Born Fabulous

Season 2, Episode 3, Part 3 - Interview with Tim Harris & Ashten Mizelle: "Siblings by Choice"

Greta Harrison / Tim Harris & Ashten Mizell Season 2 Episode 3

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Self-advocate Tim Harris and his best friend Ashten Mizell talk about many special moments, milestones, in their friendship. Tim Harris is famous for being the first person with Down syndrome to own his own restaurant, Tim's Place. He is now a successful keynote speaker. Ashten does not have a disability. Tim and Ashten have been best friends for twenty years.
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Hello, My name is Greta Harrison. Welcome to Born Fabulous Podcast Episode three of Season two. The thing for the Season is changing the world one friendship at a time. You will hear interviews with best friends where one person happens to have a disability and the other does not. This episode is the third part of my interview with Tim Harris and his best friend asking myself. Tim is famous for owning Tim's Place, a restaurant that served breakfast, lunch and hugs. Tim is now a successful keynote speaker. He is 34 loves to travel and values his numerous friendships in a unique way. Tim has Down Syndrome. Ashton. My cell is 33. She's a proud wife and mother of three young Children. You will also hear that she's a very good and proud friend. Please enjoy the short clip of love. It's a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller.

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And you've been friends. You're 33. You're Are you each 33? Tim. With his age, he's a little bit older than me, huh? a little bit. Couple months, so But you've been friends? Probably since you were about 14. Right s. We've been friends of the other one time. One time. It's almost 20 years. 19 years? That's really your, Then we're getting old. You're getting old. You helped him on his birthday. Enjoy the cold. I remember ever a member of this year. Oh, yeah? Isn't we have a lot of fun? Birthday special. I had no idea the action came all the way down here. Interesting. Surprised me in my study through birthday and a brew. Rui Yeah, also. That's right. Have a nice clothes and buy my other best friend Arlene had her eyes over. Ma had her head over Myers that after came in and saying every birthday that I got so decided a yoga studio. And that's when you got to meet any day for the first time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You feel special there. We really have celebrated the big things in life together. Um, like birthdays, we make a big deal to surprise anyone. Time by flying out to California and surprising me for my birthday. He orchestrated this whole plan of mad, and it was really awesome. But that's something that has been really special in our friendship is it's birthdays in big events. We make it a point to motorcycles in my West. Yeah, surprise birthday party for Matt threw a surprise birthday party for me. May 25th in Tim's Place way opened up the doors of Tim's place in that role in on his motorcycle. Surprise people. Awesome. You're all hiding. We're all we're all hiding in different parts of the West. Yeah, through the walk for the walk in it. Yeah, but it's so special. Our kids think it is just the funnest thing. No, to we got to surprise him for his birthday. And just making a big deal of those moments has just been really special in our friendship. That is so cool. You all make me smile from the inside out, so well, thank you, Tim. I love you. You know that e So has your friendship extended to either family? Can you describe that? I mean, I know your friendship just radiates to anybody around you. So tell me how that this is extended to your families. Definitely. Um so for me, I kind of grew up in kind of a harder home growing up, and it was just a difficult making. We just went through a lot, and parents went through a lot. So my whole life was really hard, especially during high school and college. And so I really clung to Tim's family. And truly they became like my second family. His Paris. As you know, if you listen to the show, Jamie Harris is one of the most incredible people person on the planet, and so is Keith. They're just amazing, amazing people. And I've taught me so much about life, and so they truly embraced me into their family. Um, I sometimes call Jeannie Momma dating your mom. Mom, too, is what I always used to tell her, like in high school. And they just really made me feel a part of the family. They took me on family trips. They took me up to their family cabin. Um, we have done a lot off life together with their family, And so I'm just so grateful for them. Um, and they truly are like parents to me. So that's just been so incredibly special. And Tim has has been a huge part of my family to, um, my extended family. Everybody just loves Tim and in our story, and they just think he's such a true inspiration. And I think just the joy that he brought to my life truly. I know my parents will tell you that they notice a change in me in high school and in college. And just the relationship that you and I have had has just penetrated through every relationship I have, especially with my family. So now Matt's family to Tim plays a huge part. They all watch him on social media. I don't think God intended. Everybody just loves him force, but he's got He's played a huge part of our family, too. So would it be fair to say that you guys air siblings by choice? Totally. Oh, yeah. Yes, for sure. Tim, why don't you give us a sweet story about Ashton? It's a fortune. She would, um, get some chalk and talk over by in the driveway of I want my birthday's. Yeah, that's awesome. Yeah. What was it like? You know, I got so excited with some smoothing forks, spoons and forks, including your somebody. I used to do it myself. um, any time. I don't know how I started doing it, but I just I really do. I love celebrating. Birthday is the last celebrating big things and runs lives. And so I started sidewalk talking. I go late at night, a sidewalk chalk happy birthday on their drive. When they woke up the next day, it was school. They would see it, or if they made some sort of team or something, that happened. And so there was one time we went inside What talk tins? Driveway. And, um, it was just for me. It was like Tim was like, 81 of other right? My other friends. But I know if you ask you that genie, then they really felt like that moment when Tim walked out and saw the sidewalk track is when they felt like he was like anybody else and he was accepted and he loves people, looked and he was just like any other high school kid. So that was a really special moment. Um, but for me, it was like he was just one of my other friends. You know, I would do that. I would do what I did for Tim for any of my friends. So it was really special. Okay. Yeah. You know, and Ashton, what about you? Give us a sweet story about Tim Bosch. So many stories. There was a time last 1 to 2 years ago. We came to Albuquerque with our kiddos, and it was right before Christmas time, But we knew we weren't gonna get to see Tim because he was gonna be a sailing on his boat with his spirits. And so Tim dressed up like Santa but Mickey Mouse, like he had a Mickey Mouse stand a hat. And then you had a stand to jacket and he had a Santa stack and we showed it with presents for me and for Matt and for each of our kids. And we met at this restaurant. Shows up where this whole outfit and we drive up and he just runs out. It gives my kids the biggest hug to this day. My kids just talked about that, but Tim's just his ability look, too, you know, take the time. Like he took the time he took his own money, he went to Wal Mart. He thoughtfully like thought out what each of us would want for Christmas. Um, and it was just such a special moment. He wrapped, teach pregnant, and we sat down and opened the presents together. This restaurant. And I know there was people watching us, you know, thinking this is some great and he had to sit on his lap. Look, you Astana and we took many pictures, but it was seriously such a special moment. Like for Tim to the late through all those little details. And to make that such a magical tape for my kids, it truly was a day that they will never forget. And I won't forget this special off 10 thinks he's just very intentional. Very special. Step in. Impossible. That is such a sweet story. That is such a sweet story. And I just thought of something. Tim, you were when you were talking about your friends and you mentioned the homecoming queen was one of your friends. You were homecoming king, weren't you? It was. Why don't we talk about that moment for Aston Antony? Ashton? Did you know that he would be homecoming king? Oh, gosh. Are you kidding? Without adapted, I know you gonna be homecoming game. Oh, my God. everybody. You Tonto Popular kid, Normal school. Uh, but yeah, it was such a special moment. And just that moment is everybody saw Tim like you did anybody else. You know, the fact that they voted for him and they wanted him to be The representation of our high school was so incredibly special. Especially My especially my brother went to all his buddies to co to go to that Tamerlan vote for me. Oh, special day. One of them moments today when they announced me as a homecoming king My mom had money, had tears coming down their eyes. It is a stream of tears. They're so proud. And they they are so excited. That was a big moment. Presents. Yeah, I remember they had of winning once a student of the year. It was fun. It was a huge moment because there was there was not just kids in the room. I mean, there was parents and praying parents and everybody not to see that here is this amazing boy with these amazing abilities, and he will soon be here. I mean, she had kids, huh? 4.4 GPS. We had kids. I had a full ride scholarships to college is we had outstanding kids. We went to a really great school in high school, and Tim got packed for that. Like, truly, that says something. And it was such a special moment. I feel like for everybody in that room to see that Tim got to be that and that Walls were broken down and the people chose him over. You know, students that on paper and ensuring person were amazing, but that Tim beat all them because Tim just have this presence with people and, um, with teachers and with the administrators and everybody that he came in contact with. And so people saw that. But there I gave a speech during my graduation and put everybody into tears. Sure. Yeah. The e remember, too Well, it was times like these by the Foo Fighters. Big moments. Awesome. And where No. Go ahead. Go ahead. I remember my 10 year we union from high school. They made these elder borrow cupcakes moving the Goya, and you've got to dress up as the mascot at the reunion. Oh, so funny. It's so awesome. Here's still tons. Yeah, And you know what, Tim? You're still a good ambassador. You are for the school and for life. I think you really, really are. Thank

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you for listening to Season two's third episode of Born Fabulous Podcast. I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more. If you would like to see in this episode, it is available on YouTube and on Born fabulous podcast dot com. The friendship between Tim and Ashton is a joy to see as well as here in Episode four. Timon Ashton. Share some funny stories and talk about Tim's impact on others. To see some photos and videos of Tim and Ashton or to sign up for our email list, please go to www dot born fabulous podcast dot com. Please like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're also on Pinterest. I'd be honored if you would leave a review on apple podcasts. Now please enjoy this clip of love. It's a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four and Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller

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doesn't Yeah, yes,