The Common Weal Policy Podcast

Episode #38 - Closing The Loops

Common Weal Season 2 Episode 38

Episode 38 of the Common Weal Policy Podcast

You can download the episode directly here.

This week Jonathon Shafi and Craig Dalzell continue their pull-out of the chapters from the Common Home Plan, Common Weal's Green New Deal blueprint, by looking at Resources and the Circular Economy.

Our current economy is far too linear with resources being extracted, turned into goods which are too often only used once - or less!, then are discarded as waste.

In a Circular Economy, the amount of resources input and waste output would both be minimised with resources being turned around a number of "loops" designed to maximise their time and use within the system. Goods should be designed from first principles to fit into this circular economy by being designed to use fewer resources in their creation, be easier to repair, be easier to remanufacture and recover their resources and designed to return as much of it to nature as possible when they finally cannot be re-used or recycled.

The story about Poundland's "Box of Nothing" can be read here.

You can read more about advertising's negative impact on health here

More about the Common Home project can be found at the website

The books can be bought at the Common Weal shop here.

And the policy papers and technical reports mentioned can all be found in the Common Weal Policy Library.

Common Weal's work is only possible thanks to our generous supporters who regularly donate an average of £10 per month. If you would like to help us build our vision of an All of Us First Scotland, you can do so here:

The Policy Podcast would like to discuss all of Common Weal's policy papers in detail over the next several months so if there are any papers that you would like to see covered sooner rather than later, send your suggestions in to

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"Hiding Your Reality" Kevin MacLeod (
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