Masterbators - For The Love of Sex

18 - Domestive Violence and the Aftermath (with Alessandra)

May 09, 2019 Tristis Silvan

This week I had the privilege to sit down with MUA, councellor in training and dear friend, Alessandra Pavan. She bravely shared her experience with domestic violence, how she broke free and what it's like to deal with the aftermath.

Alessandra's Instagram: @alessapavan

The blog Alessandra mentioned: 
Amja Unabashedly
Twitter: @AUnabashedly 
Instagram: @amjaunabashedly

Some resources regarding support for victim's of domestic violence. This list is in no way exhaustive and can change depending on where you live, but it might be able to provide someone in need a starting point. 

National Domestic Violence Helpline
The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline
0808 2000 247

Citizens Advise

Domestic abuse: how to get help

Victim Support
"We believe that all survivors of domestic abuse should be able to get the support they need to move on from the impact of abuse. We don’t just help people who’ve recently experienced domestic abuse — we’re here to support both men and women, weeks, months and years afterwards."


Information regarding support for male survivors from Women's Aid:

ManKind Initiative
"Confidential helpline, available for all men across the UK suffering from domestic violence or domestic abuse by their current or former wife or partner (including same-sex partner)."

Men's Advice Line
"Men's Advice Line: confidential helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members)."
0808 801 0327

Men's Aid
"Men’s Aid strives to remove bias and prejudice from all parts of our Society and focuses on providing help and assistance to anyone, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, who may need it, but in particular males."


"The LGBT+ anti-violence charity"

Stonewall Housing
"Stonewall Housing is the specialist lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) housing advice and support provider in England."

Reducing the Risk of Domestic Violence
"We are local: we provide the Independent Domestic Violence Advisor team and other services for Oxfordshire"

The London LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership
"The London LGBT Domestic Abuse Partnership (DAP) is a way for LGBT  people who  have experienced domestic abuse to get the maximum amount of help with a minimum amount of hassle. The DAP is open to any LGBT person experiencing domestic violence who is living or working in London"


Women's Aid
"Since 1974, we have been at the forefront of shaping and coordinating responses to domestic abuse."

Solace Women's Aid
"Solace Women’s Aid offers free advice and support to women and children in London to build safe and strong lives. Futures free from abuse and violence."
Freephone 0808 802 5565

"At Refuge, we believe that no-one should have to live in fear of violence and abuse. On any given day Refuge supports more than 6,000 clients, helping them rebuild their lives and overcome many different forms of violence and abuse; for example domestic violence, sexual