The Happiness Quotient

Why We Exist & Mount Everest

Thom Pollard Episode 1

In this introductory episode of Baker Street with Thom Pollard we’ll explore why we exist, the real meaning of life and meet a special guest who understands that we can make our intentions a reality by choosing love over fear. Everest climber, adventurer and public speaker Thom Pollard shares some personal stories in this episode, including the tragic avalanche on Mount Everest in 2014 that claimed the lives of 16-men. He also reveals the story behind how he named the podcast Baker Street. Thom also introduces us to energy worker Michael Simonson, who explorers how fear and judgment hamper our ability to live a good life.

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Thom Pollard:

Hi, this is Thom from the happiness quotient. Thank you for dropping by. You are one of my favorite listeners. Because if you're listening to this episode, you're hearing it before we changed our name to the happiness quotient. Just so you won't be surprised when you listen, you'll hear me talk about Baker Street with Thom Pollard. Believe me, you are in the right place. We've changed our name, but the excellence of the podcast just keeps getting better. Before we get to the episode, if you haven't done so already, please subscribe wherever you're listening, and I hope you'll visit my Patreon page for exclusive slash the happiness quotient and take a look at my YouTube page of the same name. With there are many Everest and music related episodes, adventure related podcast elements that can't be found here on the podcast itself. Thanks for being here. If you like what you hear, be sure to leave me a review of rating and share it with someone you care about now on with the show.

Michael Simonson:

Now, one of the most powerful ways human beings destroy their ability to be aware, to be connected to the truth of who they are, is through embracing judgment. All of us are free will beings. What happens to a lot of humans on this level when they come into this level, they get into the chosen negative co creating experiences with others that give them an opportunity to explore creating with the energies of fear. They will blame those others that are having the experience with. They will stand in judgment of them. Of another being the first thing that you do is you deny the truth of who you are. So when you're resonating on a level of fear, you can be around other people who love you, you will never feel the love. Your thoughts determine your experience. Your thoughts determine your energy state. When you dwell on negative things, your energies are negative. When you dwell on positive things, your energies are going to be positive. to honor Free will means you will not stand in judgment of another being's choices.

Thom Pollard:

People who follow their dreams and their goals single mindedly are the people that inspire us are the people who make us realize that we too, can achieve our dreams. When I have a young student come up to me after one of my public presentations about Mount Everest or some of my adventures. And they say to me, Wow, you're so lucky look at the life you've lived. I always ask them, what is it that I have done that you also could not achieve? That's a very important question to ask people because we all are capable of achieving our dreams. There's nothing that can stop us. We just have to vanquish the fear that causes our self doubts or our shortcomings. So I encourage you to come back next week and listen to episode number two. If you've liked what you heard today, please share it with your friends and family. And tell them to sign up for my mailing list because I endeavor to notify you every time a new episode is going to drop. If you want to learn more about Michael Simon's, and you can find out more about him on his website. It's Michael Simonson Go there and you can learn about him and what Michael is up to. If you want to find out a little bit more about me and some of my adventures. I am at eyes open You can go to the contact area and send me an email. Thanks very much for being here. I look forward to hearing from you. Remember the thoughts and intentions that you empower, create your reality. Keep it positive, let's make this world a better place. Thank you for visiting Baker Street. We will see you again real soon. If you're still here, thank you for visiting. I hope you'll take a moment to subscribe wherever you're listening. And I hope you'll also visit my Patreon page for exclusive content at slash the happiness quotient and take a look at my YouTube page of the same name, where there are many Everest and music related episodes as well as adventure content and interview snippets that can't be found here on the podcast. Thank you for being here. I hope you'll share this leave me a review or rating and come back soon.

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