Casting Down Idols

Testimony of Pastor Phillip Boseman Part 1

Pastor Michael R Dixon Season 2 Episode 2

This is part 1 of a 2 part episode of Pastor Phillip Boseman's testimony.  Pastor Boseman currently serves as Pastor of Mildred Baptist Church in Mildred, N.C. In this first part Pastor Phillip shares how he grew up in a good home, not a Christian home, but a home where he was loved and provided for. We are reminded that substance abuse issues can happen in any home!  His substance abuse issues began when he was in about the sixth grade. Phillip began stealing pain pills from his mother just so he could get high. This behavior quickly escalated into abusing over the counter medications, crack cocaine, and anything he could get his hands on to get high. At the age of 14, awakening from a four day coma as the result of a drug overdose in the hospital, his parents began to scrabble to get their son help. Nothing seemed worked......until Phillip surrendered to Christ. 

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