onward. upward. // Lamb School // Purdue University //

Biz Com with WOM with Dr. Josh Boyd

March 18, 2020 Season 2 Episode 30

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Some quick context about this episode.

When I started the podcast last year, I was on the lookout for potential guests and realized that one of my former students, Melanie DeFilippis, started her own PR firm. We chatted about her experience, and you’ll find that episode under the title “Founding a Public Relations firm” on September 25, 2019. 

That interview was the tipping point for Melanie to develop her own podcast. It’s called Biz Com with W.O.M. W.O.M. is the acronym for Melanie’s PR firm, Word of Mouth.

One of Melanie’s first guests was our very own Dr. Josh Boyd, Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator in the Lamb School here at Purdue. 

The link to Melanie’s podcast is below in the show notes as well as the link to her PR firm’s website.

I hope you enjoy this cross-posted episode. You’ll find a similar episode, with me as the guest, posted March 4 of 2020. 

Without further ado, Melanie DeFilippis' BizCOM with W.O.M. presents “Communication, Crisis Management and Sports Public Relations with Dr. Josh Boyd.