Born Fabulous

Season 2, Episode 15, Part 4: Interview with Kayla McKeon & Rachel Burns, "Kayla's Employment Journey"

June 05, 2020 Greta Harrison / Kayla McKeon & Rachel Burns Season 2 Episode 15

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This is the last of a four part interview with Kayla McKeon and Rachel Burns. Kayla McKeon is famous for being the first registered lobbyist with Down syndrome. She is also a podcast host, keynote speaker, and college student. She and Rachel Burns have been best friends for approximately 18 years. Rachel does not have a disability. In this episode they will talk about Kayla's extraordinary and unique employment journey.
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spk_0:   0:00
Hello, My name is Greta Harrison. Welcome to Born Fabulous Podcast at the sewed 15 of Season two. The theme of this season is changing the world one friendship at a time. You will hear interviews with best friends. One person happens to have a disability and the other does not. This episode is the last of a four part interview with Kayla McEwen and her best friend, Rachel Burns. Kayla McEwan is famous for being the first professional lobbyist with Down Syndrome. She is the manager of grassroots advocacy for the National Down Syndrome Society. She hosts a podcast called Kayla's Corner for an DSS, which I highly recommend choose. Also keynote speaker and a college student. Kayla's best friend, Rachel Burns, is a professional hair stylist and the proud mother of two sons. She and Kayla have been best friends for about 18 years. Rachel does not have a disability. In this episode, Kayla and Rachel will talk about Kayla's interesting employment journey. Please enjoy the short clip of Love is a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio, who was the focus of episodes one through four and Season one. The music and voice are by Rachel Fuller when you guys met at the salon. Kayla, how did you even end up at the salon? Did you just want a work there? Did I mean, how did this even happen? A job. Your first job. Everybody likes to hear about a first job. Let's hear about your first job.

spk_2:   2:12
That living in limbo. Well, you were 16. So I'm gonna assume it was your first. Yeah, it was when I was a little baby and my mom was in her hair. Done. Oh, well, not baby, but baby ich want to sigh. My mom was getting her hair done by another one of all coworkers. Done. And I always went with the hall in the book. In my hand. Do you love in mammals than ever to get up? And that's why I'm a vision. When I was like, you'll go then I friends she had been coming to the salon for years with your mom is actually this is a way for us mad, you know? I can't remember. How about was they much jungle and succeed? But it was 60 when I got my first position with Parker out. See, um oh, I think I was feeding cake questions. As near that time, we were both said and then turned out. Well, because I started working there after that. Yeah. Then that our boss viable. You always know what's going on today. Were we doing today? Right.

spk_0:   3:29
So I want to make sure I understand this, right? You got the job on your own. You just went there and asked

spk_2:   3:36
pretty much,

spk_0:   3:37
very much. You didn't have toe. Have anybody intervene for you?

spk_2:   3:42

spk_0:   3:43
You did not have a job, coach?

spk_2:   3:46
No, Just me and my mom. My mom was getting her hair done. I asked, Can't borrow Curry, Will Keogh. And then they go, Oh, yeah, the go through, You know, the questions. And the Ohio in quasi as And if you would, just off our It was poor fat. Yeah.

spk_0:   4:05
Okay, well, that's that's pretty cool.

spk_2:   4:08
I love that end. Like a nice deal when I don't get my hair done. I'm always heading above with me. Always a book. Always. There was always some sort of fucking for not school working out. Uh, and the last time I think Giovanna one of great risk over cause what was killed was a book

spk_0:   4:33
Well, that's why you are such a good student, right?

spk_2:   4:37
20 months? Yeah, I just did it.

spk_0:   4:39

spk_2:   4:39
brought all, friend? Yes.

spk_0:   4:42
Yeah, that's really cool. And so that's that's your first job. Now, how about you worked there for such a long time?

spk_2:   4:51
What, you

spk_0:   4:53
14 years, Which is a really long time to stay at your first place of employment for a young person. So that's really cool. But you did that. And then you went to Andy Assess. They asked you to work for them. How did that?

spk_2:   5:07
Well, I am other jobs before I came within before he has aspired me on. But I also does the post And for some time because they understand that Meego. And then I was a model more. And I was allowed formula with the host says So I got to see people. So I was on a Sunday when it was that is busy at Yes, and I had no idea Rachel was coming in and she said, One of my co se with at that time I think that they are able to food. Juan was in a while. Only I find this you out. Can I leave a bit of our over the bag. And, like, of course, so they but also whole. And I think it was your son wasn't right. I think beaten was with me. Yeah, host at eight. I was with the hall and other neighborhoods, so them hope food. They acceptable coffee now and then was a coffee that you were taking himself? No.

spk_0:   6:14
And how old were you, Rachel? I mean, how old were you, Kayla,

spk_2:   6:18
Um what was it with five years ago? I wanted to say, you know, So you

spk_0:   6:23

spk_2:   6:24
It wasn't the legal drinking. And

spk_0:   6:25
she was of legal drinking

spk_2:   6:28
when she said my most. Yes,

spk_0:   6:32
that's cute. So Okay, so you had after you left the salon. You had a few other jobs. But how did Andy ss even know about you? How did they know about you?

spk_2:   6:44
But that was about to with nds that and especially in the text we have here died. We go up on the hill you can vote on the hill to talk about was important to waas. What, and talk about employment. So when I was interning for my love for Congressman John Kericho, um for two years was I would say that Lively informed me in this capacity because he let me into a won't have a discussion about employment and the disability in the workforce. I have no idea was India's us at all? I just love president than if me, too, as media work for them. So they were more talking to my mother that point I'm the doctor. To me, that's a hall. So when I came over, I was actually work with them and because I haven't had that my own before, was all new and didn't know what's expected of me. So I'm I needed the experience to do that. So I was living with my boss in the time, and it was I think there were a couple like 56 months at least that that's when I can My goodbye Hardy. Before I moved to D. C. To a that the dog for time. And then I I got homesick. So I came back and no, the best of both was work with nds as I level all the time. But I'm saying, Oh, and this is the best on this way I can see Rachel is that I can see all my friends and family because I missed my soldier life, he and deal you pretty much. And this is the bats where I can do both.

spk_0:   8:40
That is a cool story, Kayla.

spk_2:   8:43
Thank you.

spk_0:   8:43
That is a very cool story. And so when you were Inter, you were interning with the congressman. Is that what you were doing?

spk_2:   8:51
Yes. I endeavored carpets in a dark take of the 24th district and where I did love the office duties and attended assistant of our was on his behalf and before became a lot bs he has to go to is reelection campaign and party, which was really cool, by the way. Um, but those with was on May friends that way too, and then and wait. But we're here to give this speech. He was stuck in the elevator taking this selfie, making that Oh, I'm sorry. The firemen here coming, but you waas Mata Vaca. But anyway, you were, and it was Children. It was Wow. And that's how I like to say that there's no I in my foot. Well, with politics to begin, well,

spk_0:   9:54
that is so really all of these opportunities that you've had you kind of made them for yourself. Yeah, pretty much and say that's That's a powerful example for everybody. Because I think, as you know, we live in a world where a lot of people think that the example you gave in high school or you had to hold the hand in high school.

spk_2:   10:20
Yeah, world. Yeah.

spk_0:   10:23
Yeah. We live in a world where a lot of employers think I have to have this job, coach and I have to have them more than and I'm not anti job coach. So I want to say that, but sometimes job coaches air there too much. And so that's what so years giving such a great example of how you just made this path yourself. Now you have a strong family, and I know you have a good education behind you, so I'm not negating any of that. But, Kayla, you were a force.

spk_2:   10:54
I just I lose my job.

spk_0:   10:58
I don't even think you have to try. I think it's you. I think it's in you. It's your spirit.

spk_2:   11:05
No. Yeah. You know what? And I think really like your parents, um never allowed you to use Down syndrome is an excuse you know, it was always, you know, that's just part of her. She can do whatever you know, and they pushed you Go do it, you know? Yeah. Which I look at? Yeah, absolutely. And with, you know, when my nephew Riley was born with down syndrome, you know, it was I. I took that and it was like, You know what? I'll tell my sister in law's a lot like Don't do it, you know? It's It's fine, you know, like you. You know, he's capable of what he said. He sympathised. Exactly. He's capable. Look in that aspect. I think it's helping me now with my nephew just by how your parents raised you, you know? So I think that's really been helpful. You really had on my pants on the bus. He really Are they really? I love, love, love the support and everything they do for me. They have my back over and Hemo said, and I get that back to them way. I have go back 100 temple sign.

spk_0:   12:13
Well, they have your back, you have their back. And I think you treat your friends like that too, right?

spk_2:   12:18
I do. Yet

spk_0:   12:20
Yeah, That's really that's just really cool. So have I missed some anything? Is there anything you can think of that I have missed about you guys either individually or your story together?

spk_2:   12:36
I know. I don't think so. No,

spk_0:   12:40
you guys are awesome.

spk_2:   12:42
So you you

spk_0:   12:43
are really, really good. Kayla, you are a professional. And, Kayla, you are the Onley guessed that I've had. Now I have a very short career so far doing this, But I can even think in the near future you the only guest who's actually got their own podcast that I

spk_2:   13:01
fit and

spk_0:   13:01
a hat. And so and you've had some very, very interesting pockets. So people listen first. I want to tell you if you've missed it. One of the great things about her podcast is she's They're short there about 15 minutes, and they're so impactful. They're always with some very influential people who are making a difference in the world, whether it's in government or in their business life or on the board of envious s. And they're very important. So, Kayla, you're just you're just changing the world every single day with your smile, just like Mary Tyler Moore has your smile. So thank you. Thank you for listening to Born Fabulous Podcasts. 15th episode of season two I hope you enjoyed it and want to hear more. If you would like to see this episode, it is available on YouTube and on born fabulous podcast dot com The friendship between Kayla and Rachel is a joy to see as well as here. In Episode 16 you will meet intelligent live star Micah feel ca Feldman and his best friend Tory Cedar. To see some photos and videos of Kayla and Rachel or to sign up for email list to please go to w w w dot born fabulous podcast dot com please. Like a some Facebook. Follow us on Instagram, find us on Twitter at podcast born and subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're also on Pinterest. I'd be honored if you would leave a review on apple podcasts. Now, please enjoy this clip of love is a potion. The lyrics are by Melissa Regio was the focus of episodes one through four in Season one. The music and voice or by Rachel Fuller