Missions Incorporated

174: 3 Certainties About the Uncertain Coronavirus

March 11, 2020 Jesse Schreck

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A reading of a PMc blog post by PMc on-field director. In this episode, we share about current happenings as we are serving in the midst of the Coronavirus Outbreak in North Italy.

1.) He is moving to saving faith those who are not living worthy of the call or who have not surrendered their life to Christ and His Lordship. 

2.) He is moving His people to be the witnesses that He called them to be.

3.) As God moves His people to be proper witnesses who do not fear to lose their lives because they know they already have eternal life, He is also calling many lost people unto Himself.

Links to things mentioned in this Podcast Episode:

- Blog Post - 3 Certainties About the Uncertain Coronavirus
- Arthur Pink's Attributes of God
- SHORT ARTICLE, by brother Reagan Rose at Redeeming Productivity
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God - Martin Luther
- Support PMc

Thank you, enjoy and God bless! For more info visit www.practicalmissions.org

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"Like Jesus driven to His cross, so we drive ourselves to the singular task of church planting in Italy, exclusively."

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