Born Fabulous

Season 2, Episode 5, Part 5: Interview with Tim Harris & Ashten Mizell "Theme Song, Advice, and Long-Term Goals"

Greta Harrison / Tim Harris & Ashten Mizell Season 2 Episode 5

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Self-advocate Tim Harris and his best friend Ashten Mizell talk about their extraordinary twenty year friendship. Their journey is full of funny stories and love. In this episode they sing their friendship theme song, "Lean on Me", give some advice, and talk about their long-term goals. Tim Harris is famous for being the first person with Down syndrome to own a restaurant. Ashten Mizell does not have a disability.
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spk_0:   0:00
Hello, My name is Greta Harrison. Welcome to Born Fabulous Podcast Episode five of Season two The theme of this season is changing the world. One French a bit of time. You will hear interviews with best friends. One person happens to have a disability, and the other does not. This episode is the fifth part of my interview with Tim Harris and his best friend, Ash In My Cell. Tim is famous for owning Tim's Place, a restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch and hugs. Tim is now a successful keynote speaker. He is 34 loves to travel and values his numerous friendships in a unique way. Tim has down Syndrome, Aston My cell is 33. She's a proud wife and mother of three young Children. You will also hear that she's a very good friend. Now, please enjoy the short clip of love. It's a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four and Season one. The music and the Voice are by Rachel Fuller.

spk_1:   1:44
Oh my goodness, Yeah, that was something that you know, Another thing that I feel like plays into all of S O Tim and I I got to go the Down syndrome convention with Tim and, uh, in the S C. And we got to lead a workshop on friendship. And so will Cary. Okay, that's right. Uh, so we did. Yeah. We did it for supper, for all of kids. And we saying Carrie, Okay, But we just talked throughout our friendship and how music It's been a part of our friendship. And, um and it was septa magical time. I think that that weekend for sure changed the rest of my life because it is the most magical place I remember keeping to be telling me. Actually, just prepare yourself. You're like living in a bubble of amazing people and literally, like, you just are walking around and and everybody wants to give you a hug. I don't care what you look like. They don't care who you are. Just are so loving. So accepting it is just the most magical weekend ever. So we actually got to go to Boston and do that. That workshopping it was so much fun. And we got to have a dance party after and, um, anyway, so that yeah, that was just an amazing time for Tim and I. We got to teach. Those kids are special song D'oh Soon and I have a really special song that we like to sing together. This food in good times and in bad times always. Yep, it. Let's hear that song. Okay, so the song is called Lean on Me and it's special to Tim and I'm mostly because of the lyrics. So it talks about. You know, sometimes in our lives we all have pain. We all have trouble. We all have sorrow, but we know that there's always tomorrow that I liked. Tim has taught me is just his positivity and his attitude. There's always tomorrow. So that said, Lean on me when you're not strong and I'll be there and I'll be your friend. And so that's why this has become our song. So we'll do a little bit for you because we have some motions that Are you ready? Yeah, thank you. Wear eyes. You know that there always you know, Ro me e you're so you care are they will be Wow. God, I need obsessed T e o. I was really really, really cute. Thank you. Oh, the meaning of that song. He has needed each other in times of sorrow, in times of joy to still need on each other. And stuff like that is truly are how we live our lives of friendship together. And it's our It's our motto Thio. It's our theme song. Are some sort of, you know me well, you know each other through it all. Oh,

spk_0:   5:53
that was perfect. It was that was perfect, sensual. Have spoken about friendship. But then DSC Convention, which I think that was in Boston in about 2008 and you've been friends for almost 20 years. What advice would you have for the audience on friendship? You

spk_1:   6:15
think him A lot of people, too, have a first clinic. They meet asking someone to look up to us. Yeah, becoming best friends in Chambers and one other Western stomach sink Area B E. I think I want people to truly live by Tim's motto. You know, Tim, when he would walk in a tense place, the first thing you would see on the wall was writing That said, we are more alike than different. I'm more like you than different, and I think that that could not be more true. Tim and I are more like that. Who We are different. Tim is just like anybody else. So I wish that the world could see that. And I wish that people would open themselves up and allow people with these amazing abilities into their lives and to create these amazing friendships. We can truly change everything about your life. And so I would just say that Say, you know, open yourself up, be available. I don't see anybody is being different because truly they are more like you in different. So you mean

spk_0:   7:34
beautiful. Beautiful. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Tim, let's close your eyes and imagine your life in 10 years. Tell us about what your life looks like in 10 years. What would you like it to be

spk_1:   7:56
met? Married and doing closer to Astra. Oh, yeah. You look even your Mary. Yeah, Because are you can count on my best friend. Do always be there for me. I trust in you. Think you want to still be speaking? Yeah, Still, he's thinking in traveling. So wait, guys. Okay. Double date. T o. Hey, what's a double date? So that something Tim just told me today. He said I cannot marry anybody without that meeting you that first. So that is good home. A seal of approval. You're kidding. You wanted until they meet my best friend. That's more I. Oh, yes, there. And other kids. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

spk_0:   8:56
That only is fair, cause Ashton felt that way about Tim, right?

spk_1:   9:00
What's right? Oh, yeah. Well, them to feel the conditional. Yes. Friendships there. Yeah, We want the best for you. You know that, right? Oh, yeah. What was? Yeah, Thanks a lot With with that. Me? You weren't there when I had a broken heart. I've been there with you. Okay. Where these

spk_0:   9:22
now? Aston. Let's split the tables here. Close your eyes and imagine your best life in 10 years.

spk_1:   9:28
Gosh, I will have a 16 year old in a 14 year old and a 10 year old, so my hope is that my kids choose to be inclusive of everybody. I hope that Matt and I have done a good job of raising them in teaching them that love has no boundaries, That they should love everybody around them. Um and so I hope that they have friends that have amazing abilities. Like Tim, I hope they have made people in their schools and in their sports and whatever they're involved in B A hardened steel apart. So that is my hope and my prayer for our kids. And I pray to it's him. And I can't live close together because I want more than anything to get to do life of Tim and whoever he chooses to marry, because I think that will just be so special. And, uh, I hope that we get to have a lot more memories. And I know that Uncle Tim, I mean, the cool uncle for my kid's way got to live close. I could send my kids Uncle Tim's house. So that's my hope in my approach for the next, you know, in 10 years, I hope that we we can continue our friendship. But I hope that was the model, this friendship for my kids to see, and they have the same things in there.

spk_0:   11:02
That's beautiful, Beautiful. What did each of you wish the world knew about? People have different abilities. I know you've touched on it, but this time, when you touch on it, maybe if there's anything you'd like to see change in the world or anything. You just like to add to what you said.

spk_1:   11:21
What would be great kids? Motto sums it up. If you can dream it, you can do it. And I truly believe that Tim and I think that about the world up, people with special abilities. I think that's why Tim, it's so amazing And he gets up there, gives these speeches and he empowers people, too. Employ people with special needs. He's talked to cos he's talked to CEOs. Presidents have seen him. I think we need more of that. We need more of people getting behind that, hiring people with with these abilities and including them in schools and churches and sports and activities and school Senate. Because Tim isn't prime example of what happens when somebody gets to be included, they can thrive. And so that's my hope. And I hope that people with these amazing abilities can truly believe that model to like If you can dream it, whatever you want to do, you can do it. It is a living example of that, you know he living then shy boy, just speaking to thousands of people in impacting people every single day so truly if you can dream it, you can do it. So hear us. Wouldn't they say it if you have a child with inability or you have You're a teacher or, you know, your friend. Um, if you are somebody that has one of these amazing abilities, if you can treatment, you could do it. Appear Tim is a living example of that. And I'm so blessed because until witness that I've gotten to see him with this life. And, um, it's true. It's true to every every inch of that saying is so true Incan dream it, you can do it. So I wish the world could hear that. And I wish everybody could hear that and and see that in the you know, the judgment would go away and the prejudices would go away and, oh, the hated would go away And we could all just see each other. Like Tin sees everybody 10 sees the world through like this lens of love. I always say Tim has love glasses on all the time. That's all he's seen through the music care with some people. It's like he doesn't care. The color of my skin doesn't care how much money and make it. Doesn't care what kind of car you drive like. That's what I love about him. I could come where? Whatever. You know, I can It doesn't want her tune doesn't carry, doesn't see a And so I just wish the world had more of that. Oh, awesome. Um, you can dream it. You can do it, huh? Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Is it? Spit in your life isn't like you have a lot of big dreams. And what happened when they do, they came true and more is coming true too. That's right. You have a big future. How do you don't you? Yeah, doing actually, by here, you tell her everything. Yeah, that's right. Disney movies have always been a part of us, huh? In that close. Oh, yeah. No, wait. Disney movies go. There's always a happily ever after. Didn't you believe you, Theo?

spk_0:   14:46
Any final thoughts for either of you?

spk_1:   14:50
Rethink him. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. You think, Theo, how do you make good friends give him on advice about friendship? Fought about friendship? The burrow means more friends like me after me because I want them to know that they could have best friends to distract us off. Yeah, not that. I would say to Just be brave. Be bold, Be courageous. Let those walls fall. Any nervousness that you may have people that are different than you. Hey, this let him down because your life could be so much better. So much richer. So which work? We're in. An amazing If you just had somebody like this in your life If you let them in a way, all truly we need somebody to lean on. Life is hard and, you know, we all go through good times and bad times only made those people don't lean on And, um, Tim's just show me but compassionate. And he sees the world in such a positive way. And so I would just say kind a friend like that kind of friend who sees everything through love glasses can just be so positive and some loving it so kind and so incredibly inspirational. And only those kind of friends. Yeah. You bet right here. Oh, yeah, Your best friend. You compete for the number three spot way number 30 yeah. That

spk_0:   16:35
makes me very happy. I love that you even said that so

spk_1:   16:39
Thank you, too. Awesome. It there. Thank you. I have to

spk_0:   16:43
say for the audience Ah, you know, the motto for this season is making the world better. One friendship at a time. And I think that this time with Ashton and Tim has really shown how how their love is spreading. It's spread throughout his high school, through her the place of worship that her husband lay ds through everybody he encounters. When he speaks everybody that Ashton knows the future that she wants tohave and it's just it's it's amazing. But I also want the audience to know that you guys are the inspiration for the season and the motto because Jeannie, Tim's wonderful fabulous mother no, only the story about your wedding and how Tim's version of friendship was treating everybody like a best friend and how you carried that on to your wedding and how you treated every bride's maid as the best bridesmaid in every groups when it's the best man and I just love that so much, that was instantly the same for this season. Instantly, organically.

spk_1:   17:53
It's funny because so many people now I catch myself say, Well, that's my best friend. So, um, so that's my best friend and my best friend. Next thing you know it and people say you have a lot of best friend like, Yep. That's just the way we do things that anybody is it. That's correct. I don't just probable in you tell me that, uh, you know? Yeah. It's a wonder. Oh, yes. Best friends for life. Well, I

spk_0:   18:21
thank you for inspiring the season for inspiring everybody around you for the love that you have. I love that you ran a race today together. Even though you ran different races, you ran the half marathon, Ashton and Timber and the five K. It was the same event. And that Tim is into running. Now,

spk_1:   18:42
I do have a question

spk_0:   18:43
about the running because I know Tim is really training. Is some of that inspired by

spk_1:   18:48
Ashton? Um a little bit. Little bit? Yeah. He likes to stay active and stay fit. E do these races air fun? These races are fun. Tim has a lot of great coaches in his life that are pushing him to do some awesome stuff. So if you last two car bro, eat spaghetti in a really tight Thio. Very help punches. He's doing a great job. If you ever followed him on social media, you'll see a lot of muscle pictures and working out. And all

spk_0:   19:29
of the links for following Tim and Ashton on social media will be on their page, that's for sure. And I hope that everybody listening will want to follow them because we have two amazing individuals here. And I thank you so much for your time. You you guys are both wonderful. It's been an honor. It's been a pleasure. I love you

spk_1:   19:49
both. Thank you so much. Thank you for having us on the show. Granite. Thank you for having my best friend on the on the show to you. Yeah, it means a lot to me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Thank

spk_0:   20:02
you for sharing your friendship with world. Thank you. Bye bye. Thank you for listening to Born Fabulous Podcasts. Fifth episode of Season two. I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more. If you would like to see this episode, it is available on YouTube and on born fabulous podcast dot com. The friendship between Tim and Ashton is a joy to see a swell astir in Episode six. Ashton's husband, Matt. My cell share stories and reflections about his friendship with Tim. Their friendship is deep, and he shares some powerful, powerful thoughts. To see some photos and videos of Tim and Ashton or to sign up for our email list, please go to www dot born fabulous podcast dot com. Please like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're also on Pinterest. I'd be honored if you would leave us a review on apple podcasts. Now please enjoy this clip of love. It's a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio was the focus of episodes one through four and Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller.