The ROAMies Podcast

Are You Prepped for a Shaky Quakey?

The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 99

Before the next earthquake, get together with your family or housemates to plan now what you will do before, during and after. Once the earthquake is over, we will have to live with the risk of fire, the potential lack of utilities and basic services, and the certainty of aftershocks. By planning now, you will be ready. This plan will also be useful for other emergencies.
The FEMA website Provides additional  checklists from everything to cybersecurity, to chemical emergencies to bioterrorism
In most every potential disaster they list, they instruct us to:
* Build an Emergency Supply Kit. ( including digital versions of all your important documents )
* Make a Family Emergency Plan.
So make sure each family member has an emergency supply go bag that is easy to get to and easy to grab at home, car and work- and that all members know the plan, you will be equipped for most anything that comes your way.
Inspect your home for possible hazards, including the following:
* Are walls securely bolted to the foundation?
* Are wall studs attached to the roof rafters with metal hurricane clips, not nails?
* Fix any potential weaknesses in your building
* Do you know where and how to shut off utilities at the main switches or valves?
* Arrange furniture so that chairs and beds are away from windows, mirrors, and picture frames.
* Place heavy or large items on lower shelves.
*Secure your large appliances, especially your water heater, with flexible cable, braided wire, or metal strapping.
Identify top-heavy, free-standing furniture, such as bookcases and china cabinets, that could topple over.
* Secure your furniture by using one of two methods.
    1. “L” brackets, corner brackets, or aluminum molding, to attach tall or top-heavy furniture to the wall.
    2. Eyebolts, to secure items located a short distance from the wall.
* Install sliding bolts or childproof latches on all cabinet doors.
* Are poisons, solvents, or toxic materials stored safely?
* Store all hazardous materials such as poisons and solvents–
    * in a sturdy, latched or locked cabinet
    * in a well-ventilated area
    * away from emergency food or water supplies
Additional tips on Preparing your Hous
* Practice “drop, cover, and hold on.”
* Keep shoes and a working flashlight next to each bed. 
* Identify safe spots in every room, such as under sturdy desks and tables.
* Learn how to protect yourself no matter where you are when an earthquake strikes.
* Get a fire extinguisher for your home. Your local fire department can train you and your family to use it properly.
* Teach everyone in your household to use emergency whistles and/or to knock three times repe

Thanks for your ongoing support!
Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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