The Cordial Catholic

105: The Secret History of Transubstantiation (w/ William Albrecht and Father Christiaan Kappes)

April 14, 2021 K. Albert Little, William Albrecht, Christiaan Kappes

In this episode of The Cordial Catholic Podcast, I'm joined by William Albrecht and Father Christiaan Kappes to discuss the history of transubstantiation in the Bible.

As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist – the elements of the Lord's Supper – actually becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ during the Mass but is there evidence that this is true from the Bible and the Early Church?

William and Fr. Kappes rejoin me to discuss their incredible new book and unpack a wealth of historical and biblical evidence which shows that transubstantiation makes complete sense in the way that God does, and always has, interacted with His creation.

We had such a great time with this conversation – you're going to learn a ton!

Pick up a copy of William and Father Kappes' new book The Secret History of Transubstantiation: Pulling Back the Veil on the Eucharist today.

William Albrecht is a Catholic convert, a seasoned apologist, debater, and one of the hosts of the Reason and Theology show. For more from William visit his website.

Father Christiaan Kappes, PhD is the Academic Dean and Professor at Saints Cyril and Methodius Byzantine Catholic Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA. 

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