Paw'd Defiance

Finding a Silver Lining In a Time of Pandemic

UW Tacoma Season 1 Episode 35

Over the past few weeks, we've collectively experience a pandemic that's required a strength and resourcefulness many of us didn't know we were capable of. We've made sacrifices, moved our lives indoors, and we're still unsure of what's to come. 

"Since I started at UWT, life has become busier, and as a result, I've lost touch with some friends. But when the realities of life with COVID-19 started to sink in, I thought about all those people, and I was worried about them. Especially my friends overseas. I wondered, what was it like where they lived? Could they still go outside? Were they having shortages in their grocery stores? Could they find toilet paper? But most importantly, were they safe and well?

"I decided to reach out and give them a call. Actually, a Zoom call that I recorded."

Raul lives in Madrid, Spain - a city that's been hit hard by the coronavirus. Nick and Leslie live in Bergen, Norway, a city that's a few weeks behind our timeline in the U.S. Anne lives in Adelaide, Australia and shares a story from her family's history of living through the flu pandemic in 1919. We wanted to share these conversations to inspire our UW Tacoma community to reconnect with their loved ones and find the silver lining in a time of pandemic, because we're all in this together.