Mommying While Muslim

Exploring Sex & Intimacy with Islamic Spiritual Perspectives

Zaiba Hasan & Uzma Jafri Season 2 Episode 52

Sameera Qureshi of Sexual Health for Muslims joins us today to discuss the effects of colonized gender-based fallacies have on Muslim sexual health and practice. Not only does she have comprehensive sexual education from an Islamic perspective online, she is keen on connecting sex as a means of spiritual fulfillment, “God-consciousness,” tawheed, within an Islamic context. 

Learn the difference between sex and intimacy, and maybe even redefine them! We are ALWAYS asked when and how to talk to our kids about sex at the podcast. This episode is for all those people who ask that question. If it’s sexual trauma that a parent or child has endured, Sameera helps with that as well and offers trauma-informed healing to her clients. The good news is, we can achieve the goals Allah SWT set for us when He gifted us with sexual relations: achieve God-consciousness, but only when we get comfortable talking about ALL of it.



  1. Find Sameera on IG: @sexualhealthformuslims
  2. Find Sameera on FB: Sexual Health for Muslims
  3. Find Sameera on the Web: 
  4. Purchase Good Pictures Bad Pictures Kristen A Jenson to prepare kids early for pornography 
  5. Purchase one of MANY early childhood books on autonomy, agency, consent over one’s body to teach kids before something happens: 
  6. Find Firoza Osman on IG:
  7. Purchase Firoza’s Osman’s book How to Talk to Your Muslim Child About Sex: 
  8. Purchase Shariea Shoatz’s book My Voice is My Superpower:
  9. The Village Auntie on IG @villageauntie
  10. Secrets of Divine Love A. Helwa
  11. Spiritual Gems of Islam Jamal Rahman
  12. Web:
  13. Email:
  14. FB: Mommying While Muslim page and Mommyingwhilemuslim group
  15. IG: @mommyingwhilemuslimpodcast

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