The ROAMies Podcast

PREP=PEACE. DOCUMENT AND EMERGENCY PLANNING CHECKLISTS that will simplify your on-the-go life.

The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 97

Financial Preparedness : 
INSURANCE -review existing policies and make sure all types of insurance are current and up to date.
INSTALL AND CHECK ALARMS: Smoke, carbon monoxide, and natural gas  on every level of your home and close to bedrooms.  Know your alerts and warnings. Download the FEMA app to stay informed.
EVACUATION PLANS - mentioned in a previous episode.
FAMILY COMMUNICATIONS : Your family might not be together when disaster strikes, so plan where you will meet and how you will contact each other. Especially when cel phones aren’t working. Pick a friend or relative who live out of stat fo household members to notify they are safe and to relay messages. A physical card in a wallet can contain:  Family name and contact number, out of state contact name and phone, neighbored meeting place  and the meeting pace telephone
ESCAPE ROUTES - 1.For fire in your home 2. to get to your emergency gathering place 3. To get to your out of state contact.
INSURANCE AND VITAL RECORDS : FEMA offers a 22 page fillable PDF. Fill it out and store it in a password protected file on your phone, in the cloud,  physically printed in a waterproof  container -AND on a flash drive that in a waterproof container. Update it yearly.
    * Personal ID-
    * Cash and coins
    * Credit cards
    * Extra set of keys and car keys
    * Copies of: birh certificates
        * Marriage certificate
        * Driver’s license
        * Social security cards
        * Passports
        * Wills
        * Deeds
        * Inventory of household goods
        * Insurance papers (health, life, disability, home, car, renters, liability)
        * Immunization records
        * Bank and credit card account numbers
        * Stocks and bonds
        * Medical records
        * Prescription list
        * Medical consent form for dependents
    * Emergency contact list and phone numbers, including your doctor
    * Map of the area and phone numbers of places you could go AND
* THE EMERGENCY FINANCIAL FIRST AID KIT : FEMA  offers a filable PDF where you can enter your financial info all in one place. You can then add a copy of this to the above documents. You can also place all this onto a flash drive, to the cloud, on a secure app on your phone. This is especially helpful for when you travel overseas because if you lose a credit card, you’ll have the info in one simple place you can go to, and get the help you need to cancel and replace cards.

Thanks for your ongoing support!
Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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