Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi

TMWT Episode 017 - Q&A

July 10, 2019 Tzvi Hilsenrath, LCSW Season 1 Episode 17

TMWT Episode 017 - Q&A

Welcome to Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi: Personal Growth, Mental Health, and Interesting Ideas. We're a podcast where we explore ways we can heal from the past, grow in positivity in the future, and find some food for thought along the journey.

In this week's episode, we answer your questions, and talk about pirate ships, Joe Camel, and simplification.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.” - Mark Twain

In this episode of Thoughtful Mind with Tzvi:

  • What did pirate crews know that we didn't?
  • How electronic cigarettes harm your health
  • Why does social media make politics more divisive? 
  • Where do personal values and social media interact?
  • Who gains in a dominance hierarchy? 
  • When is it safe to start using vapes?

Mentioned Resources:

  • The NEJM article about cancer rates can be found here
  • You can read about the Surgeon General's warning concening second hand vapor here

Connect with Tzvi:

Thanks for tuning in! 

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