Insights into Entertainment

Insights into Entertainment: Episode 3 "Oscars Aftermath"

Joseph and Michelle Whalen Season 1 Episode 3

Michelle and Joe discuss Emma Thompson's refusal to work with John Lasseter on a new animated movie. We look at the unfortunate health issues facing Luke Perry. Then we take a deeper dive into the winners and losers of the Oscars and some of the controversies surrounding the storied awards show.  We rap another great podcast with a few insightful picks from our hosts.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Welcome to insights into entertainment podcast series. Taking a deeper look into entertainment and media, your host, Joseph and Michelle Waylon, a husband and wife, team of pop culture, phonetics are exploring all things from music and movies to television and fandom.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to insights engine entertainment, episode three Oscars, aftermath. I'm your host, Joseph Waylon with my lovely cohost, Michelle Waylon. Hello everyone. Today we'll be talking about a few topics from this week's news and entertainment. We'll be talking about Emma Thompson refusing to work with John Lasseter on a new project. Luke Perry suffering a massive stroke. And then we'll dive a little deeper into the Oscars aftermath and the controversy surrounding this year's Oscars.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So Emma Thompson was slated to do a voice part and a new animated feature film from Sky Dance Animation. She was signing on the do the work already though. The film was called luck. Okay. There hasn't been much detailed release about the plot or anything, but the real controversy here was Skype dance recently hired John Lasseter. Okay. Uh, previously was head of animation at Pixar, Pixar and Disney and Disney and a, he was accused of sexual misconduct by several people at his former employer. He took a year off, eventually wound up leaving Pixar and came on as the head of animation at sky dense. Emma Thompson wrote a scathing letter to sky dance management criticizing their decision to hire last. And I quote, if a man has been touching women inappropriately for decades, why would a woman want to work for him? If the only reason he's not touching them inappropriately now is that it says in his contract he must behave professionally. I don't know. She goes on to say, uh, that she's aware of centuries of entitlement to women's bodies, whether they like it or not is not going to change overnight. She said, I'm also aware that if people who have spoken out like me do not take this sort of Stan, then things are very unlikely to change at anything like the pace required to protect my daughter's generation. So I applaud her for her stance, absolutely to her, you know, fixing what is a significant issue in the industry. And it's far more important to her than the money. Yeah. And, and it's not just in entertainment, it's predominantly in

Speaker 5:

entertainment, but as we've seen over the past couple of years, months, it's everywhere. It's in every industry.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. Absolutely. I think, I think her efforts here really set the standard for what people need to do. You know, it's, it's one thing to rail against the system and pointed out and support those who are victims of it. It's another one to draw a line in the sand and say, no more. It, it, it stops here.

Speaker 5:

Right. And, and that's the biggest thing is that it needs to, at some point stop. It needs to stop being acceptable. It's not the boys' club anymore. Or Oh, it happened so many years ago. Like at, at what point do we start forgiving people for what they did? Because all you're doing is showing, oh well if you did that 10 years ago, you did that 15 years ago, it's okay to, you know, now you're, you're better. It's, it's fine. You need to hold people accountable for what they did

Speaker 3:

well and the era forgiveness is kind of contrary to how we look at history to begin with. I mean, you don't look back at slavery and say, Oh, it was okay. You're sorry you did it back then, or segregation or it no point in time was it ever, okay. So at no point in time is there total forgiveness to those who are guilty of doing it? Right? CEO David Ellison of Skydeck Skydancer animation responded to the letter it at first saying he did not enter into the decision, meaning the decision to hire Lasset or lightly. He goes on to say that John is acknowledge and apologize for his mistakes and during the past year or away from the workplace has endeavored to address and reform them. So should John Lasseter be forgiven because he apologized and took a year off.

Speaker 5:

It also goes, if you look at somebody that goes to jail and gets released on parole, you know, oh, at what point do you forgive them for what they did or allow them to be rehabilitated and, and go back into society. It's almost that, you know, if it's okay for somebody that, you know, a stolen car and now they paid their debt to society, are they allowed to be,

Speaker 3:

but has lasted or paid his debt to society? Probably not. If it's only been a year at, well, he didn't go to prison, didn't go to prison, basically took a year off from work.

Speaker 5:

Right. And was there any,

Speaker 3:

there's been no official remediation. There's been no

Speaker 5:

right. We're charges brought up. And I think that's also the, the fine line of the whole sexual misconduct is them, their word against somebody else's. And how many people, not to say that the, the women accusing we're lying or not, but it, it's, it's, it's just such a fine, you don't want to discredit any person that comes forward. But at what point, you know, what are the actions that you take, you know, against it. It's a, it's

Speaker 3:

stand there without a conviction is very difficult to really lambaste someone for. But the thing is, and I can only speculate because I've never actually experienced it, but I can only speculate there from the perspective of the victim. It's gotta be torturous to try to go through a trial with something like that.

Speaker 5:

Oh absolutely. And having to relive something all over again and where you have your lawyer or you know your side of the, you know, being very forgiving, but you know that the defense is been a real rate through the dirt railroad you and bring up every little thing and you know, it gets to the point of, well you wore this really low cut dress that day. So you know, and make it out to see, feel like it's your fault.

Speaker 3:

It's sad that that type of defense is appropriate because under no circumstances should what I wear to someone to sexually assault.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's, and that's the thing is how many women came forward, what, what transpired, you know, is it ever, you know, anything, you know, obviously if another company hired him and it's only been a year, they obviously didn't feel it was that bad. Not to say that that's a good thing versus look at some of the other people who have been ousted, who haven't worked since then and have gone into seclusion. And you know, so what is, you know, what was it that that actually happened? Was it inappropriate? You know, was it the flirting, touching? Was it

Speaker 3:

one thing that was predominantly accused of lasted or was he was a hugger and he had a tendency to hug most of the women in the office and some women took offense to the casual hugging. Other women suggested that the hugging was more than just hugging lassiner for his part in this instance, release a statement of his own saying that I am resolute in my commitment to build an animation studio upon a foundation of quality, safety, trust and mutual respect, which honestly says absolutely nothing to address Emma Thompson's concerns, which I think is a disservice to her. Absolutely. Um, I mean, he's, he's speaking broadly from almost a legally standpoint. They're making sure that doesn't say anything controversial. Right. And, you know, passing judgment as I can sitting where I'm at right now, that sounds an awful lot like a guilty person to me. Like he knows he did something wrong and he's basically trying to rebuild his career.

Speaker 5:

Right. And I think in the grand scheme of things, again, not saying that one person's complaint over somebody else is, it's not like he was locking himself in a hotel room and asking for sexual favors to be done or somebody wasn't going to get a part in a movie like other well, and people in the industry have

Speaker 3:

nothing that blatant

Speaker 5:

but has come out that will know of. But I'm sure if there was something to that effect it would have come out.

Speaker 3:

But I mean we, we weren't there so we don't know what the circumstances are, but I can certainly see where someone rejecting his, what he thinks is an innocent, intimate embrace from a comradery standpoint. Right. Someone rejecting that or complaining about that are finally a complaint. I could totally see repercussions. Absolutely. And there's, that's insinuated when that happens. So yes, you're not forcing yourself on anyone, right. You are, that threat is overriding when you reject, reject, that kind of thing when it's something that's done on a regular basis and other people accept it.

Speaker 5:

Right. And I think that also kind of with, with that thing, the hugging and the, the personal space, our generation and even before it was always, you know, you saw a relative, give them a hug, everybody give them a hug. You, you know, don't be rude where now it's okay to tell your children if you don't feel comfortable giving somebody a hug, you don't have to give them a hug. If you want to just shake their hand, you shake their hand. It's, it's everybody's own personal personal take. So I could see where, oh it's just a hug, it's no big deal. But if it's a thing that makes you uncomfortable and you didn't do it and it was a commonplace activity at work.

Speaker 3:

But the other thing is in the carrot environment, absolutely not. We're not early on in the me too movement, we're, we're pretty far in. We found enough incidents to know what is and isn't appropriate. Right. And his violations, we're right in the midst of it. You would have, you would have thought there would have been enough common sense to say, okay, let's back off of what I think are friendly gestures and let's just keep things professional. Right. And he didn't do that. We'll see how that works out. I don't know who there's been no word on who's going to replace Emma Thompson in that role at this point in time.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Uh, there was news earlier this week that Luke Perry suffered a massive stroke, which gene was a shock to me. Luke ferry is only 52 years old, obviously. He's a former actor from Beverly hills nine oh two one in Riverdale. Oh. Suffered a stroke on Wednesday according to TMZ, paramedics responded to call it the star home in Sherman Oaks, California, and approximately nine 40 on Wednesday morning. In my research I did see the Perry had previously revealed in an interview with Fox News that doctors found precancerous gross in his colon. Oh Wow. Yeah. For a colonoscopy in 2015 now I mentioned the act because that's the only other medical news that I've seen on him, but there's been no suggestion that there is a connection between the two at this point. Okay. Uh, a rep for Perry indicated the actor is currently under observation and at the hospital. And ironically, this came the same day that news was released that a reboot of Beverly Hills nine oh two when I was in the works, Perry was not going to be a part of it. Okay. So obviously not related, but certainly worth we're talking about, uh, were you a fan of Beverly Hills? None of it

Speaker 5:

who I was and Dylan was my favorite. She was the bad boy. Yeah. I had a poster of him in college. Yeah. So I saw him every day. No.

Speaker 3:

Uh, 52 though. That's, that's pretty young.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. And, and you know, we were talking, you know, the, the other week with, you know, with Peter Torque and you know, now it's somebody even closer in age to, you know, ourselves. And we'll talk about how much closer in age. No, we won't. Thanks. I appreciate that. Um, yeah, it again, it's that whole mortality, you know, it doesn't matter now how old or how young, you know, it just makes you think that life is just precious and you need to make every moment last and you know, live each day to the fullest and hopefully it wasn't a major stroke and after Rehab or whatnot, you know, he'll be, he'll be back to himself.

Speaker 3:

There were, uh, initial reports that the hospital had him in an induced coma, although Rhett preparer came out and denied that at this point in time. So

Speaker 5:

that seems to be a very typical thing.

Speaker 3:

Well, the fact that they're playing the so close to the vest and not giving any real details on this is, is more frightening than anything I think. Um, usually if, if someone is not seriously ill, you know, you tend to get more, more details. It's when they, when they're tight lifted, I tend to worry,

Speaker 5:

could also be as family to not releasing information.

Speaker 3:

That is true. That is true. We wish him well. Um, I wish you a speedy recovery zone.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

let's talk about the Oscars more specifically, the aftermath of the Oscars. I want to point out a few of the notable winners and then there's a few other stories that are asking related that I'd like to talk about. Sure. So best picture went to green book. I don't know if this came as a surprise to anyone. Uh, I think it was a disappointment to a few people who were in the running. Oh, I haven't seen the movie myself. Um, but I've heard some things about the movie. Okay. Oh, some things we'll talk about in a minute. It's sort of question some of the legitimacy of the story and, and some of the creative license that was given to it. Best actor, and I'm probably going to pronounce his name wrong. Can you pronounce it for me? Well, it's Rami is his first round. Rommy Malick. I answered yes. Rami Matalan Rommy Malick, Bohemian rhapsody, which we still have yet to see. We have yet to see a, although in the clips that I have seen me, he's pretty much spot on. Oh, absolutely. Not much controversy there. I think a lot of people thought he would have taken that. Um, cause he won basically all the pre Oscar awards for it. He won a golden globe for it. You did? Okay. I thought he did. He didn't have a spill though. After accepting the award, he fell off stage. Did he know? I don't remember that. Yeah. Yeah, there was, he was, you know, I think he was even rushed to the hospital, but apparently he wasn't seriously. Oh, I didn't even hear that. Yeah. A best actress went to Olivia Coleman for the favorite. Any thoughts on that?

Speaker 5:

That was I think a, a surprise. A lot of people were thinking it was going to go to somebody else. Um, and I remember seeing tweets afterwards that everybody absolutely loved her, you know, her speech and now everybody wants to be your best friend. Okay. So,

Speaker 3:

oh, that's always the case, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. One of the war, uh, best supporting actor. And this is another name I'm probably gonna murder here. Um, my, her Shala Ali, I believe so for his role in Greenberg Green Book.[inaudible] thoughts on that? Not much of a surprise there.

Speaker 5:

No. Again, he was another one and that's the thing is by the time the Oscars come out more than not, you know, most of those people have have been winning or it's back and forth between you know,

Speaker 3:

one or two people. Yeah. A best supporting actress went to Regina King for if Beale street could talk

Speaker 5:

and everybody, she was the the favorite, favorite and and very, very deserving from you know, clips that I, I saw and just very, very thankful for where she's come from and whatnot.

Speaker 3:

The one thing that I think struck me more than anything was the fact that unlike recent previous Oscars, there were no major sweeps.

Speaker 5:

No. And, and I believe we were even talking about that. It almost felt as if everybody got something. It was almost like it was a participation award

Speaker 3:

freed the term that we would distribute the awards evenly.

Speaker 5:

Right. Bohemian rhapsody got a bunch of different things and the Klansmen a black cat landsman they got a bunch of things and the favorite got a bunch of things. And this one and you know I'm a star is born and a Bohemian rhapsody like everybody went home with something in some way, shape or form. And the one that actually struck me was the um, foreign movie from Roma, Roma and that swept, I think that one actually one the most out of.

Speaker 3:

And by all accounts I haven't seen it yet, but it's been highly recommended that I watch it.

Speaker 5:

And it was a Netflix movie and that's where it kind of, you know, where you see now with um, like the Emmy's, you know, in the beginning it was very much if it wasn't NBC, ABC, CBS, it wasn't nominated. And then over time Fox shows started and CW shows and now you look at it and it's mostly Netflix television shows that are, are getting the, the Emmy's and Amazon prime and things like that. So it was just very shocking hearing cause I hadn't really heard the list of the nominations before it came out and to see everything and it was wrong. And I'm like wasn't that Netflix that

Speaker 3:

in order to qualify for an officer you have to have appeared in theater?

Speaker 5:

Well and that's what I thought. So obviously it appears did like four or five theaters just for the sole purpose. Cause I know that that's what they end up doing towards the end of a year. If a movie isn't supposed to be really released until the following year, they'll do that. So it's in consideration for the Oscar. So I figured it had to at some point have been released, but it was just kind of shocking how, you know, you had the best actress from it and you had, you know, and the, the person that won for best actor, right. It was that, you know, it was just like, wow. Okay.

Speaker 3:

Well, and on that subject, one of the things that Kinda came out that I didn't actually have in our controversial this to talk about was Steven Spielberg has been a staunch opponent of Netflix being in consideration for Oscar.

Speaker 5:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and apparently he's taken some heat recently for some of his comments on that. Um, I don't know. How do you feel about the, I mean, if it's quality movie,

Speaker 5:

and that's the thing is I've watched a fair bit of content from, from Netflix. I've, I've watched series and I've, I've watched, you know, a bunch of different movies and it's, it's quality stuff. It's, you know, and, and the other thing too is I don't have to leave my house to go watch it. You know, I can start watching it in the morning, take a break and finish watching it. So it definitely is easier to, to view then going to the movies. Um, you know, going back to one of our first topics of how do we consume our media, it makes it very convenient to just be able to sit at home and watch the movie. Whereas, you know, for us, um, you know, in the area that we live, all of our movie theaters now have assigned seats and the one movie theater in particular, if you don't buy your tickets two days in advance, you're not going to be able to just go to the movie that same day. Like you used to be able to, hey, what are we doing today? Oh, let's go, go see a movie. So the convenience of having it available on Netflix, and I know also, um, Comcast is doing things now where you can do, there are certain movies that are in the theater now that you can watch through Netflix, not Netflix through your on demand with exfil nutty. You know, you can do that. But I think it just makes it

Speaker 3:

so from a content creation standpoint. And just to throw a few numbers out there, uh, in 2017 and Netflix spent 6 billion on original content. Okay. 2018 they spent close to 13 billion on original content and in 2019 they're looking to spend upwards of 15 billion. I believe it, those are some real big studio numbers you're throwing out there for all the content they're creating. Um, and I think what we saw, what we're seeing now is a fundamental shift in how Oscar's are seeing this. You know, it's not, you don't need to have something in the theater to be a qualifier this point in time. And you shouldn't have to, in my opinion, cause I think, I think your streaming media services are as legitimate as movie theaters are now, even though you can't track ticket sales. Right? You can certainly revise it or on it.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. You can, you can track, you know, who's watching it or how often, you know, it might be something where somebody going back and watching a movie multiple times.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

controversies that surround it. This year's Oscars and the, the first most obvious one was the show host controversy. Uh, Kevin Hart was originally supposed to host the Oscars until some nearly decades old tweets that were homophobic and nature surfaced, a call, some controversy, and he willingly backed out of hosting, um, you know, the, they balked at who they were going to bring in eventually they brought knowing it

Speaker 5:

right. And honestly, it really for me, and I've watched the Oscars for as long as I can remember and it really didn't make much of a difference, you know, I don't think I, I missed having that witty banter banter of, of somebody introducing somebody else. They had, you know, their voiceover person who would announce who was coming up next and uh, and, and it moved and it moved along.

Speaker 3:

One of the, um, other points that was kind of anti traditional in Oscar's was their desire to cut the baroque cash shorten. And in doing that they explored two different things. One was the original idea was to limit the number of best original song performances to just, to not to showcase all of them. Eventually they, they kind of compromised on that. They did 92nd clips of all of them, each one with the two feature performances. Uh, the other was presenting awards during commercial breaks. They had proposed presenting awards for cinematography, editing, live action, short makeup and hairstyling during commercial breaks. Um, some they didn't. I know, I don't know if they did any of them.

Speaker 5:

Right. I don't think, I don't remember them doing any. I do remember that there was one person that won an award that kind of made a joke. Thank you for not doing this Doring commercial commercial break. So,

Speaker 3:

so do you think the broadcast length of the Oscars is an issue and should it, should they take measures like this to shorten it?

Speaker 5:

It's always such a long, long night. You know, it starts usually, I believe it starts at eight and it goes til about midnight. I think a lot of it is also just the commercials in general. Yeah. For it. If they, you know, kind of move that along. And there really wasn't as many, uh, skits as per se, other years. You know, there, there was, um, a four, I believe it was best costume and costume design. Um, Melissa McCarthy and I don't remember who the gentleman was. They basically came out in costumes that represented every movie that was nominated. So he was dressed kind of like Mary Poppins and she was dressed in a gown from the turn of the century. And I guess there were animals involved. So she had stuffed animals tape tour and it was like a hodgepodge of, so it was kind of funny. He was witty and it was, it was cute. And then there were some that just kinda came out in and did their thing and, and it was totally fine. So I'm sure there's a way you can cut, you know, a couple of minutes here and there. Obviously they keep the speeches, the acceptance speeches down to a certain timeframe because they'll, you know, they'll go to commercial, they'll turn the music on and, you know, cut the people off. I always feel bad for the ones where it's a collaboration award and you have four or five people that come up and you know, the one person talks and, and digs up all the time and the have the, the one poor guy that just wants to thank his wife, you know, you almost would hope, okay, well let's give them an extra five seconds or an extra 10 seconds. Or if somebody doesn't use up all their time, you know, let it, let them borrow it. Here's, here's your ticket for an extra five seconds.

Speaker 3:

Greenbook we said we had a little bit of controversy with that. There's, there was really two things. There was a claim from the family, the surviving family of Don Shirley, who was the main character in the book. They weren't particularly happy with the way the movie played out. Uh, they described it as a symphony of lies. I haven't seen a movie yet, so I can't pass judgment, authenticity or anything like that. But that's kind of a significant condemnation coming from the family there.

Speaker 5:

Now, was it that the book that it was based off of

Speaker 3:

they, these folks simply towards the movie? It's all towards the movie. Okay. Um, and there was a second, you know, I think different controversy. There was a interview in which the, uh, star Viggo Mortensen was being asked questions about the movie and the setting and the content, the consequences of the movie. And he made a statement, uh, in which he used the n word to highlight changes in society towards race relations since the 1960s, uh, which he then offered a of what struck me as a heartfelt apology afterwards, did not use it in a demeaning way. Basically uses it. The contents there, context in which he said it was, look at how we use the n word today versus how it was in 1960. Um, so he wasn't doing it in a way that was demeaning, but he, in upon further reflection, appreciated the sensitivity of it and realized, having even said in his apology, having a white male use that word is highly inappropriate. So, so clearly he wasn't expressing racism itself, right? It did. He did take some,

Speaker 5:

yeah, he had over the point to make and probably could have made it without,

Speaker 3:

correct. Using the word I was doing them that the Oscars, I think one off fairly smoothly given. Yeah. The hosting controversial that they had. Any surprises that you could think of?

Speaker 5:

Oh really? And again, because I hadn't seen a lot of the movies just going based off of clips that I had seen or things I had heard, it seemed to be, oh, okay. Yeah, they were deserving. That was the sermon. You know,

Speaker 3:

weirdly, we need to get our sag membership so we get those screeners so we can see. That would be awesome. I wouldn't mind, unfortunately we don't have the luxury of getting out to the theater to see all of these absolute final. If they were on Netflix we could watch them.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So that brings us to more insightful picks of the week. Um, as usual, I shall let you go first. My dear

Speaker 5:

too. Sweet. So speaking of Netflix, um, again, it's one of those things I kind of had heard about, piqued my interest. It's kind of of the genre that I like. And my insightful pick for this week is a relatively new show that came on, uh, called the umbrella academy. It is based off of a series of comics and graphic novels that were actually written and created by the lead singer of my chemical romance Gerald Way, who I had no idea that he had written these. Um, and it, it kind of reminds me a little bit of Sabrina, the teenage witch that Netflix had just a done last year, that dark comedy type, um, show, which tends to be the type that I, I kind of like, um, I just finished binge watching cause that's what you do with Netflix. Um, last night and I'm already looking forward to season two and they actually just announced last week, I believe that season two is in the works, which is interesting because the comic series from what I understand basically ended with where the television series ended. Um, so it'll be interesting to see where they go forward in the series because there's nothing. So what's the premise of the, of the show. So the premise of the is that there's this crazy man who you kind of find out something in the last episode a little bit more about him, you know, uh, then than meets the eye and something happens where 43 children are all mysteriously born on the same day, at the same hour all over the world. And he basically wants to try and adopt all of them and he ends up only being able to adopt seven. And for some reason they have some, each member of the family, each child has some sort of superpower and he kind of harnesses them and trains them and they become the umbrella academy and basically become crime fighters. Um, yeah. And the one basically is kind of, um, the cat, uh, the, the black sheep I guess. So she's not allowed to be part because she doesn't seem to have a power. So she's kind of the helper. So whenever they go out, it's the five children or it's the, the six remaining siblings. And then there was an accident at some point. So the one sibling had passed away and then the other one kind of vanished. So it, it starts off a little bit when they're younger and then kind of fast forwards like 17 years into the present and things kind of happen between time travel and uh, various different issues that come up. And just overall, uh, I felt it was very entertaining and being that comic book type, um, uh, like you said, kind of the x men meet Sabrina type thing. So a very enjoyable, very enjoyable.

Speaker 3:

My pick of the week this week is kind of a little off the beaten path. Um, and there's a little story behind it. So I happened to be looking for whimsically a an acoustic version of hotel California one night, big eagles, the rock fan fan. And I just did a quick search on youtube because I knew there was a number of uh, uh, tutorials that were out there that were exactly what I was looking for. I wanted to see the step by step walkthrough and I came across this one particular musician. She is from Sweden with a descent from Argentina. Her father and mother are both a Argentinian. Um, she learned to play guitar at Age 12 and she mastered a style called finger style guitar. Uh, and this is as opposed to using a single two, two flat Strom. Um, she plays using all of her fingers. Um, and it's, it's not an uncommon style, but it's a difficult style to master because when you listen to her play, she plays literally four different parts at one time, which I think is extraordinary. Uh, her name is Gavin Eloqua Vedo. Uh, she can be found at Gabrielle and nine, seven, nine, seven on youtube. Um, she's done a series of youtube videos, um, of all types of music. Um, she's done red hot chili peppers. She's done the eagles, she's done Aba. Uh, she's done Eric Clapton, just a fantastic sound. It's, it's such a, almost hypnotizing melodic sound listening to her play, especially pieces that, you know, I'm not a musician or a guitarist myself, but I know some of these pieces are rather difficult to play like Hotel California. And she literally plays three parts in hotel called the flat. Um, so it's, it's something to listen to. It struck me to the core listening, listening to her. Uh, she does have one album out on iTunes a that is a collection of her work. I would highly recommend looking her up and at least appreciating some of the work that she's done on youtube. Um, I was very, very satisfied with the search that I did and the purchase I did cause I listen to two songs on youtube and had to go out and find the up and buy it. So, but that's it

Speaker 5:

from my insightful pick. Who, do you have any final thoughts here? Well, we're getting ready to get into a convention season and toy show season, so I think that'll be something to listen for in our future. Uh, podcasts. Yes, it will be. That is always a fun time of year for us. Absolutely. But I think that will do it for us today. Thank you for joining me, dear. Thank you as always. And we'll talk to you all next week. Okay. Bye.

Speaker 1:
