Masterbators - For The Love of Sex

20 - Tits, Teeth and Twat (with Mesha Maria Wright and Bethany Parker)

May 23, 2019 • Tristis Silvan

This week we celebrate a little anniversiary, it's the 20th episode of Masterbators! With me for the occassion were Mesha Maria Wright and Bethany Parker who came to chat about their show "Tits, Teeth and Twats" that premiered at Brighton Fringe last year. The play centers around two young women who are struggling to cope in a society obsessed with Snapchat filters, glitter and the Kardashians. We talked about their inspiration behind the play, the unrealistic beauty standards young people are subjected to, online dating, gender roles and insecurities. Keep an eye out on their social media, the show will return soon!

The show's socials:
Insta: @titsteethtwat
Twitter: @Titsteethtwat
Facebook: @titsandteeth

As always, if you have any questions, wonderings or suggestions, you can find me here:
Twitter: @MasterbatorsPod 
INSTA: @MasterbatorsPodcast 
📧: masterbatorspodcast[at]