The ROAMies Podcast

ADDENDUM: The Perfect Carry On if Traveling with Infants and Kids

The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 92

Prep all this now, while you have time at home. Everything here you'll also want on hand if you have an emergency. So prep now when you're not in emergency mode. Feeling prepared makes us all feel happy. :)


In the carry-on bag:

  • Diapers (for two days’ and nights’ worth just in case)
  • Wipes ( a lot of them)
  • A changing pad
  • 2 bibs
  • 3 baby blankets (use them to burp or cover up while breastfeeding)
  • 2 bottles (if you use them)
  • A change of clothes for your baby (pajamas even for comfort)
  • An extra t-shirt for you (throw up happens)
  • Large ziploc bags to store dirty clothes in 
  • Several pacifiers (if your baby uses them)
  • Food: 
    • 2 small jars of baby food per meal
    • Snacks if your baby is eating solids
    • Easy to eat snacks for you
    • Formula if you’re not breastfeeding
  • Favorite toys/books + brand-new ones 
  • Infant acetaminophen or ibuprofen (depending on baby’s age)
  • Antibacterial wipes
  • Chargers for cell phone/electronic devices
  • Earplugs to hand out to your neighbors 

In the baby’s suitcase:

  • Diapers and wipes
  • Diaper cream
  • Baby wash
  • Baby lotion
  • Sunscreen (for baby’s)
  • Infant nail clippers (if away for more than a week)
  • First-aid kit: 
    • Any medications your baby might need
    • Bandages
    • Antibiotic ointment
    • Pediatrician’s number
    • Outlet covers for baby proofing
  • Breast pump + storage for milk/formula
  • Baby food (a few jars)
  • Portable cooler and ice packs 
  • A bottle brush to clean
  • Infant utensils
  • Ziplock bags to store snacks 
  • Clothes, socks, bottles or shoes (all weather-specific)
    • Pack two outfits for each day you’ll be away + two extra ones
  • Lightweight stroller or baby carrier
  • Car seat 
  • Portable feeding seat (if your baby is sitting up and eating solids)
  • Monitor (if your baby will be sleeping in another room)
  • Playmat


In your own carry-on:

  • Wallet 
    • Credit cards
    • Small cash
    • Insurance card
    • Travel membership cards
  • ID (driver’s license or passport for you and the kids)
  • Cell phone + chargers
  • Boarding passes for all (or use airline app)
  • Itinerary (printed in folder or with an app)
  • Glasses and/or contact lenses
  • Valuables (jewelry camera)
  • Electronic devices + chargers
  • Car keys (of leaving vehicle at airport parking garage)
  • Reading material 
  • Prescription medication for all
  • Antibacterial wipes 
  • Empty water bottle 
  • Snacks

Thanks for your ongoing support!
Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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