onward. upward. // Lamb School // Purdue University //

Career Spotlight: Integrated Communications

Joshua Dexter-Wiens Season 2 Episode 22

Hello listeners. I have been very fortunate to have Jordan Lott interning with onward upward this year. One of the tasks I added to her to-do list was creating a list of potential interviewees for the show.

When we talked about this particular guest, I could sense some excitement. The guest works in healthcare, and that is also an interest for Jordan. So, for today’s episode, I turned over the mic.

Jordan has done a wonderful job interning with me this year, and she did a wonderful job guest-hosting for the podcast. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I did. 

Without further ado, onward.upward’s first guest-hosted episode. Jordan Lott’s chat with Maureen Richmond, Vice President for Integrated Communications for Bon Secours Mercy Health. Enjoy!

Maureen's LinkedIn Profile