The Young Fabians Podcast

Labour's Rural Problem

This week we are joined by Maria Eagle MP, Sally Gimson and George Richmond to discuss the problems facing Labour within rural communities and what must be done to address this to connect with voters in these areas. Our speakers detail the extent of the situation Labour finds itself in today and propose innovative policy ideas around the issues of access, diversity and sustainability, as well as public transport, local Labour party engagement and the importance of building a narrative to challenge the Tories.

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Labour's Rural Problem -
Building Bridges: Lessons From Bassetlaw for the Country -

Sign up for the Environment Network's Rural Affairs Group meeting! 


Maria Eagle MP - Former Shadow DEFRA Secretary, MP for Garston and Halewood

Sally Gimson - Author of ‘Building Bridges: Lessons from Bassetlaw for the Country’

George Richmond - Policy Officer, Young Fabians Environment Network

Hosted by:

Louie Marlow - Content Producer, Young Fabians

To all our listeners: we want you in our podcast, so if you’re passionate about a topic just get in touch with us at

The intro music is by ‘One in a Googolplex' and used under Creative Commons. Find out more about them here: