"

Joseph and Michelle Whalen Season 1 Episode 34

Disney strives to save the ceremonial waters of the Epcot fountain while Freeform TV offers a behind the scenes look at Galaxy's Edge some controversy over who the first Jewish Disney princess really is.

In entertainment news we'll get a sneak peak at the new queen of The Crown, an update on the controversial HBO special on Michael Jackson, a tragic reveal for 'Queer Eye' alumn Jonathan Van Ness and Will Smith's support for anti-bullying.

And of course we'll wrap up with our Insightful Picks of the Week

Speaker 1:

Insightful podcast by informative hopes sites, a podcast network

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Speaker 3:

come to insights into entertainment, a podcast series, taking a deeper look into entertainment and media, your hosts, Joseph and Michelle Waylon, a husband and wife, team of pop culture fanatics, or exploring all things from music and movies to television and fashion.

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welcome to insights into entertainment. This is episode 34 a lose the fountain. Save the water. That's funny. I like that. I'm your host, Joseph Waylon and my brilliant and wonderful cohost, Michelle Wayland. Hi everyone. How are you doing today? I'm good. How are you? I'm doing okay. I need some technical difficulties. Yeah. You know, you get change when you change the setup around here. Sometimes, uh, things that you thought worked don't work right off the bat. So you have to go through and troubleshoot those little gremlins. Maybe one day we'll have to do like a blooper reel. We'll just like set the camera up and just let it record. And maybe one day things actually just work the way they're saying, oh, what's the fun in that? So this week on Disney distinctive, we talk about some preserving the holy water from the fountain at Epcot. Uh, we have a, uh, uh, a look at free forms, star studded star wars, Galaxy's edge, uh, special. Uh, Jamie Lynn Sigler is going to be playing Disney's first Jewish princess. We'll talk about that. Um, then in our entertainment news, we will talk about the anointing of a new queen on the crown. We will talk about what was in the news previously with, uh, the HBO special of the Michael Jackson documentary. Uh, that's moving forward in the courts. Uh, the unfortunate news, uh, that Jonathan Van Ness of queer eye, uh, has tested positive for HIV. We'll talk about that a little bit and then we'll talk about will Smith and his sort of giving back and, uh, his anti-bullying efforts. And then as usual, we will sum up with our insightful picks of the week. So we've got a pretty full show today. We sure do. Shall we get into it? Let's do it. Oh, all righty.

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Speaker 6:

go for Disney detective. So, as we had been talking about with the news from[inaudible] and all the revamping of Epcot, one of the, you know, big changes was, um, the fountains of the nation, um, right when you would, um, exit spaceship. Earth has been demolished or will be mostly, uh, uh, will be demolished at some point in time. They've already started, uh, the deconstruction of it because they're gonna totally Redo that area. But what they actually did was collected all of the water to use in the future for the reimagination of the park. So they had Epcot, vice president and Walt Disney imagineering executive, um, joined with two current Epcot cast members for the collection. And what was kind of neat was on the parks opening day in 1982 delegations from all of the nations that were represented in Epcot in the world showcase actually had water from each of their countries to pour into the Fallon. So that's kind of, you know, why they want to able to get that through customs. Well, you know, it was 1982 so back then it was, things were a little bit easier. Um, so actually what was kind of neat was that for the collection, The Walt Disney archives brought out the vessels from Switzerland and from Mexico's delegations to use once more. So that was kind of cool cause they had done like something kind of ceremonial. Right. So this was, you know, kind of the collection of it. Um, so there's no word on what water feature they collected the water, what would be used for, but as more information, you know, comes around.

Speaker 4:

So we're, we're to believe that what or that was put in there in 1982 was the same symbolic water that arrived from around the world. Yeah. Yeah. In Florida, cause there's no rain, there's no[inaudible]. Right,

Speaker 6:

right. No, all of there were probably still some molecules that were left. If I go to this knee and I see little vials of Fountain Water and I'm just going to lose it, I really am. That would be kind of funny. Yeah. Yeah. That would be very Disneyland. That would be very Disney like, or pieces of brick. Yeah, that's true. Fry's the, the, you know, when I was there, you already charged your ones for the brick. Now they're going to grind. The whole thing is the bricks that were, you know, all around the magic kingdom and, and you know, the ticket and transit, you know, uh, ticket and transportation center, you know, those, they basically just demolished and you know, they didn't let the people buy back their miniature. You can get her miniature version or if you never got a brick and wanted to get a pretend brick, you could, you could do that too. But yeah, you couldn't, you weren't allowed to get your break back. Well,

Speaker 4:

so anyway, uh, free form is going to be giving us some insights into galaxy's edge. Tell us about that.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, this was something that was Kinda cool. So you know, if you weren't able to make it to Disney world or Disneyland to see star wars galaxy's edge in person for the channel Freeform, which used to be Disney family back in the day, um, is ha was filming a, a special that's going to be airing, uh, on their channel, uh, later this month. Actually on to do, when is it supposed to air? Oh, on September 29th at 8:00 PM. Um, and it's a star-studded, um, comical, you know, adventure obviously. Um, so Neil Patrick Harris is hosting it. Um, it's also gonna feature a modern families. Sarah Hyland from the Big Bang theory, uh, Kelly Cocom, uh, key appeals, uh, Keegan, Michael K is going to be in it. Uh, Jay Leno has a apart, um, and you know, a couple of other, uh, celebrities along with the cast members. And basically you kind of find, you know, they're making their way through back to, uh, you get, you know, a sneak peek obviously of the ride. Um, and you know, some of the other areas like the Cantina, um, and the shops and stuff, um, get to go on smuggler's run. And then there is a sneak pew, you know, preview of the rise of the resistance ride, which obviously will be opening, um, later up, uh, later this year in Disney world and in Disney land in January. Um, so if, you know, they usually put together a nice little show to kind of give you that little taste, you know, of, of what it's like to be there. So,

Speaker 4:

so are they going to have Bob Iger, they're flubbing his lines again this time, like they did for the career? No, probably not. I think that's what, you know, that makes Disney seemed charming when you're$56 million a year CEO. Can't get his line.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. Well we'll say so. So set your dvrs and, uh, it premiers on Sunday, September 29th again at 8:00 PM on freeform.

Speaker 4:

So I'm curious if the Jay Leno segment is going to be like a Jay Leno's garage and they go see like[inaudible]

Speaker 6:

yeah, yeah. He's like, Hey, you know, I don't have one of these in my garage. I can, I could use one of those. Yeah. That would, that would be kind of funny. Yeah. Yeah. So what do we have next year? So this was a cute little story that I had actually heard on the radio, and then this was kind of a follow up. So actress, uh, Jamie Lynn Ziglar, um, announced this week that she was going to be providing the voice of Disney's first Jewish princess. Well, the news kinda didn't go over so well because Sarah Silverman kind of disagreed. A Ziglar had shared her excitement at providing the voice of a character of a Disney princess from a Latino Jewish kingdom who will be reportedly appearing on an upcoming Hanukkah themed episode of the Disney Jr show Elena of Avalor. So, um, you know, Wal, a writer for the animated series backed up, uh, Ziegler's tweet, Silverman responded. Um, that's because the former, I love you. America host believes that her character from the 2012 record, Ralph movie, a princess exiled name villa, a vanilla B is being overlooked. Silverman told Yahoo entertainment back in November of 2018 that her character in the movie was Jewish, just like her, and that she noted that she and her character have the same coloring. She's feisty. She says what's on her mind, and she's even a little pushy. And at that time, the movies directors, rich Moore and Phil Johnson actually agreed with Silverman saying, um, that, you know, yeah, she, you know, Vanilla IB technically was a Jewish princess. Um, so they said, uh, so in fact more actually weighed in on Ziglar's posts about voicing the first Disney princess telling her that she wasn't, but welcome to the family. Yeah, thank you. But no, um, but fans, you know, and that lots of fans on Twitter were actually behind, you know, Silverman and quickly, you know, noticed, you know, Ziglar's post and also paid tribute to, you know, vanilla be as well. Um, one Twitter user actually said, we're getting another Jewish princess. I'm going to cry. Uh, growing up rug rats was my only Jewish holiday. Special. Thank you rug rats. I'm so happy that my daughter will get more representation. So let me just jog my memory for me. Was that part of the storyline and record round? No, it wasn't. And that's, and I think that's kind of the point, is that she just happened to be Jewish. It wasn't, they never talked about it. They never brought it up. It was just like, Oh, Wilson, Sarah Silverman was Jewish and her character was very budge point that were inferring characteristics on fictional characters. I hate that the actress or the actor happens. Right, right. Whereas in, you know, this episode, it's actually going to be a holiday themed special where they're, you know, obviously we're going to talk about Hanukkah and the different things that go on with the holiday. So yeah, I see you more. So the, the, the Twitter user, uh, you know, who, you know, the mom who all excited that her daughter, you know, has another Ho Hanukah special to watch

Speaker 4:

in the grand scheme of things. Does it matter whose first, the fact that you're seeing this diversification injected into the Disney storylines, I think is really what the important day.

Speaker 6:

Absolutely. Absolutely. That every, you know, everybody out there, no matter your skin color, your hair color, you know, there's something that you can relate to that,

Speaker 4:

right? Yeah. I think that's great. And Yeah, you know, as much as I love the, come on here and Bash Disney all the time, it's kind of a sweet, I have to, I have to pat them on the back for further diversity efforts. Yeah. So, okay. So I think that is all we had for it, for Disney detective. So nothing that really busted on Bob Iger for trying. I really was trying hard, cause I know how much you loved to talk about him. There was nothing. Sorry. You know what? We need him though, if you're on like dancing with the stars just to really show cases skills. Oh. Anyway, so we'll move onto our entertainment news. Let's do that.

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so a show that we both know and love is coming back. Yes.

Speaker 6:

We have been anticipating the return of season three of the crown. Um, it will be hitting Netflix on November 17th. Um, we've seen some, some teasers, uh, of photos and things. Um, you know, there was one, um, a teaser trailer where it was basically just her walking by, you know, Queen Elizabeth walking by nothing. You know, beyond that, this is really the, the biggest teaser, you know, trailer that we had. And what was kind of interesting is they show, you know, two stamps, they show show an older stamp with the original actress who played Queen Elizabeth Claire Foy. And then they show the new queen, um, you know, um, Olivia, uh, Coleman as the new queen. And it's, it's a very witty little banter, uh, that, that Kinda goes back. Um, you know, basically, uh, one of the advisers saying is everybody is delighted with the new portrait, which we, they feel is an elegant reflection of her majesty's transformation from young woman to, and she jumps in and says old bat, and it's just, you can tell she's a very, this is the witty, right. You know, queen, you know, so how are you

Speaker 4:

years forward or is this jumping?

Speaker 6:

So now this, um, is basically the, the 60s to the 70s. Okay. Is this time frame. Um, so obviously, you know, it's a big jump. Um, but she, she looks really, you know, she looks good and it was a nice little transition to, you know, to see the, the difference of, of the two. Um, so yeah, it, it, it, you know, you got a full new cast, you know, her sister, um, it's being played by Helena Bonham Carter. Um, and then a Tobias. Um, um, Menzies is, uh, playing do get ember Edinburg. Um, yeah, thank you. Um, so it, it's all, you know, whole new cast, uh, you know, for the main characters, which a lot of people you know, were kind of upset for, but it, you know, they, they kind of explained, you know, we have to jump forward. We don't want to put too much makeup on our actors. The thing like, you know,

Speaker 4:

it's an interesting, it's an interesting thing that you don't see very often where in order to show and Kudos to that for wanting to show the actual progression of time. Right, right. You're replacing your entire[inaudible]

Speaker 6:

and they had said that every two seasons they were, you know, the ideas that, that I think the overall plan was for six seasons. Overall, so, you know, every two seasons the cast is gonna, you know, change. So interesting. So I'm, I'm definitely looking forward to it. Very cool. What is next? Tell us about the Michael Jackson. So this was a story that we talked about. The just won't die, but yeah, it was months ago about the Michael Jackson, the state wanted to file a lawsuit against HBO. Um, and so now a judge tentatively, uh, rolled on Thursday that will allow Michael Jackson's estate to continue with its$100 million lawsuit against HBO for airing the documentary, leaving Neverland. A US district judge is expected to file his final decision at the end of September. Uh, the Jackson state filed the lawsuit against HBO in February on the grounds that the leaving Neverland documentary violated the terms of a non a disparagement clause of a 1992 argument that granted HBO the right to air the video from him or to air any sort of video from his dangerous tour. A HBO filed the motion in August asking for the estate law, the estates lawsuit to be dismissed, citing first amendment, um, and the documentary details, accusations, uh, that were made by two people, that Jackson had sexually assaulted them when they were children. Um, so the estate will never stop until justice had been, uh, obtained, uh, said the representative from Jackson's estate, uh, the attorney for Jackson's estate told, uh, the I hope and we believe, uh, he will adopt his tentative order. We're waiting to see the judge's final decision. A Jackson had died in 2009. Um, and he constantly denied any wrongdoing and was acquitted of child must mullet molestation in his criminal trial in 2005.

Speaker 4:

What I think is funny is the, a statement from the Jackson can't have, they will continue to pursue this until justice has been seen. Okay. Justice for Hoe. So you've got, you've got a movie out there from people who have been allegedly victimized by Michael Jack

Speaker 6:

and not just one person. It's a group of people

Speaker 4:

and they are trying to put their story out there. So, so that their sign can be heard. And you know, if you want to talk victims, I think if you want to look at victims on a scale of one to 10, the people that were assaulted here, probably how much higher cleaned the victim then an estate whose reputation might get current tarnished by the questionable actions of the family member. So when you say you're pursuing justice, let's put justice in, into perspective in this, right. So we'll see how this goes. And I clearly this isn't leaving the news.

Speaker 6:

No, no, no. It'll be be there for awhile. And our next story here, so this was actually something that just came out today, actually a queer, I star Jonathan van asses going public about his past drug use, HIV positive status and being sexually abused as a child. Uh, the reality TV personality sat down with the New York Times for an interview that was published on Saturday, um, that is actually coming out right before the release of his memoir over the top. He said, it's hard for me to be as open as I want to be. And there are certain things I haven't really shared publicly. Um, adding that there are issues that just need to be talked about. Vanessa's who is 32 reveals in his book that he was actually diagnosed with HIV at 25 after feigning at a hair salon and going to planned parenthood to be treated for what he thought was the flu at the time. Uh, he says that day was just as devastating as you would think it would be. He writes in the book, he says, by going public, he hopes to dispel some of the myths about being HIV positive. He said, when queer eye came out, it was really difficult because I was like, do I want to talk about my status? He explains, and then I was like, well, the Trump administration has gone a, has done everything they can to have the stigmatism of the LGBT community thrive around me. He says that he also reveals in the book that he was, uh, molested as a child from an older boy that went to his church. Uh, he says for a lot of people who are survivors of sexual assault at a young age, we have a lot of compound trauma. Uh, he, the trauma and engaging in risky behavior, which includes smoking, methamphetamines and spending his allowance money. His mom sent him while he was in college to buy cocaine. Um, rather than asking for more money, he actually turned to a gay website, uh, that you could chat and do personal ads and advertised for sex, for money. So he really kinda hit hit bottom. Uh, he obviously, you know, ended up flunking out of college his first year and he later realized that hairstyling was his calling and then enrolled in beauty school and kind of that's where he, his thing, you know, everything kinda turned around. Uh, he says that he has cleaned up his act and hasn't done hard drugs in years. Uh, his book, which is called over the top will be out on September 24th. Um, and I am a fan of his, um, I'm a fan of, of of the show. Um, I think all of the cast members have, have done such a great job being so positive and being out there. Um, and I think it was very courageous of him to, to come out with this because I think it would've come out eventually some tabloid, you know, would've found something to bring it to light. Um, you know, he, he just has such an a, a positivity about him that makes you want to be a better person no matter who you are. Um, so just to see him be, you know, I actually read some of the articles from the New York Times cause this story was actually from deadline, uh, dot com but the actual article is on the New York and you know, you, you just, it's raw, you know, and he realizes he had to, you know, kind of face his fears and you know, hopes that again, bringing all of this out is going to help you know others. And you know, it's unfortunate. It's tragic that, that he's been, you know, that he is suffering from it, but it's not a death sentence. And that's, and that's really what he right there. Yeah. Look, you know, look at, um, Magic Johnson. He's, he's, you know, when everybody found out that he was HIV positive, everyone was like, well that's it. He's dumping it because unfortunately so many other people that came before him, as soon as you found out about it, it wasn't that sentence. You know, in all honesty, for a lot of people it still is because the treatments are very expensive. Right. Right. When a, when a well known celebrity comes out, you know, at least they can afford the treatments for it. You know, my heartbreaks for the people who can't afford it. Right? Yeah. The everyday person. Yeah. Who, who can't. Yeah. But again, it's, it's not, as, you know, the mortality of it isn't as great as it,

Speaker 4:

you know, the fact that it's as mainstream in the medical studies now, whereas, you know, you look in the 80s when it first came out, like society refused to even acknowledge it for the loners.

Speaker 6:

Oh yeah. You know, low, you know, people would get death threats and you know, people would be fired from their job. And you know, nobody would, would want to talk about it and nobody would want to, you know, be near you if they knew. Right. Right. Cause you could catch it just from, by sitting next to someone.

Speaker 4:

Right. And now the treatments now can, can reduce the viral count so low that you effect effectively don't transmit it anymore.

Speaker 6:

Right, right. And I think there's even a commercial that I've heard on the radio a couple of times that talks about, you know, that there are certain, you know, being on certain medications now that there are certain blood tests where you don't test positive. It doesn't even, you know, it shows up anymore. So

Speaker 4:

I think what's odd about the story was who goes to planned parenthood when you think you have the flu?

Speaker 6:

Well the, and that's normal. Well when you have, and that's the thing is planned parenthood has a stigma of being, you know, that's where women go to get abortions. When I, I didn't realize they provided like a full regular health care. That's, and that's where, not to go off on a tangent, but that's where a lot of women would go just for their regular health checkups. So, you know, if you're somebody that doesn't have insurance and you know, you figure he was, he was 25 at the time, he was working in a salon, you know, probably again, didn't have insurance. That was probably before there was an urgent care on every corner. Right. And that's where, where you went. It wasn't, you know, they, they took care of whoever, you know, I never knew. It adds a full service medical facilities. Yeah. Yeah. It is interesting. Uh, so will Smith doesn't like bullies. Tell us about, so in a surprise appearance on the Ellen degenerate show on Friday, uh, the actor greeted three Memphis high school students, Christopher Antwan and Michael, whose video showing them standing up to bullying quickly went viral. Christopher explained to Ellen that he and Antwan, who barely knew the bullied student, gifted Michael with some new clothes after students in the school were mocking him, uh, for repeating his outfits while Christopher admitted he was also laughing. Uh, uh, also laughing alone when Michael was made fun of his reflection later that night prompted the change of heart. Uh, he said once I went home and thought about it, I wanted to apologize to Michael, but I wanted to give him something in the apology. Christopher told Ellen, uh, Michael added that he was really surprised, shocked, and happy and tried to keep a straight face instead of showing, uh, my smile during the heartwarming moment, uh, sharing it was the best day of my life because I was bullied for my entire life. So the video had gone viral and it caught the attention of many celebrities. Uh, degenerates, noted, including will Smith, who then stepped out on stage, uh, and said, I saw the video and it was me and Jayda and we're sitting around and I was like, this is fantastic. There's no way that I'm letting this pass by without making contact with these kids. Uh, so we actually, you know, sat down with the boys. Uh, he said what you did, uh, felt small to you, but I promise that it is Zach. It is exactly how human beings are supposed to interact with one another. He told the boys, it's not more complicated than that. Someone is having a hard time and you helped them. It's that simple. Um, yeah. Then he went on and said, uh, what was really big also was the self correct. Smith said, he said, adding that, you know, because of Christopher's turnaround, you saw that you were laughing and that you were part of it and you stopped. And self-corrected. So C, uh, Smith's celebrated the boys kind gesture by rewarding all three of them with a swag bag from his upcoming secret merchant line. He said, I talked to the people at new balance and this is an act of kindness that I don't want to soon be forgotten. We're going to get you some gear for everyone at your school. All 600 kids at your school. He shared a with the school leaders applauding in the audience too generous also chimed in with her gift of$10,000 for each of the students, courtesy of Shutterfly.

Speaker 4:

Wow. That's pretty cool. Yeah. You know, it's nice. It's always nice when you see, um, young adults who have the wherewithal to do this type of thing. Um, but when it happens in reality, it usually goes on recognized and, and unrewarded, um, to have a celebrity like will Smith who is always been one to give back to the community, uh, just to have him see this and, and start the, the drive, uh, to, to pat these kids on the back. I think it's a great thing.

Speaker 6:

Yeah. And you know, while we didn't talk about the story cause it wasn't really an entertainment related story, there was, you know, the young student, um, you know, the fourth grader who, you know, the story was making the rounds who w you know, got bullied in his school in Florida because he made, you know, a, a drawing of the University of Tennessee. Um, because it was college t-shirt day or something and he didn't have the shirt, but he, you know, he was a fan of their, their football team made a shirt, got bullied, the news got to the University of Tennessee. So they ended up sending him a whole bunch of swag, whole bunch of tee shirts. Then they took his logo that he made and made shirts. Yeah. And everybody in the University of Tennessee was wearing them along with, you know, people that could go and buy the shirts and the money was going towards an anti bullying campaign. And then what the, what else did they do? They said, hey, you know what? You got a full ride to a four year scholarship. As long as you know, you pass all your entrance exams, college is on us because that's the kind of spirit, you know, or you want

Speaker 4:

that and, and what, um, will Smith and Ellen did with these kids, it's a, it's a great feel, good story. It's incredibly generous, but you don't, these are the exceptions, right? Because you know, you don't dare to have this kind of outpouring to just do something good kind of outpouring and spread of there crossed a hundred kids, then those kids are then encouraged to spread it on other kids. Right? That's how you

Speaker 6:

do. You need to start the movement, you know, like the whole, um, you know, the whole thing that's going on with the climate control and all of the, the kids that are, are walking out of school and doing protests because this is their world that they, you know, that we're, they're going to inherit and they don't want it being messed up. Yeah. So it's, it's nice to see this younger generation stepping forward and you know, and, and in this day and age of, you know, social media and everybody has, you know, a camera and, and can record something on their phone real quick. You know, now you're, you're seeing it and maybe to the kid that's in Idaho that sees, you know, the same type of thing. Okay, maybe he's not gonna get a thousand, you know,$1,000 for doing good, but realizes, you know, what, if they can, you know, stand up for somebody. I can stand up for somebody else.

Speaker 4:

And that's exactly right. That is that, yeah. You know, this is how society turns around. You look at the meeting now, you see all the negativity and the hate. And the violence around the world. And, and you want to change that. And the way to change that is, is with gestures like this, just not, not crazy, you know, grow the top stuff. Just being a decent human being. Right. Do it. Cause it's the right thing. Don't do it because you're going to get a reward. Right. Don't do it because you want your 15 minutes of fame. Right. Treat the person as though you want to be treated. Right. And if everyone could, could manage that seemingly insignificant act, yeah. The world would be a better place. So. Huh. All right. I'm done on my cell phone,

Speaker 6:

getting off the soapbox. Um, so that's it for entertainment. News it for entertainment. We will be back with our insightful picks of the week. Sure. Well,

Speaker 5:


Speaker 6:

to you, my dear, so I was very excited this week. Um, my insightful pick, uh, is actually a series that I have been watching from the beginning and it is American horror story,

Speaker 7:

Lori. Yay.

Speaker 6:

Um, so American horror story is an anthology horror series that was created by Ryan Murphy and, um, uh, uh, bread, uh, foul cook. Uh, and it's on, uh, the basic cable network FX. Each season is basically a self contained mini series following a different set of characters and settings and a storyline, uh, with its own beginning, middle and end. Uh, some plot elements do kind of inspire true events. Um, and there were a couple of seasons that didn't really overlap, but there were hints from one season that Kinda came out, you know, in another season. So it's one of those where you don't necessarily have to have watched, uh, every season to kind of get it because again, each season is kind of done, uh, on their own. Um, so I have friends who, you know, they watched the first season, they didn't watch the second, but they watched the third, so they kinda, you know, go in and out. Um, so the first season was subtitled a murder house and it took place in La, Los Angeles, California during 2011 and et Cetera is around a family that moves into a house that is haunted by its deceased former occupants. The second season, which was subtitled asylum takes place in Massachusetts in 1964 and follows the story of patients and the staff of an institution for the criminally insane, the third season, which was coven takes place in New Orleans during 2013 and follows a coven of witches who face off against those who wished to destroy them. The fourth season was a freak show and it takes place in Juniper, Florida during 1952 and centered around one of the last remaining American freak shows and the struggle for survival. The fifth season was hotel and that took place in Los Angeles, California during 2015 and focuses on the staff and guests of a supernatural hotel. the 60s in which really wasn't one of my favorites was Roanoke that took place in North Carolina during the years of 2014 and 2016 focuses on the paranormal events that take place as an isolated form house that is haunted by deceased Rowan, uh, deceased Roanoke colony. Uh, the seventh season also, which wasn't this one for me. Season seven was definitely like the creepiest one. Uh, which was subtitled, uh, the cult takes place in a fictional suburb of Michigan in 2017 and centers around a cult that is ted or terrorizing the residents of the aftermath of the 2016 election. The eighth season, which was apocalypse featured the return of witches from coven and the battle of the antichrist from murder house and attempt to prevent the apocalypse. And the ninth season with actually just aired a this week is subtitled 1984 and is a throwback to all of the thrasher, uh, uh, thresher movies of the 1980s and is so well done there. They've only had one, uh, episode. I actually watched it today and it's so 1984, it's hysterical. Like the closed, even the, the intro to the show, like the s the titles that everything, if you pull out a video from 1984, it like matches exactly like they're all doing aerobics in the beginning and you know, the hair, the clothes, just, you know, everything. And what I love is that they re, um, you know, they reuse a lot of the same cast in different, um, in different roles. So, you know, in one season, you know, this character might be a good person and the next season they're, you know, the evil person. So it's interesting to see, you know, where people are gonna pop up. Um, there's usually always like s guest stars that pop in and out. Um, you know, because they never really reveal the whole cast, you know, until the season keeps going on. Um, so it's, if you're into horror like I am, cause of course I'm the only one that will watch it here. Nobody will watch it with me. Um, and what's Kinda funny is there were a couple of seasons where I wouldn't watch it when it aired at 10 o'clock at night. I'd have to watch it like the next day during the daytime because it was, it was pretty scary, you know, for a show, uh, that's on, you know, basic cable at, at 10 o'clock at night. Um, but again, if you're a fan so far, this season looks, looks really good. Definitely has that, you know, Friday the 13th kind of, you know, feel to it with, you know, some quirky little, you know, humor thrown in as well.

Speaker 4:

Oh, nice. Nice. Alright, cool. Pick. Thank you.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

so my pick this week is a Netflix documentary called inside bill's brain. Take a trip inside the mind of Bill Gates as the billionaire opens up about who's, who about those who influenced him and the audacious goals he's still pursuing. Uh, this three part docu-series explores the mind and motivations of the celebrated tech visionary business leader and philanthropist. It tells Bill Gates his life story as he pursues solutions to some of the world's most complex problems. Bill speaks about his life or death mission to get better sanitation to the developing world. Also, his sisters share their childhood memories of them and they talk about the connections that she bills life and they come into focus including a childhood friendship and his unique bond with Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen. Uh, then the third episode talks about the search for climate change solutions. Uh, which requires a lot of passion, resources and a sense of urgency, three qualities that Bill Gates clearly possesses. So the show itself is, it's basically a marketing tool for bill gates. Um, by a surface pro. It's not even that. It's one of these, you know, it's, it's trying to glorify Bill Gates. It was done entirely with his cooperation. It was not objective, you know, it, none of it, none of the, I've watched the first two episodes, I haven't watched a third yet, but so far they've not touched on any of the negative aspects of bill other than to talk about how those negative aspects allowed him to be so successful. Uh, so it's basically, you know, trying to, to polish the legacy of, you know, he's had significant accomplishments but they haven't come without cost. Um, and this second episode that I just watched, they had talked about the relationship he had with Paul Allen and the fallout that they had and even that they glossed over and didn't talk about any really negative things there. So it's, it's a very skewed view of Bill Gates, his life. Um, it's worth a watch because some of the things that they get into now are really some of the things that made him who they are. So one of the things that they do is they look at a challenge from his past and they relate it to a challenge now. So whether it's, uh, reverse engineering, the, the source code for the Altair or whether it was, you know, producing software, um, before Microsoft even existed to accomplish problems, they take that and how he accomplished those goals and they apply it to a lot of his, uh, philanthropic, uh, endeavors now with, uh, sanitation. Okay. And, um, uh, polio vaccines. Okay. Um, it, I mean, it's designed to showcase all the good things he's doing now. Okay. Um, and the, the bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is incredible in the amount of work that they've done, um, for developing countries and, and the general population. Um, so I'm almost willing to give them a pass on the one sided aspect of the documentary because if, again, this is one of those things where if it can serve to inspire other people, to volunteer, to help someone else to treat someone better than, I'm willing to give you a pass on the fact that it's not entirely objective. Okay. They're very well done. They use a lot of great stock footage. Um, there's a lot of nostalgia, you know, for someone who grew up with computers like I did, there's a lot of flashbacks there that bring me back to my youth. Um, so it's a, it's a well done documentary. It's not Ken Burns

Speaker 6:

cause the new Ken Burns one you won't watch, but I haven't yet. But we'll see.[inaudible] if you just watch like 10 minutes of it just to,

Speaker 4:

inside bill's brain is streaming now. It's a three part limited series on Netflix. Uh, yeah, that's all I have. I think we'll come back with some afterthoughts. Sure.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

all right. What do we want to talk?

Speaker 6:

Uh, so last weekend we went to retro con, which is a little local. Uh, toy show slash, uh, 80s kind of convention that they have a hold in oaks, pa. Uh, this was, I think our second year going to it. Um, and we were supposed to have a little video but we didn't get around to it. So maybe we'll

Speaker 4:


Speaker 6:

Do it and put it on our Facebook page or something that'll show up in post production or maybe it will and we can just say, hey, look at this. Just look forward after the credits. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Um, but anyway, one of the things, uh, that's great when you go to some of these shows is that they have postcards and advertisements for all of the upcoming ones. Um, so we'll, for our podcast and for our podcast now, we actually put out, we have nice little cards. Um, so I just wanted to kind of throw these dates out there. Uh, some of the locations. Um, and again, we'll post it on the Facebook page for anybody that's in, you know, the area, you can obviously probably do, uh, a Google search and find some of them. So just for the record, we are not getting paid to endorse[inaudible] right. We're, these are just, you know, a lot of people are always like, oh, when's you know, when's the next one do you know, of and whatever. So this was just kind of our, our PSA of hey, if you happen to be in the area, uh, so world oddities Expo, uh, in Baltimore is November 1st through the third, um, tomorrow. So obviously this one's gonna kind of not work. Uh, by the time we post our, uh, podcast on Monday is the Central Jersey Comic Con, uh, which is takes place in board in town. I'm guessing it's probably a yearly thing. So if you're in that area, you know, look to see dates for, for next year. Um, toy con, New Jersey is November 9th and 10th, up in North Jersey in Parsippany out in Hershey, Pennsylvania at the Hershey Lodge for next year. August 22nd is the Hershey action figure and toy show again that's held at the Hershey Lodge. Um, then coming up October 20th in Manasquan is the Jersey shore toy show. Um, they'll are also doing a holiday show on November 18th and December 16th in the same location in Manasquan, New Jersey. Uh, then one of our favorite locations, uh, the nurse shrine center in Delaware. Uh, they're doing their dis, uh, their Delaware train show on October 5th, and then the October fest toy show is the next day on October 6th, and they even have their train show dates for next year, which is March 28th and the April fool's toy show is March 29th and that's a great show. We always like to go through. There's always something obscure profiled on the podcast. Yeah, yeah, we did. Yeah. So it was always a good funny there. I never walked away without something. Yeah. And today we actually went to the Merchantville, uh, town toy fair, I guess a good more flea marketing open air flea market. Yeah. So they close off, uh, one of the main street areas. I think it's Park Avenue or park place. Uh, they close it down and they have vendors on, on either side. Um, and this was actually our second year going to it. Um, it's funny, one of the guys that we met there last year who was there again, we saw him, uh, what was the other one that we went to that was, yeah, it was one of the, the other shows that we went to. Yeah, that one was really hot one and this guy, he doesn't have um, his own store. He basically just does this as a, as a hobby. He has a full time job. He doesn't have a website, he doesn't have, you know, he basically goes job to, you know, location to location. And as soon as you walked in he was like, I don't have any more expanse stuff you bought all, you know, like he, and that's what's kind of cool when you go to these events is just that fellowship as a community. You know, like, Hey, I don't have this, but I got, you know, hey, I got this star wars thing or you know, we had, we had a merchant that we used to see at, uh, where's your word world Philly. I am a monster media. Right, right. There was stuff that I was looking for. I would tell him and he traveled up and down the east coast and if he found what I was looking for, he'd kind of hold on, you showed up, you'd have it for me and I buy it from, so that was the, that that's always, I think the cool part is when we see vendors that you know, that yeah, we recognize. But that ended up recognizing, so that again, you know, uh, is cause I never get recognized. I just lived in the crowd. Right. Big Bald guy with a Hawaiian shirt. Yeah. Cause there's not too many of those that, that walk around. But yeah. So it was a, it was a good day. We had a couple of interesting little fines. Uh, it was kind of funny because I think we walked the whole thing and it was literally the last, yeah, last one or two. The last like tent that we got to, that we ended up last remaining Darth Vader Samurai figure I was looking for and I ended up getting some weirdly obscured Disney land 60 fold up place. Yeah. Fold up for five bucks. Like, yeah, you deals are out there, so you know, if you're into that kind of thing. Um, of course we have no room in our house to actually put any of this stuff. Yeah, we're working on it and maybe at some point we'll actually do a video of, of all our stuff so that our, our, our viewers can, can see how crazy collectibles special. Right. There you go. That sounds like a good future episode. Anyway, I think that is all we have for this week. Uh, before we go, I will plug our Facebook page, which is backslash insights into things podcast. Or you can catch us on backslash insights into things you can get us on our website at website, www[inaudible] Thai insights into You know, it would help if you actually put these in the order. And this is, this is like a test anyway, checking her out while I wasn't going to throw them off. But you can email could do that too. We love getting feedback. So anyway, that's it for this week. It is another one on the books. We'll catch you guys next week. Have a good week everyone. Bye Bye.

Speaker 2:
