Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 41 - Life's Meaning & Purpose (Chapter 18:39-19:16)

January 30, 2020 St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church

As meticulous as the Gospel Writers were in documenting the events leading to Christ’s death, their goal wasn’t merely to create a historical record. While knowing the people, places, and times that helped shape these events is important, we are called to go beyond them to find our place in the narrative. To see the human condition, our condition, exposed by the Light of the Bleeding Messiah as He stands at the center of our unrest and injustice; never raising His voice. This is where we find ourselves in our lesson for this week. Pilate believes Jesus to be innocent yet yields to the mob to save his own neck, and the mob, incited by the Jewish leadership, shows their true colors as they manipulate Pilate to get their way; sending Jesus to be crucified.