Paw'd Defiance

Congratulating the Class of 2020

UW Tacoma Season 1 Episode 44

This is a special episode of the podcast. We asked the UW Tacoma community to help us congratulate the class of 2020. A number of faculty, staff and even some parents responded with their messages. Enjoy!

Intro (00:11):

Welcome to a special episode of Paw'd Defiance. In this episode, we're going to hear from faculty, staff as well as some parents, as they leave messages of congratulations for the class of 2020.

Noelle Wilson for Gabriel Smith, Naga Palepu, and Katrine Viscaya  (00:25):

Hi, my name is Noelle Wilson. I'm a senior admissions advisor with the Office of Admissions at UW Tacoma. I would love to recognize my graduating seniors who have served as campus ambassadors over the past few years, especially recognizing Gabriel Smith, Naga Palepu, and Katrine Viscaya. I am so, so honored to have been able to work with you guys. You have impressed me, made me laugh and made me proud. I am super proud of you for graduating and moving on to a brighter future. I know this is not the circumstance that you imagined graduating college with, but you all have proven that you are resilient and you are bright stars. I wish you nothing but the best of luck for you as you move into your careers or move into your other areas of passion. Again, I'm so proud of you and I love and appreciate all of you. Congratulations.

Professor Koontz for Amanda Davis  (01:24):

Hi Amanda, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. Less than two years ago I met you in that TEST 200 classroom. Remember the the little hexagon tables with the posts in the middle of the room? And last spring, you accepted my invitation to join the research team, working on science and collaboration. In fact, that work continues thanks to your good work on that project. I really enjoyed working with you in my courses and on the research team. You're smart, hardworking, and a great teammate. You are actually in one of the first cohorts of Environmental Sustainability students. So that makes you a pioneer in this major. No pressure, right? I hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here, and you're going to be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you. So please do stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

 Julie Masura to all graduates (02:22):

Hi, this is Julie Masura from the Environmental Science faculty. I just want to congratulate you on your graduation and I wish you all the very best.

Beverly Naidus to all graduates (02:33):

I am graduating with you. This is Beverly Naidus. I'm about to transition into independent teaching. It has been such an honor to work with all of you the past, oh, I've been here since 2003. So I've worked with so many hundreds of students, maybe thousands. And this graduating class, I wish all the best to you. In these uncertain times, there's so much potential and possibility to transform the world we live in, into one of equity, into one where we can remediate the eco side. So, choose which path you will do to heal the traumas, to earth and to heart. And I will travel with you.

Professor Koontz for Aubin Duncan (03:35):

Hi Aubin, Professor Koontz here. First of all, congratulations. I remember working with you, was it two years ago now? In TESK 345, where you did an excellent job. I think you got the top score in the class as I recall. I do remember that I appreciated your contributions to the interactive learning that we were doing there. You're smart, and hardworking and inquisitive, which are all great qualities. You are in one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability major, so you're a pioneer. No pressure, right? I hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world whether you're working directly in sustainability careers or not. You have a great running start from your time here to do that. And you're going to be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you. So please do stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

Martine De Cock to all computer science and systems graduates (04:34):

This is Martine De Cock. I am a professor at the School of Engineering and Technology, UW Tacoma. I want to congratulate all students graduating from our computer science and systems programs with bachelor and master degrees. I want to especially congratulate all those of you who took machine learning and algorithms courses with me. I am very proud of you and your accomplishments, and I'm here by giving each and every one of you a virtual hug. Go change the world for the better.

Professor Koontz for Daniel Dyer  (05:07):

Hi Daniel, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations on your graduation. I first met you way back in 2016. That's kind of like the mist of time now, isn't it? I remember in the intro course TEST 200, it was the first time I offered the course and I was also fortunate to have you in a couple of other of my policy courses. I remember I appreciated your contributions to the interactive learning that we did. You're smart and hard working and inquisitive, which are great. You are in one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability students, so you're a pioneer in the major. No pressure though, right? I do hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here to do that. And you'll be a resource in the future when I connect students with alumni like you. So please do stay in and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

Cindy Schaarschmidt to the entire class of 2020  (06:03):

My name is Cindy Schaarschmidt and I'm the Director of Student Fellowships and Study Abroad in the Office of Global Affairs. Congratulations class of 2020. You have so much to be proud of and you give me tremendous hope for the future knowing that you will be leading the effort to make this world a more just and equitable place. Congratulations.

Amanda Sesko for Nataly Herrman (06:32):

This is Professor Amanda Sesko in Psychology. Natalie, I just wanted to take a moment and congratulate you. I've enjoyed having you as a research assistant in my lab over this past year and a half. You've been incredible as a student. I really wish you the best in your future career and your future endeavors. You'll be missed.

Professor Koontz for McKayla London (06:55):

Hi, Kayla, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. Less than two years ago I met you in that TEST 200 classroom. Remember the little hexagon tables and a bunch of posts in the middle of the room? Well, I really enjoyed working with you in that class, and also in the winter course that I had with you. You're smart and persistent and inquisitive. Your presence was felt in the classroom. I appreciate how you consistently showed up and engaged in the courses, which helped people around you as well. You're in one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability major. So no pressure, but you're a pioneer. I hope that whether you have a job in environment sustainability or not, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us all build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here. And you're going to be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time.

Amanda Sesko to the entire class of 2020 (07:52):

This is Professor Amanda Sesko in Psychology. I wanted to take a moment and congratulate all the graduates this year. You've put in a lot of hard work and you should be proud of yourselves. Congratulations.

Professor Koontz for Kristen Cannon (08:05):

Hi Kristen, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. Less than two years ago I met you in that TEST 200 classroom. Remember the little hexagon tables and the posts in the middle of the room? Well, I really enjoyed working with you in my courses. You're smart and persistent and you take initiative. You were able to juggle home and work and school and your hard work is now paying off. I appreciate that you consistently showed up and engaged in the courses, which helped those around you as well. You're in one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability major, so you're a pioneer. No pressure. I hope that beyond UWT you're going to continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here. And you're going to be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you, so please do stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time.

Roseanne Martinez for Katrina Prime (09:02):

This message is for Katrina Prime. Katrina, congratulations on graduation. I am so lucky to have had you as an intern during your first year as an MSW student. You worked so hard and did such great work at the Office of Student Advocacy and Support. And it was just a personal and professional pleasure to get to know you. Congratulations. I hope things look bright for the coming year, and I'll see you on the slopes. Take care, peace out, Roseanne Martinez.

Randy Nichols to the entire class of 2020  (09:38):

Hi, this is Randy Nichols in the Communications major in Culture, Arts and Communication, the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. And I just want to say congratulations to everyone graduating for completing something that I hope is as life changing for you as it was for me when I got my undergraduate degree. In case you didn't know, only about 30% of Americans have actually earned a college degree. So remember that you have earned a role in a very special privileged place. And I hope you'll take the time to thank everyone who helped you get here. And when you can, that you'll help some other people do the same. I'm proud of you. You should be proud of yourselves. I do hope you will stay in touch and let us all know how you're doing, but most importantly, take today to celebrate. Congratulations. You're amazing. And you've done something amazing.

Professor Koontz for Lexi Ehresmann (10:28):

Hi, Lexi, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. Less than two years ago I met you in that TEST 200 classroom. Remember the little hexagon tables and the posts in the middle of the room? And last spring, you accepted my invitation to join the research team, working on science and collaboration. I'm continuing that research in fact, thanks to your contributions. I really enjoyed working with you in my courses. You are smart, inquisitive, and a great teammate. And your enthusiasm is infectious, and not in a COVID-19 way either. Lexi, your one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability major, so you're a pioneer. No pressure, right? I do hope that beyond UWT you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world, which I know you're already doing. And you have a great running start from your time here. You're going to be a resource in the future as I connect with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and do let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

Roseanne Martinez for Sarah Wilkinson(11:27):

This message is for Sarah Wilkinson. Congratulations on your graduation from UWT and for everything you've done in life. And I'm greatly appreciative of all you've done during your internship at the Office of Student Advocacy and Support. You truly are a social worker. Someone who helps and gives and has so much compassion for those who are on the margins. Thank you for all you've done and for all that you're going to do. I hope we can stay in touch. Congratulations. And I hope that this summer and the year to come has lots of hope and promise for you. Peace out, Roseanne Martinez.

Professor Koontz for Mason Ward (12:16):

Hey Mason, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. I remember first working with you about two years ago in TESK 201. You did a standout job and that's actually what put you on my radar for recruiting for the research team the following year. You made quite an impression on me. I appreciate your leadership on this project, especially over the six plus months that you've been involved with this. Mason, your smart, dependable, inquisitive, and a great teammate. Now you're in one of the first cohorts of the Environmental Sustainability major students, so you're really a pioneer in this major. No pressure, right? Just don't screw it up. I hope that beyond UWT, you continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world like you're already doing. You have a great running start from your time here, and you're going to be a resource for me in the future when I connect students with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and let me know what you're up to. Thanks.

Eric Wilson-Edge for Stacey Fernandez (13:16):

My name is Eric Wilson-Edge. I'm a staff member at UW Tacoma. This message is for Stacey Fernandez. Stacey, it has been a real pleasure to get to know you over the past few months. I wish you nothing but the best of luck in grad school. I know you're going to do great things and I am excited to follow your career and to continue our friendship in the weeks, months, and years to come.

Professor Burghart  to the entire class of 2020 (13:44):

Hello, this is Professor Burghart, lecturer in History, in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. This message is going out to all our 2020 graduates. Congratulations. It hasn't been the easiest of quarters, but you made it. Good job and good luck.

Professor Koontz to Zachary McKay(14:16):

Hey, Zack, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. I remember working with you just this past fall. Doesn't it seem like ages ago? In TEST 200 where you did a nice job. And then again, in TEST 337. I appreciated your contributions to interactive learning in the class. You're smart, hardworking, and inquisitive. You are in one of the first cohorts of Environmental Sustainability students, so you're a pioneer in this major. No pressure, right? I do hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here. And you'll be a resource in the future when I connect students with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

Greg Biersack to the entire class of 2020  (15:06):

This is Greg Biersack, Marketing Lecturer at the UW team, Milgard School of Business. Congratulations to all of the 2020 graduates, in particular, to the students that I had the pleasure of being able to teach. Much success.

Jutta Heller to the graduating biomedical sciences students  (15:22):

I'm Jutta Heller, Senior Lecturer in Sciences and Mathematics in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. I want to send a special message to our graduating biomedical sciences students. I congratulate you all on your tremendous achievements and I am so very proud of every one of you. I have known some of you since the day you started at UW Tacoma, and it has been such an honor to get to know you and be a part of this chapter of your lives. As you move on to the next chapter, remember us here at UWT and stay in touch. Congratulations biomed class of 2020. I know you will continue to do great things.

Professor Koontz to Matilda Smith(15:56):

Hey, Tilly, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. I remember working with you first in TESK 345 last year, which seems like a long time ago, doesn't it? I remember I appreciated your contributions to interactive learning in that course. You're smart and hardworking and inquisitive. Since that time, I think you found a passion in land management through your JBLM internship. And actually, from hearing from you about that, I've been encouraging other students to look into that internship as well. I hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here, Tilly. And you'll be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

Bonnie Becker to Caroline Cleveman, Ashley Benson and the entire class of 2020 (16:49):

Bonnie Becker, faculty in Environmental Science and Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success. I want to congratulate the class of 2020. I'm so impressed with your resilience and determination to finish up this quarter under such challenging circumstances. These qualities will serve you well as you go out into this world that needs so much repair. A special shout out to the graduating seniors from my lab, Caroline Cleveman and Ashley Benson. Good job guys.

Rhonda DiCostanzo for Athena (17:20):

Athena, you are amazing. I am so proud of you even from across the world. Congratulations. You worked so hard for this and you deserve every bit of it. Congratulations. And I love you so much and I wish I were home to see you and be with you, but that will come later. I love you. Congratulations, sweetie. You did a great job.

Eric Wilson-Edge for Leticia Romo Bueno (17:50):

My name is Eric Wilson-Edge. I'm a staff member at UW Tacoma. This message is for Leticia Romo Bueno. Leticia, I haven't known you very long, but I am amazed by your ability to keep a sense of humor even though you have been through so much. I know this is a major achievement for both you and your family. I hope that you enjoy this special day and I am excited to see where life takes you. I know that you are bound for great things. You have an amazing ability to connect with people and you have lots of compassion, so I know that you are going to help a lot of folks, no matter what you end up doing. Congratulations.

Professor Koontz for Kaela Arellano(18:42):

Hi, Kaela, Professor Koontz here. First of all, congratulations. Less than two years ago, I remember meeting you in that TEST 200 class. Remember the classroom with the little hexagon tables and the posts in the middle of the room? I appreciated your contributions to interactive learning in that course. You're smart, hardworking, and diligent. You're in one of the first cohorts of Environmental Sustainability students so you're a pioneer in this major Mikayla. No pressure, right? I hope that beyond UWT, you continue to engage in learning and help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here. And you'll be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you. So please stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.

John Bair to Matthew, Caley, Marissa, Tanner, Thomas, Zach and Mr. Tri (19:32):

Hello. My name is John Bair. I teach at the University of Washington, the Digital Forensics courses: TN444, 445 and 446. Quick shout out to my last group here. This would be Matthew, Caley, Marissa, Tanner, Thomas, Zach and certainly not last or least, Mr. Tri. I wanted to congratulate all of you guys. Did an outstanding job this last year. And we were able to get through all the labs remotely, which was a challenge in itself. I wish you guys all the very best and just remember what I said in the last class. If you can't get a job and you're living in a cardboard box, don't turn to a life of crime. But if you do, don't use your phone. Very best to all of you. Take care.

Diana Butler for Kyra Butler (20:22):

Kai Kai, this moment is all because of your willpower, passion, ability and hard work. If you tackle your future like you have the last four years with tenacity, grace and determination, the world is your oyster, baby girl. Go make your dreams come true. Your dad, me and your sister are all so proud of you. Shine bright Kai Kai.

Professor Koontz for Mikel Percy(20:50):

Hi Mikel, Professor Koontz here. Congratulations. Less than two years ago I met you in that TEST 200 class. You remember those little hexagon tables and the posts all over the room? And then I was excited to see your name on the class list for a couple of other of my courses. It was like, "Yay. Michael's in my class again." You're smart, inquisitive and a great teammate. I'm proud of all that you've done for the giving garden. Michael, you're in one of the first cohorts of Environmental Sustainability students, so you're a pioneer in this major. No pressure, right? I hope that beyond UWT, you'll continue to engage in learning and continue to help us build a better world. You have a great running start from your time here. And you're going to be a resource in the future as I connect students with alumni like you interested in environmental things. So please do stay in touch and let me know what you're up to from time to time. Thanks.