NeuroMovement Revolution with Anat Baniel

Our Anat Baniel Method International Practitioner Training Program

Anat Baniel Season 1 Episode 12

We’ve been receiving many questions regarding our September 2019 Practitioner Training Program. The training is a remarkable process that provides trainees with a new profession or powerful tools to enhance their performance in their current profession, as well as positive personal transformations many have longed for. Discover the possibilities:

In this podcast, Anat Baniel and Neil Sharp discuss:

  • the Practitioner Training Program consists of 10 segments, completed in approximately 14 months (6 segments are in person and 4 segments are online)
  • people from many backgrounds and with a variety of experience have completed the training 
  • no specific educational requirements are needed in order to apply to the program
  • after completion of this program, graduates can complete certification programs in three focus areas: children with special needs, vitality and anti-aging, and high performers 
  • A Life Unbound, a new documentary, is another way to learn more about this Method
  • related questions from the audience