Babies x Bellinis

Fairytales and Fallacies

Ericka, Kay Alex, and Casey Renae Season 2 Episode 2

*cue Young Jeezy - Vacation*

Stressed Out. So Tired. My Days. So Long. ON VACATION .. How Sway?!

Show of hands, how many of us need a vacation from the vacation? Whew Chillay family vacays are stressful! Tune in as the ladies of Babies x Bellinis talk about their family vacays to “The 'Happiest' Place on Earth.” 

In the words of the great Kid Fury, ‘Lies, Fairytales, and Fallacies.' Happiest for Who? Magic where? Maybe for the kids, but certainly NOT for relationships. 

Stay Tuned until very end as the ladies get collectively buzzed for incorrectly singing a classic. *face palm*


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