Exam Study Expert: ace your exams with the science of learning

137. Motivation To Start Studying Sooner - 7 Compelling Reasons To Get Going Today

January 28, 2024 Episode 137
137. Motivation To Start Studying Sooner - 7 Compelling Reasons To Get Going Today
Exam Study Expert: ace your exams with the science of learning
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Exam Study Expert: ace your exams with the science of learning
137. Motivation To Start Studying Sooner - 7 Compelling Reasons To Get Going Today
Jan 28, 2024 Episode 137

In my contribution to the Motivation Series here on the Exam Study Expert podcast, I'm sharing the top 7 reasons you want to get started with your exam prep (or project work) sooner.

So many put off starting till later than we intend, and find themselves at best stressed, at worst, underperforming.

Let's not let that happen to you :-)

Fuel your get up and get to get going sooner with this pep talk and powerful set of reasons, and reap the many rewards that come from an early start to your studying.

Let's go!


Hosted by William Wadsworth, memory psychologist, independent researcher and study skills coach. I help ambitious students to study smarter, not harder, so they can ace their exams with less work and less stress.

1:1 COACHING for students, scholars and professionals with exams to prepare for: https://examstudyexpert.com/coaching

SCHOOL REVISION WORKSHOPS to help your students study smarter and achieve their potential: https://examstudyexpert.com/workshops

Show Notes

In my contribution to the Motivation Series here on the Exam Study Expert podcast, I'm sharing the top 7 reasons you want to get started with your exam prep (or project work) sooner.

So many put off starting till later than we intend, and find themselves at best stressed, at worst, underperforming.

Let's not let that happen to you :-)

Fuel your get up and get to get going sooner with this pep talk and powerful set of reasons, and reap the many rewards that come from an early start to your studying.

Let's go!


Hosted by William Wadsworth, memory psychologist, independent researcher and study skills coach. I help ambitious students to study smarter, not harder, so they can ace their exams with less work and less stress.

1:1 COACHING for students, scholars and professionals with exams to prepare for: https://examstudyexpert.com/coaching

SCHOOL REVISION WORKSHOPS to help your students study smarter and achieve their potential: https://examstudyexpert.com/workshops