Born Fabulous

Season 2, Episode 13, Part 2: Interview with Kayla McKeon & Rachel Burns, "Big Moments and More"

Greta Harrison / Kayla McKeon & Rachel Burns Season 2 Episode 13

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This is the second of a four part interview with Kayla McKeon and Rachel Burns. Kayla McKeon is famous for being the first registered lobbyist with Down syndrome. She is also a podcast host, keynote speaker, and college student. She and Rachel Burns have been best friends for approximately 18 years. Rachel does not have a disability. In this episode they will talk about some big moments in their lives. Their friendship will warm your heart.
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spk_0:   0:01
Hello, My name is Greta Harrison. Welcome to Born Fabulous Podcast Episode 13 of Season two The theme of this season is Changing the world one friendship at a time. You will hear interviews with best friends. One person happens to have a disability and the other does not. This episode is the second of a four part interview with Killer McEwen and her best friend, Rachel Burns. Kayla McEwan is famous for being the first professional lobbyist with Down Syndrome. She is the manager of grassroots advocacy for the National Down Syndrome Society. She hosts a podcast called Kayla's Corner for Nds s, which I highly recommend. She is also keynote speaker and a college student. Kayla's best friend, Rachel Burns, is a professional hair stylist and the proud mother of two sons. She and Kayla have been best friends for about 18 years. Rachel does not have a disability. In this episode, Kayla and Rachel will share some stories and discuss big moments in their lives. Please enjoy the short clip of Love is a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller. What about what about your big moments in life If you've known each other 16 years? Yeah. You had a lot of big moments. I don't care who goes first. Do you guys tell me about how you've been there for each other's big moments?

spk_2:   2:13
Huh? Um well, I read with that high school my pe s o lovely party for me and may show another one of Walcott Koko's. Our muzzle came and they made Yeah, happy to see how always happy to see the show And before I moved in was intended. When was the d. C? My best was between the hard eight, Uh, what they party over by party and the good pop look a by heart After the one hour in that a find a bunch of flat It was party to it. Yeah, that was a And again a bunch of friends came Visual change was I love seeing my friends and I love seeing Rachel no matter what right And she does by Heo and make up and so on the one with

spk_0:   3:18
eso as she because more, more famous, you'll be her stylist. Rachel. Is that the deal? Absolutely. That's pretty cool. So, basically, Kayla and what you're saying is every single moment, every single party, even though you have a lot of friends, you've got to have Rachel Bear. Exactly. Okay,

spk_2:   3:40
Like we just had Ali out. Ah, very close friend.

spk_0:   3:45
And Rachel. How is Tell me about Kayla being there for your big moments in life?

spk_2:   3:50
Well, she's always there, always. You know, she gives great advice, but, you know, my big moments, you know, when my son, you know, red with high school, you know, she made sure, you know, pass along to eight. And, you know, congratulations. Um, when my son Greg with boot camp, you know the text, You know, show me and I'll make sure you show Taylor I said congratulations and good job. Um, on baseball, on Facebook? Yeah. We have big on Facebook. Yeah, you know, So she's always if she's not there in person, she's always definitely there in spirit. And she always make sure that I tell people, you know, You don't make sure, you know I said this, make sure you know I did this. So, you know, she's always, like a very important heart, you know? Um You know, she's kind of like, you know, she gets so proud when you know, eight and graduated. And, you know, when he got accepted to us, we go, you know, uh, you know, So it's always nice to have, you know, her there to say the job, you know,

spk_0:   4:48
can you think of any special, Like, a moment that stands out to you is the sweetest moment with each other

spk_2:   5:00
sweetest moments. Well, I know my most exciting moment. Um, that was when you pulled up with your mom in the parking lot, and you were driving because driver's license, you know, that was that was really, like, I was very proud of that home. And I was like, Wow, you did it, you know? Yeah,

spk_0:   5:19
that's there. Well, that's a sweet moment. Yeah, that s That's a That's a lifestyle. That's a That's a milestone.

spk_2:   5:26
Absolutely. Yes. Like when she pulled in, I was like, Oh, my goodness. Look who's driving. I was every Saturday.

spk_0:   5:37
Look at world Kayla's driving, but nobody wants to drive in D. C. Right, Kayla? Nobody.

spk_2:   5:45
So on.

spk_0:   5:48
And so, Kayla, can you think of it? That's a wonderful example. Kayla, can you think of, ah, super sweet moment that

spk_2:   5:55
when we talk about via Liam on heaven, the connection with him I want to feel like I have much stronger connected with Rachel into me of a sweet Because there's so many ways that I can connect with, um, Smiley. Riley. Um and it is this nickname, but you get Smiley Riley's his nickname. And, uh, so those heartless my violin puts aspired to my fades. These have no connection to the dozens of community that way.

spk_0:   6:26
And how old is Riley?

spk_2:   6:28
He is six. He just turned 16 in September. Yeah. Oh, yeah.

spk_0:   6:33
That's very sweet. I like that. So that so? Obviously when Riley was born, that was a big deal to you to write. Kayla? Yes. Yeah. And so scale. Are you kind of like an ant?

spk_2:   6:46
No, it is a strong advocate and a friend. And then looking forward. Immunity. Riley? Yeah. Okay. I got a chance to meet right with. Yet Reilly live in your town heights outside of New York City. My nephew,

spk_0:   6:59
though that's I'm sorry. That's why she said that she wants to meet Riley.

spk_2:   7:03
That I

spk_0:   7:04
Gotcha. I gotcha. So you're like, ok, from afar. You would like to be like an ant someday, right? Someday. Someday. Okay, that's pretty cool. Yeah, that's pretty neat. And so what about a funny story? Can you think of a funny story, Kayla. So bubbly on. She's been in so many kind of situation she's got There's got to be a funny story, you know that when you just can't stop laughing type moment. That's what.

spk_2:   7:36
Actually, when she's brutally honest, um, that'll settle. Get me or, you know, we'll be having a conversation and chill. Just tell you really what she thinks of you. And it just it will take you back for a second, and then you're like, That's actually really funny. And there's so many of those in our regular conversations that, yeah, I can't really put, like 10.1 again. Take one. Yeah, it's

spk_0:   8:02
before audio take is who Who do you think it's funniest Rachel or Kayla? Who? Which one of you? Sunny?

spk_2:   8:08
I would say me, i e

spk_0:   8:13
So you both agree. Okay. So right, so you're the funniest. Okay.

spk_2:   8:18
Yeah, Well, I think we're tied, I think. Yeah,

spk_0:   8:22
well, you might not have to be quite a serious for your job is Kayla has to be for her

spk_2:   8:27
job that times. That's true. Correct. That is absolutely correct. She has more serious job a little bit. I get to have a little bit more fun and you know, a little more you're more lenient to and I But I can't be right, right?

spk_0:   8:43
That's that's funny. And how has how have you changed each other's lives?

spk_2:   8:50
Um, you know, I think for me again it goes back to be reminded to always be kind, you know, and just be accepting of people and just know that we're all different. But we're the same, you know, And just to remember, you don't ever know what somebody's going through or what their story is. So always try to be kind when I got to say, like, when you really know your nez, um, about any. So on topic that does making a connection. Having those booed early on is communications. There is another way of ah that bind you

spk_0:   9:32
having brutally honest communications. That's true friendship, isn't it? Yes. Yeah, that's that's a great way to put it. If you think about music, what do you and this might be a hard question. But what do you think Might be a good song for you guys?

spk_2:   9:50
Way, way, opportunity. My wings. Was that Is that the name of

spk_0:   10:00
all the wind beneath my wings? Is

spk_2:   10:03
that I don't think that what I mean. It would be fitting, but yeah, little court. Oh, uh um I don't know, kill you because you have no idea. It's

spk_0:   10:16
okay. That's alright. What have I'll give you an easier one? You Rachel described Kayla in one word. Beautiful. Oh,

spk_2:   10:27

spk_0:   10:28
Kayla, Describe Rachel in one word.

spk_2:   10:31
Unique. Oh,

spk_0:   10:34
very, very interesting. Yeah. Beautiful and unique. It makes a great friendship, doesn't

spk_2:   10:40
it? Does? Yeah. Nothing that makes me laugh. Visto finish each other's sentences. You always say something in your head. Yes, it happens a lot.

spk_0:   10:53
That's great. Have there been times when she's been traveling and you've been thinking of each other and one of you context to the other and you go, I was just thinking of you. Has that had That's cool. That's really nice that thank you for listening to Born Fabulous Podcasts. 13th episode of Season two. I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more if you would like to see this episode. It is available on YouTube and on Born fabulous podcast dot com. The friendship between Kaylan Rachel is a joy to see as well as here. An episode 14. Kayla and Rachel will talk about mottoes, goals and advice to see some photos and videos of Kill and Rachel were to sign up for email list. Please go to www dot born fabulous podcast dot com. Please, like a some Facebook. Follow us on Instagram. Find us on Twitter at podcast Born and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're also on Pinterest. I'd be honored if you would leave a review on apple podcasts. Now please enjoy this clip of love. It's a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller

spk_1:   12:20
doesn't yes,