The "Home Team" Podcast

Healthy Home Cooked Meals Done For You? A Solution For The Busy Homeowner!

February 15, 2020 The "Home" Team Podcast Season 1 Episode 32

We get it! You are BUSY! In a perfect world you would have time to work, shuttle the kids sports and still have time to cook a healthy meal for your family. Unfortunately, most nights there is no time... and if there is... you are tired and the last thing you want to do is spend an hour preparing a meal. What happens? Frozen Meals, Door Dash or worse... Fast Food! That is the reality for many working parents/homeowners. What if there was a better way? Enter Morgan Kanaber, the owner of Your Whole Meal - A Personal Chef. Morgan and her team will do the grocery shopping, prepare meals for the week in your kitchen and put them in your refrigerator ready to heat up and eat! Services like Morgan's are popping up all over the United States so we wanted to bring her on to the Home Team Podcast to learn more about it! This is a MUST Listen to if you are a working parent!

About Your Whole Meal: 

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