
Ep 115 Heritage Breed Stamp(ede) Forever - Thank You USPS!

May 17, 2021 Heritage Breed Stamps Season 3 Episode 115

Many countries use stamps as a way to tell people about their culture and their history, all in a little corner of a piece of paper.  It’s a great PR opportunity to have a publicly-visible thing that can be very personal to those that send, and those that receive, and maybe some others along the way.  

Today, on May 17, 2021, it’s only fitting that Mount Vernon, Virginia (the home of George Washington’s…donkey) will host the United States Postal Service and their new release of the Heritage Breed Stamp series.  It is a much-anticipated and much-needed PR boost to help celebrate some of the amazing diversity our agricultural universe holds, and these are but a few of the animals that reflect our cultures, our peoples, our differences and our strengths:

-The Mulefoot Hog
-Wyandotte Chicken
-Milking Devon Cow
-Narragansett Turkey
-American Mammoth Jackstock Donkey
-Cotton Patch Goose
-San Clemente Island Goat
-American Cream Draft Horse
-Cayuga Duck
-Barbados Blackbelly Sheep

Stamps are kind of like DNA, are they not?  A story of where we’ve been, where we’re going, and who we are, all wrapped up in a little thing that does its job every day, but often is taken for granted.   A very intimate, personal thing that has meaning and purpose and connection.  Sounds like a heritage breed DNA parallel to me.

We hope you support your postal service and your agricultural history by buying a set of the new Forever Heritage Breeds stamps, beautifully photographed by Aliza Eliazarov (who has promised to be on an upcoming podcast – stay tuned!).  Why not send a little piece of meaning and connection to someone you love?  


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