Mythras Matters

1.16 - Old bones and Updates

inwils Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode, we have an interview with the master of horror adventures Matt Eager and I bring you up to date with campaigns and achievements.

Old Bones Publishing

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Season 1: Episode 16 -Transcript

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In this episode we have an interview with the master of horror adventures Matt Eager and I bring you up to date with campaigns and achievements. Welcome to the official Mythras Matters podcast, season 1 episode 16 - Old bones and updates

Hello and welcome to Mythras Matters, a podcast dedicated to the Mythras ruleset and all its supplements. As always, I’m your host, inwils, and August has been a great month for both Mythras and the podcast

First up It was fantastic to be part of the GenCon panel and meeting everyone. There are so many great supplements and resources being produced for the game and I will definitely be first in the queue to purchase them! Also, it was great to hear about Classic fantasy - this is something which I haven;t experienced so it would be great to have a Classic fantasy episode in the future! If I came across slightly Befuddled in the zoom meeting- I have to say that it was very late in the UK - gone midnight - so I do apologise for my floundering words. Usually I have the option for re-takes and editing while doing the podcast - believe me you don’t want to listen to the pre-production version!

And the second great piece of news was that on the 8th August the podcast reached 5000 downloads - I really can’t believe how support you all are. I really enjoy producing the podcast and rules videos so its great to know that you are all out there enjoying and supporting the content. Again - and I probably say it too much - HUGE thanks -and remember If you listen or contribute to the show, then we have achieved this together!

With August coming to an end, I am assuming that many of you, like myself, are coming to the end of your summer vacations. As work, schools and college start back up we are probably getting back into our usual gaming cycles. We have been lucky that our campaign hasn’t had very many breaks this summer so here are our

I like to run a very narrative campaign. Rather than spending time on massive dungeon crawls and large scale constant battles, I like to try and weave a murder and mystery campaign. I guess watching re-runs of those Miss Marple mysteries and the little grey cells of Hercule Poirot have brushed off on me!

I like to have layers of plots which actually include subplots for the characters as well. Rather than using an overarching plot for the campaign, it is these subplots that link adventures together. I found that with a large overarching plot, people forget and tend to sometimes miss the links, while when they are focussed around their own characters then they tend to live the plots rather than having to remember them.

Anyway, to cut a long story short the part are coming to the end of a new adventure called The Lonesome Bridge Incident. I have been hosting this on World Anvil and the notes will be available as always.

Cyrus the new character has really made his mark on the group - the Red robed sorcerers are know for their tactics and strategies and with his skill he has already taken on board the organisation of the group. The bridge is well known to many of the players from previous adventures, especially when they have been on route to Ubbin Falls and I wanted to make it the centre of an adventure - that rather small bridge is suddenly very important.

Linked to this I wanted to develop some political intrigue between three groups of people, the guild merchants - who the party have worked for before in the adventure - Guarding the Guildmistress, a bunch of crafters and a small group of local mercenaries. Each group have their motives and I was hoping to split up the party to side with each of the groups to make the debates even more interesting.

The party have certainly seen a lot of strange things happening in this adventure - Hasra had Brutus his oxen poisoned, Hengist had all his wineskins in his house, Bartleby has received strange letters and Cyrus got accosted by a strange soothsayer forecasting doom and gloom. They have been attacked by water goblins, found a dead body hanging in a tree and end the last adventure having to encounter a dagger wielding merchant who looks like he has gone insane!

All this has happened but I am not really sure they know what is going on. Tomorrow his the finale, so hopefully everything will become as clear as mud for them.

If you are interesting in unravelling the mystery, then do enjoy the sessions on my YouTube channel - links are in the show notes.

So let’s move on!

If you would like to contribute the podcast then why not just drop me an email or message and let me know what you would like to cover. I am always looking for reviews or interviews with people. I would really like to get a classic fantasy, Luther Arkwright and After the vampire wars - so if you play those games and would be willing to contribute, do get in touch! You can email me on or send me a message on the various forums I frequent. I’ll put you at ease in the interviews and I’m a wonder at editing - I can even make you sound like me - what - did you really think this was my real voice!

You might have noticed that I have removed M-Space from the list - this is because it will be the focus on the next episode in October! Definitely worth a listen!

So if you listened to last month’s episode and, if you didn’t you can still go back and listen - it has the title of Spooks, Spells and specials - or were they in a different order?

Well where ever it appeared the ‘spook’ part of the title referred to a Broch Groddath a module for Mythras by Matt Eager. We used it as a one off adventure and found it extremely enjoyable - most the characters got out alive - notice I said most :)

Anyway, I wanted to touch base again with Matt in order to talk about Old Bones Publishing.

So, let’s dive straight into the interview, at the point where Matt introduces himself.

Interview missing transcript- sorry

I had a great discussion with Matt about characters and character creation, although unfortunately I had pressed the stop recording button so it was lost - I’m definitely learning each and every day about interviewing, technology and the actual world of podcasts - I hope that sometimes shows in the quality of the podcasts.

And on quality, the sound is a bit strange on this episode. I was hoping you weren’t going to notice and maybe think it was something at your end - but full disclosure here - I started to use a different, more expensive mic, but unfortunately there are some ‘kinks’ that need to be ironed out before it sounds better - so I’m leaving the dynamic mic at the moment and returning to my condenser one.

When I started to play Mythras, I was never aware of the number of supplements and support material is actually out there. Meeting and talking to people via this podcast and the excellent discord has certainly made me aware of the wealth of very high quality material which is out there!

And yes, the M-Space episode of Mythras Matters will be October’s episode so keep an eye

And that’s it, another episode of Mythras Matters completed. I’m going to head off and starting editing the interview for october’s episode which will be focusing on M-Space

So, until next time have a great month of gaming and I will chat again to you all in October

I hope that all our opposed rolls succeed and provide you with a well-deserved special.

Thanks for listening cya - Bye!


Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library

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Creative Commons License

This work by inwils is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at

Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library

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