4D Human Being Podcast

EP17: Relational Patterns

4D Human Being Season 1 Episode 17

In this episode we’ve got both of the Waller sisters on the show at the same time talking about relationship patterns. As identical twin sisters Philippa and Penelope Waller  know a lot about understanding the self through relationship. And the truth is that whether we or not we are a twins, in a romantic partnership, or on only child, we are always in relationship. And always have been. We are shaped by the relationships we are in because we do not live in a bubble. We exist within two contexts, the environment and our shared culture. Today’s episode consider how the people in our lives and the relational patterns we form with them are constantly shaping who we are and who we will become. To quote Jacob Moreno, one of the 20th century’s foremost advocates of human interaction defined his fellow human beings as the following: “Man is a relational being.”