
Ep 079 Is New Coke ever the same as Old Coke?

agri-Culture Season 2 Episode 79

The Labor Day holiday here in the United States is a time to remember the contributions of the everyday workers to the building of our country, and to tip our hats to the labor movement.  The first week in September is the point in time to remember other things as well – the unofficial end of summer, the start of school, and the moment where it becomes gauche to wear white in the traditional fashion universe.  Having come from Eastern stock, there’s more than a little of that last traditional part built into Elara’s mental dress code (okay, so maybe not just in dress).

But tradition vs. the move forward is kind of a tough one.  Do we remember why we start to do things a certain way, and stay that way, or do we jump into the future full tilt?  Is improvement really improvement, or do we not even know that until years later when we can’t undo it?  Advances worked beautifully with the Improved Meyer Lemon, but not so much with DDT.  Progress and adaptation to new conditions are important, and in the world of agriculture that can mean huge opportunities to stand out, but also many difficulties for heritage breeds and seeds.  

So we’ve decided, why can’t we have both the old and the new?  Remember the past and keep it alive and intact, but adapt for the future.  It seems like that way might hold better options for us, in case we need to take the proverbial Mulligan.  After all, the agricultural “improvement” in this fashion statement analogy might turn out to be something like the infamous DayGlo trend…a little less permanent a forward change than we want it to be.  

P.S.  RIP, Northgate.  I’ll keep the Omneykey ULTRA, so we have it for the apocalypse.  They sure don’t make ‘em like they used to.



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