Mommying While Muslim

SERIES Latina Muslima Moms: Over DUE: Afro Latina Muslim Midwife Insights

Zaiba Hasan & Uzma Jafri Season 3 Episode 37

Eva Martineau, Afro Latina of Mexican and Haitian lineage and nurse midwife, discusses persistent racial disparities in birth care that traumatize primarily minority populations in America. Find out why this researcher didn't stop at stats, but collected degrees as she decided to set the stirrups straight and serve her community to prevent further harm to future generations. She's taking names and kicking false stories we tell about birth in the...well, take a guess.

​​​We've touched on birth work as a social justice movement in the past, but never like this! Hear how poor healthcare affects Latina Muslimahs and their children, get mad and get busy fixing it.

​Tune in at 6pm EST on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, Amazon Music, ask Alexa, or head over to our website landing page. Link in bio. Share the episode with childbearing Latinas that you know, Muslim or not.


  1. Follow Eva on IG: @reclaiming_luz
  2. Who are the Inape?: 
  3. Learn more about the Papa Doc regime in Haiti: 
  4. Immigration is a Birth Justice Issue: Considerations of Health in the Haitian Refugee Crisis:
  5. Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Pregnancy-Related Deaths — United States, 2007–2016:
  6. Pregnant Hispanic women's views and knowledge of prenatal genetic testing:
  7. Maternal Mortality in the United States: A Primer:
  8. Analysis of State-Level Immigrant Policies and Preterm Births by Race/Ethnicity Among Women Born in the US and Women Born Outside the US: 

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