Born Fabulous

Season 2, Episode 2, Part 2: Interview with Tim Harris & Ashten Mizell-"The Highs and Lows of Friendship....and a Wedding!"

Greta Harrison Season 2 Episode 2

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spk_0:   0:01
Hello, My name is Greta Harrison. Welcome to Born Fabulous Podcast Episode two of Season two. The thing for this season is changing the world one friendship at a time. You will hear interviews with best friends where one person happens to have a disability and the other does not. This episode is the second part of my interview with Tim Harris and his best friend, Ash In My Cell. Tim is famous for owning Tim's Place, a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and hugs. Tim is now a successful keynote speaker. He is 34 loves to travel and values his numerous friendships and a very unique way Tim has Down Syndrome. Aston My cell is 33. She is a proud wife and mother of three young Children. You will also hear that she's a very good friend. Please enjoy the short clip of love is a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller.

spk_1:   1:30
Thank you.

spk_0:   1:46
Did you have any experiences with people who have different abilities before Tim?

spk_2:   1:51
I did not. I did not. I did not have any experience with, um, or anybody that I knew. I'm over been Tim. And so, Tim, it's kind of my first relationship in first person that I knew. And but not anymore. Now

spk_0:   2:12
you have a whole tribe with Tim, don't you?

spk_2:   2:14
I have a whole tribe. No. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Trade him for the world the way you know. And Ashton, what is

spk_0:   2:23
your view of how school would have been even better if more people had been included? How do you think that?

spk_2:   2:30
What? I just really feel like I mean, Tim has totally changed my entire life. My entire outlook on life, Um, our family's entire outlook on life. Anybody that knows me knows about 10 and how he's impacted that. So I just It's science me because I do feel like if more people got the opportunity to have a friendship, have a relationship like I have got to have a tin, their lives would be changed, and I feel like so many walls will be broken down in so many prejudices and all the all the horrible things that are going on in our world today. I feel like we just disappear because Tim has truly taught me that nobody even he's more like me. Then we are different. And, um and he is. He really is and not tell. Most people are, and so I just wish our world and our schools could have that beam or included hands that kids could be more being included. More, um, be apartment can. Seriously there. People's lives are just beasts, whole much richer, like Tim's Outlook on life. Always positive. He's always happy. He's always encouraging. It's rare that you find sin, not those days. And so, um, I just think just a have more of that, like more positivity. I would just be so amazing for our schools and for kids, especially in today's culture, to have that. So I wish that it would be more of the thing

spk_0:   4:06
that was beautiful. Tim, Would you like to add anything

spk_2:   4:12
being included? People with possibilities like you more included in school that you want them to be imprudent, You know that it is fun and kind of never awesome. Which school did you have a hard time in high school? A little bit, Um, boring. All right. But now, in the whole entire school work for the tables on those people. That's right, England, especially this one over here. That's right. But I just feeling I really do. I like to. People's perceptions of 10 changed when they realized he can work in a restaurant. You know, people from high school come in and see him working there and they would see him being on Senate and they'd see him in our mascot with the eagle or high schools. They seem running around and assemblies and football games, and they see and get up and do things for Senate speeches and different things that someone homecoming king and student of the year of its not to go to college. I mean, I just think it opened up truly. I saw so many walls broken down with so many kids, Um, and eight of my friends, my friends were really kind of curious at first when I started bringing him around. He's starting lunch with lies and doing different things of us that I think people were like Action letter. What's happening here. But truly like Tim has changed all of our lives and all of their lives and and has opened up all of our eyes to just see other people with awesome abilities like Tim has, um, in what? That can do so

spk_0:   5:50
and Wayne outta one of Tim's really, really, really biggest talents is giving speeches. You are such a great great orator. You are a great speechmaker. So, um, let's talk about I think there was a time in high school when you kind of got up in front of the whole school and everybody was Tell it. Let's tell us that story about when everybody first saw Tim really being recognized by the whole school for what a good speechmaker he is. Can

spk_2:   6:23
we hear that story? E. I did something fun. It was our Pete fast, but it turned out of Jewish special nitpicks team you in a bath of our team in the whole team, voted me captain of the team and at the winter sports a severally. No, we'll withdraw the the football, the softer and all that and then introduced us came out first. So it's a captain, so I got to go out with the microphone inducement team one on one. Before I introduced my team, I talking and people in the background who we were yell out there in the background. Tonto and the whole team came out throwing many best of buzz in the crowd.

spk_0:   7:27
And they cheered for a long time, didn't they?

spk_2:   7:30
We had a team sheer before. Then we got a dozen teams here aways for hands, a pilot microphone. And then the whole entire room stood up. 10 minute standing ovation. That meant a lot to us. Home, Tyra on both sides on the whole tire fitted body. They all loved us.

spk_0:   7:54
Wow. What do you were you giving your Oh, yeah, back then, Tim. Uh, the O R. Now, since I brought it up, let's hear your Oh, yeah, Let's hear it. Really? With gusto. Let's hear it. Oh,

spk_2:   8:07
come on, Theo Again. Are you sure? I'm sure. Way. Alright, that's awesome. An Aston you were. Were you

spk_0:   8:26
there when he gave that speech?

spk_2:   8:28
I was And I Do you remember that day? I was a very, very powerful day. And I feel like that's when you know, people really started to notice Tim and his influence. And then just all those special of the athletes gun. They all became really close friends of mine. Of course, because it'd in high school. And it was just so sweet to see them in that moment they felt included. They felt like everybody else hidden in that moment. And they felt like everybody somen everybody. So everybody saw them is for it. And they were excited for them.

spk_0:   9:03
Did you ever see in your mind that Tim would go from that day to speaking before? I don't know. You've spoken before 5 10,000 people easily, haven't you, Tim?

spk_2:   9:15
I did. I also in a b egg speeding. You met in 2015.

spk_0:   9:22
Okay, tell us about that.

spk_2:   9:24
It was in front of the whole entire world at the world personally. Games in Los Angeles? Yeah, It was like over a 1,000,000,000 people watching on TV and over millions in the crowd. And who told you to come get him? Um, or the 1,002,014. Before the games, before the morning, it was President Barack Obama feel he gave a speech to all that and about second base in all the time and ugly all the other athletes talk about them. Man him. Imagine me Imagine my place way. He never got to go. Go try it. out, but he didn't, he said. She said, Hate if I didn't get you coming up there for a hope and you got to hold hut Michelle Obama. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. I Tim used to be a very shy high school way in. To see him now is incredible. I mean, truly, he can get up and he can work a crowd. And for him, honey presidents and president's wives, it's seriously amazing and just goes to show that there's no boundaries when there's just no boundaries. Yeah,

spk_0:   10:54
that's very cool. There's no boundaries. And that video, I'm pretty sure is Ah, on ah, Season one on your, uh, your page there that we have for your family. But if it's not, I will make sure it's on this. This one. It should. But I'm pretty sure it's on Season one so everybody can see President Obama asking Tim for a hug and Tim going

spk_2:   11:16
up getting it. That was pretty

spk_0:   11:18
cool. That was that, Tim, you are a rock star. You really, really are. So, um, let's go on to Tim. Did you have any close friends before Ashton who did not have different abilities? Did you?

spk_2:   11:36
I had my mom best friends back when I was a kid. Like family, friends, family friends, like asking Fate was my best friend since kindergarten. Different kiddo. What homecoming queen was in my childhood, too? Yes. Way before Even I didn't have a best friend named Derek. Went down here with my always kidding. Yes. Tim went to the same elementary, middle and then high school with a lot of the same kids that were high school. So they ming really little. I did have a best friend. He was named. His name was Patrick Matheson. And so, in a weird doing for him, score isn't Kid came from behind. Took me for my the bath, my backpack on the strap and driving me away Drive me away somewhere. And my friend, my best Fred picked up a rock in Kneel him with a rock. Wow. That's a good friend. Yeah, we're almost home. He did that. Those No. No. He was driving me and told me we were home from school. He stuck up for you, my friend. Traffic Today I don't think you think you can hear. Tim's never struggled with friends. Todo has a lot of friends best friends, don't you? I haven't. Yeah,

spk_0:   13:16
but that's a great example to of how friends do stick up for each other. Yeah, that's that's that's really cool. And, um, let's talk about how Tim has been there for the most important parts of your life. Fashion. I mean, we've got no wedding kids. You've got lots of milestones. So let's hear those

spk_2:   13:39
stories. You you know, Tim has been through so much with me. Um, and one of those was dating, and Tim was always kind of my go to like when I was dating somebody in high school. Like Tim. When we think about him, do you Black Inman? What? All Of course, most die attempt at 10. Say, Oh, yeah, I like him. But, um, how they interact It was always just a big a big thing for me and how Tim got along with them. So when I met Nat's instantly, that and Tim have this amazing connection. And, um, I knew one of the ways I knew that was the one was he called him to hang out with Tim without me than their way. We're married Tuesday. Um, but when I knew I wanted to marry that there was a story that goes back to high school in Tim and I were driving home one day, and there was a time that Tim thought that him and I were gonna be married, and so we had to have that conversation. I'm with his parents and just talk about how I was more like a sister or a best friend that I would be a partner or a wife to Tim. And so I remember it's clear as day you're driving home from work one day and 10 cent action. If I don't get to marry you, can I be the one that has your husband? The rain on your wedding day? And I said yes. And so, of course, and some. Sure enough, on our wedding day, we got married in Cancun until I 24 2000 to go in there and see we made of a shirt that king of the Ring. And so he was right there next to that and gave Matt my wedding ring and one of those really special things. So something that Tim has really taught us is, as you can hear, Tim calls everybody his best friends and that is truly home. And I have wanted to live our lives. And that's how we wanted our wedding to be. He didn't want to have a maid of honor or a best man and bridesmaids groomsmen. We really wanted everybody to know how special and important that they are. So me truly made everybody our best friend. You made everybody best men, and everybody made him honors because we truly tried and want to live our lives like tinnitus. Scotus that everybody is the best friend. So that was the motto for our wedding. And it was so incredibly special. And Tim was right there to give me the route. Give that my ring and a great time. And so since sentence, like he said, has become Uncle Tim to our suite three kiddos and our second son, Noah, Um, we thought that he may be born with Down syndrome is so. But even before that, I knew for sure I wanted our kids didn't to be named after tim, if we were gonna be west with a baby boy. And so, you know, I had this possibility is so right. And I just knew this is meant to be in his middle name is for sure gonna be timid, be And he was born and his name is Noah. Timothy, my fellow named after long lets him, and so truly Tim has been there forever. Big milestone. He's played a huge part in in those milestones while so just in our lives in general and how mad and I truly, truly true's to live our lives like treating others the way that Tim does and considering everybody best friends and then just loving people and not seeing anything but love when Tim looks at people. So that's truly how we've chosen to live our lives and how we're hoping to raise our kids to believe the same things. So

spk_0:   17:22
wow, and let's hear your take on all of this. What were your feelings on the wedding? And when your name say, Noah was born? Noah Timothy, why don't you talk about those moments?

spk_2:   17:35
No. First rate special with no it born after Lewis and my part in my apartment with him with the Freeh Usher e got to hold him for the first time after you gonna in October? Yeah. What did you think when we sent you the video. He was named after you. I got so excited, I cry. Oh, no idea. No idea. It was way special. Oh,

spk_0:   18:05
and what about the wedding? Was that the most beautiful wedding ever?

spk_2:   18:09
See my best win Wait there with awesome. Yeah. No, I want her to be with Matt. Matt is awesome. Reviews came a best friend of my two e

spk_0:   18:22
o. How did you like being king of the ringtone

spk_2:   18:27
e? I haven't storage here. You D'oh! Still good. So you know, he was the best team. You the ring. Hey! Oh, stage, didn't you? If I still have the frame from move from who wedding. Oh, yeah. But also we had so much fun. Are running was so special because of his four days a Cancun, Mexico career in this Always have something light and pull the trigger spikes. Yesterday it was just the star like everybody wanted to be wherever Tim Waas. So we did anything Tim was going there, huh? Forced Julia forcibly pools. He had dance party that night that it was so much fun. I had a favorite one. What? The whole wedding party We were We were We were running on a mechanical bull on you getting most beautiful speech already. Do you hear that? It was locked, but it was beautiful. It was Yes. And then he had a reception after Cancun. Way had a reception back here in Albuquerque where more of our family and friends could come. And that was a huge just celebration and party. And Tim was the star of that party. Of course. My hair part was being deejay on his phone. Yes, but not you. Tolo Deejay company s o D j from his phone. Yeah, it was awesome. So fun. So many good memories. Boo yah!

spk_0:   20:13
And 10. How is Aston been there for your important moments in your life? Things like you having to move? Um, maybe closing the restaurant. You've had so many. And I know. I mean, those are just a couple you've had, you know, highs and lows. Everything in between. You guys are besties. So how's that? How? Has asked and been there for you.

spk_2:   20:37
She's been there for me. For our human. Uh, well, I was in tears a lot. You always call me first. I thought at first that yeah, I mean, cry are you? She should really recognize me when I cried. Yeah, talk. Yeah, Who called me a lot of crying? Or or when he has something exciting. I always love when I get those messages. Ashley something huge to tell Big, so excited and he can't wait Like he'll text me that in the two seconds later, a call and then call, and then we'll call and then we'll probably get it. And then you'll start throwing that in her cold Mac and write something exciting to say. You can't move on to the next person to call before he talks to us. So I loved. I always know when I get those messages drop whatever. I'm doing a whole team right away, whether it's good or whether it's that sometimes that he's buying it to to think there's like, something more. Um, so I'm not really sure. Sometimes I'm like, Oh, it's just tip And other times I know just calling and texting be 10 times better pick up the phone, so oh, yeah, it's been really sweet, though I feel so honored that I do get to be in those moments of Tim and that he does tell me first in the tea. Also walk through the valleys and mountaintops with Tim so cash in you. Thank you

spk_0:   22:09
for listening to Season two second episode of Born Fabulous Podcast. I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more. If you would like to see this episode, it is available on YouTube and on board. Fabulous podcast dot com. The friendship between Tim and Aston is a joy to see as well as here. In Episode three, Tim and Ashton talk about some milestones in their friendship and why they call themselves siblings by choice. To see some photos and videos of Tim and Ashton or to sign up for email list, please go to www dot born fabulous podcast dot com. Please like us on Facebook, Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel were also on Pinterest. I'd be honored if you would leave a review on iTunes. Now please enjoy this clip of love. This a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller.

spk_1:   23:33