Bonsai Stuff

Season 3 Episode 2 - Perspective

Bonsai Matsu - Scott Martin Season 3 Episode 2

The beauty of any artwork is from the perspective of the viewer. In this podcast I discuss the  perspective of not just you but other bonsai artists and enthusiasts and how we can use this to not only improve our bonsai but view them differently too, in a positive way. Sometime familiarity with design techniques can lead to simply brushing off an artists work as repetitive but it's not. It simply means the approach to the design process is consistent. 

I don't think there is a right or wrong, just a different perspective. BUT, when it comes to design and horticultural principles, horticulture always wins. 

Enjoy the podcast!

That Wonderful State
A podcast about being an artist from a practical perspective. The series will...

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