Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 18 - Making the Good Samaritan Strange

July 18, 2019 St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church


In our Eighteenth episode, we press pause on our study series to hear from Fr. Andrew Thebeau, Curate of St. Bartholomew’s, as he takes us deeper into one Jesus’ most well-known and beloved parables.

Throughout His ministry, Jesus liked to utilize parables as a means to teach people about the Kingdom of God and how we are to live for the Kingdom of God. These were stories that, though on the surface dealt with worldly situations, carried a deeper spiritual truth. If you’re familiar with the Gospels, then there might be a few parables you can remember off the top of your head, one of them, most likely, being the Good Samaritan. In our lesson this week, Fr. Thebeau endeavors to make this beloved parable, in his own words, “strange to us again,” as he borrows from the thoughts of the early Church Fathers to help us see this familiar story in a richer, more theological light.