Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 38 - Advent: An invitation to the Beautiful

December 26, 2019 St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church

It’s no surprise, during this time of year, to find stores, homes, offices, streets, maybe even vehicles, decorated with tinsel, lights, and greenery. It seems as though beautiful things are everywhere you look; in the sights, sounds, and smells of the Christmas season, and it is hard not to feel a little more joyful, and a little more hopeful. At the heart of all of this beauty is longing, and as Fr. Thebeau explains in his sermon, this longing can only be satisfied in the Beautiful One, Jesus Christ. Christ’s advent not only revealed to us the source of true beauty, but by His incarnation, death, and resurrection, we have the promise of eternal life in the Beautiful World to come: paradise.