The +972 Podcast

What Just Happened? — A Post-Election Debrief

+972 Magazine Episode 5

A week after Netanyahu easily won another election, things don’t look all that different in Israel-Palestine. But one thing has changed: Everyone who told themselves Israel was seeking a two-state solution all this time now has some difficult and painful questions to face.

Our guest this week, +972 Magazine co-founder and contributing editor Lisa Goldman, doesn’t think most people have the courage to look that reality in the eyes.

“They're going to come up against a pretty thick wall pretty soon. How can we be a democracy if half the people living permanently under Israeli control can't vote? That's going to be pretty difficult to explain to the outside world.”

In this week’s episode, we debrief after the elections and discuss both their short and long-term consequences.

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The music in this episode is by Ketsa.

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