Transforming Lives Together Podcast

Episode 59 - Finding the Joy of the Lord in a Stress-filled World Part 08

St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church

“If it feels good do it” might be a familiar saying to you. Maybe you’ve heard someone use it to justify a particular action or actions. This type of maxim may sound appealing, even wise because our senses do help us discern between what is pleasant and what is harmful. For example, sometimes we learn not to sit too close to the fire by feeling the intense heat, or we learn the milk has gone sour by the pungent aroma emanating from the carton. While God gave us our senses to help investigate and understand the world around us, we were never meant to solely rely on them, especially when it came to moral decisions. Being able to discern what’s right and having the discipline to pursue it, even when it’s uncomfortable, can help us maintain our joy and lead to greater joy in the end.