The ROAMies Podcast

How to Not Have Your Cat Fling Saliva on You During Your Travels.

December 24, 2020 The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 93


What to Pack when traveling with Pets


  • Bring some comforts of home (usual toys, food, bedding)
  • Use a carrier 
  • Read up on policies before hand (some pets can only be transported in the cargo hold while others allow you to bring a pet as your carry-on item)
    • If transported in a cargo hold ask to watch you pet being loaded and unloaded
    • Notify at least one flight attendant (if the captain knows they take special precautions)
    • Don’t ever ship brachycephalic animals such as pekingese dogs, bulldogs, or persian cats in the cargo holds as they are vulnerable to oxygen deprivation and heat stroke
  • Make sure the pet is wearing their ID tags
  • Keep their medical records with you and bring a first aid kit in case of an emergency 
    • medications, if needed 
    • Formal health certificate from your vet (many airlines require one)
  • Clip their claws prior to the trip
  • Waste bags
  • Leash/Harness/Collar (make sure it can’t get caught on the doors)
  • Food and treats with collapsible bowls (for water too)
    • Do not feed for four to six hours before the trip 
  • Towel
  • Travel blanket
  • Grooming supplies (click the nails before hand to prevent getting hooked in things)
  • Use direct flights (avoid mistakes during transfers and possible delays in getting your pet off of the plane)
  • Carry a current photograph (in case your pet gets lost)
  • Litter box if traveling in the car

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Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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