
Ep 015 The Holstein Experiment: Dr. Dechow & Dr. Liu, Back to the Future is Y

June 17, 2019 Dr. Dechow and Dr. Liu Season 1 Episode 15

We are Penn State (rah, rah)!
     So says Dr. Liu (backed up strongly by Dr. Dechow), in our 2017 interview with the mad scientists of the Penn State University, College of Animal Science.  We spoke with them about their fascinating study on Holstein genetics and the impact of the Y-chromosome, which sounds like it could be a bit dry but was definitely not!
    The good doctors go back in time in a Klingon warbird to bring back germplasm from the 1960's, and implant it in modern cows to see if they can help save the dairy universe (okay, so the Klingon Warbird isn't true, but the rest of it is).  Their research study seems very much like something out of a sci-fi novel to us, and shows how far agriculture has come.  These are two scientists that were extremely personable and tons of fun, despite all of the letters after their names.  One of our most enjoyable days with the camera.  And you get to find out the reason we call our documentary, "The Holstein Dilemma."
     They really did come to do complex scientific study, but we don't think it's a coincidence that the football stadium is right close  by.

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