The ROAMies Podcast

Wrapping up our emergency prep series, Season 2, and our year! Links to Cool Stuff. 2021 Here we Come!

December 31, 2020 The ROAMies Season 2 Episode 100

Welcome to EPISODE 100!!!! WOoo Hooooo!! :)  Links below on Emergency Prep:
We love and appreciate you! Please ask an on-the-go jet-set-loving friend to subscribe to our podcast so that we can all be together in Season 3! Here are additional ways to find what we're up to.
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The American Red Cross has established a Safe and Well website. Visit this site after an emergency to post that you are safe and well. This can help you reconnect with family.

Water proof walkie talkies or handheld radios are also good to have if cell coverage is lost. 462 and 467 are radio frequencies you can try for family use. This set also has built in NOAA radios:

For Food and Survival Supply Sites, we love:

Safety Travel Kits: Savinar Luggage

If you have prepared before the quake, the MyShake Earthquake App on your phone will give you seconds to activate your emergency plan. Here are the links for Google and Apple. Staying calm is the first step in earthquake safety precautions.

You can go here to

What To Pack in Your First Aid Kit
First Aid Kit Supplies
Drugs and Medications
* Soap and clean water to disinfect wounds
* Antibiotic ointment
* Individually wrapped alcohol swabs
* Aspirin and non-aspirin tablets
* Prescriptions and any long-term medications (keep these current)
* Diarrhea medicine
* Eye drops
NOTE: Important medical information and most prescriptions can be stored in the refrigerator, which provides excellent protection from fires.
* Band-aids
* Clean sheets torn into strips
* Elastic bandages
* Rolled gauze
* Cotton-tipped swabs
* Adhesive tape roll

Thanks for your ongoing support!
Alexa and Rory
The ROAMies
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The ROAMies: Facebook and Instagram
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GET YOUR FIRMOO Glasses or Sunglasses Here:
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