Missions Incorporated

Update 54 - In Italy, at His Service

Jesse Schreck

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A brief mission update from PMc on-field director who just returned to Italy with his family. Included in this episode is an exhortation J.C. Ryle on "the necessity of repentance". In addition, we share some brief updates regarding a church plant in need of prayer and our missionaries readjusting to Italian life and ministry. We also share new prayer requests.

"I beseech you by the mercies of God, to lay to heart the things which I have just been saying, and to ponder them well. You live in a world of cheating, imposition, and deception. Let no man deceive you about the necessity of repentance. Oh, that professing Christians would see, and know, and feel, more than they do—the necessity, the absolute necessity, of true repentance towards God! There are many things which are not needful. Riches are not needful. Health is not needful. Fine clothes are not needful. Noble friends are not needful. The favor of the world is not needful. Gifts and learning are not needful. Millions have reached heaven without these things. Thousands are reaching heaven every year without them. But no one ever reached heaven without "repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ." - J.C. Ryle

Links to things mentioned in this Podcast Episode:

Thank you, enjoy and God bless! For more info visit www.practicalmissions.org

To contact us in order to organize a Vision Trip to Italy, or to ask a question about PMc and missions in Italy, send us a message at info@practicalmissions.org or call us at 484-294-3784.

"Like Jesus driven to His cross, so we drive ourselves to the singular task of church planting in Italy, exclusively."

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