Ask A Spiritual Director

Pandemic Series Part 2: How do I deal with people who think differently than me about this pandemic?

May 06, 2020 Kimberly Pelletier & Samuel Ogles Season 2 Episode 22

In this special episode we explore the question about how to deal with the the people who think differently than us about the global pandemic - whatever your opinions may be.  Sit with us as we explore this frustration and outrage so many are experiencing throughout the US and the globe as leaders make varying decisions and individuals have their own opinions. 

Your hosts:
Kimberly Pelletier
Samuel Ogles
Sam's Enneathing You Need newsletter about the Enneagram in and for real life:

Add your question to be explored on the episode at:

Email us with your thoughts, reflections, or disagreements at We always love to hear from you.