Paw'd Defiance

A Variation on Very Asian

Television journalist Michelle Li and UW Tacoma Associate Professor JaeRan Kim Season 1 Episode 98

Television journalist Michelle Li went viral for a tweet she posted to social media. The tweet showed Li reacting to a message from a viewer who said Li was "being very Asian" during a segment about traditional New Year's Day foods. #VeryAsian became a global sensation and attracted attention from the media, including Ellen DeGeneres. Li used the incident to launch the Very Asian Foundation. In this episode we talk with Li about her tweet and the impact that had on her life.  Associate Professor JaeRan Kim also joins us. Both Li and Kim were adopted by white parents. They talk about their struggle with identity and feeling like an imposter. They also discuss how they made their way in fields that have historically not been open to Asian women. Finally, the pair discuss what they think it means to "be very Asian."

UW Tacoma Asian American and Pacific Islander Impact Endowment