The Exchange for Entrepreneurs™ Podcast

JB & Bear on COVID Eating, Bubble Sports and Equality on Bay St. | AFTER MARKET EP 1

CSE - Canadian Securities Exchange Episode 139

CSE Presents AFTER MARKET with JB & Bear - a new limited series that discusses today's relevant topics in business and culture. Born as a spin-out from CSE's #HashtagFinance podcast series, AFTER MARKET bills itself as the "first ever" late night talk show for business, dropping every Thursday at 9pm this August.

In this debut episode, Barrington Miller and James Black discuss:

4:20 - The realities of WFH - Work From Home
10:40 - The problem with Cannabis curbside pickup (in Ontario)
15:40 - What we have been eating during the COVID-19 pandemic
24:20 - Why we really like “bubble sports”
30:09 - The next steps toward equality in business and on Bay St.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, it's James here from the Canadian securities exchange. And tonight I'm joined by Barrington Miller. My cohost for this new program called aftermarket with JB and bear. Come join us for a brief discussion about all the things that are happening in the world of business and culture read after this.

Speaker 2:

Do you know my name?

Speaker 1:

How's it going, man? It's a Thursday night. It's early August, August the fourth. I don't mind timestamping this show because, uh, this is an experiment we're running another experiment at the CSE. We're hosting the first ever late night talk, show, business, talk show. How's that for us?

Speaker 3:

Right? How's that for an intro? Uh, it's going pretty well. Um, I was thinking this morning because, uh, uh, when I woke up, you know, if you asked me if I knew that PDAC was going to be the last hurrah, as far as, uh, you know, a wide gathering of social interaction, I think I would have gone out a little bit more. It's a, it's now August and I th we've settled into the new normal, um, family wise. Work-wise, work's actually been, it's been longer. It's been more, it's been heavier it's um, it's unlike anywhere, anywhere else. It seems, we are very, very fortunate. We are very blessed, uh, to be deemed an essential service. Um, but also that we have a growing fan base and a growing following and companies continue to seek capital.

Speaker 1:

Yes. Yeah. So I guess, I guess you could say this, this segment is sponsored by the Canadian securities exchange, whom we both work for full disclosure disclosure. Um, but that being said, you know, we're not doing this because we're bored. Trust me, we're not bored. Uh, what, what we wanted to do was take our podcast, hashtag finance. You can see a link above to that playlist if you want to check those out. But, um, well we've decided to do over August is like, you know, how they do in the TV business. They, uh, they kind of run pilots and stuff where they try different things out, and this is summer programming. So, uh, what Barrington and I decided to do was take our, um, experience doing these hashtag finance podcasts and take them into a bit of a different corner. So if you've listened to any of our shows, I'll link one above about him and I talking about food. And, uh, we've always kind of taken a bit of a conversational or different approach to what we typically do, which is host shows with clients or, uh, experts in the capital markets. Um, you know, we did a whole month on cannabis back in may. Uh, we, we thought that based on the feedback and the, and the viewership that we had from our shows that we could split off and do something a little different. And so what we're doing is, is something where I think, uh, and you tell me if I'm off course you're Barrington, but, uh, we're, we're trying to do something that speaks to some of our peer group without such a forced message, I guess, around, you know, or agenda focused, um, conversation.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's just, that's just, it it's it's, there is no agenda, uh, other than what you said in the beginning of a little bit of business, a little bit of culture, uh, just, just a conversation as to what's going on. We are, we're all separated, you know, the further apart, the more we stand together and that's, that's holding true. We are, when somebody calls and says, Hey, how's it going? It's like, it's going the same thing as you, you know how it's going? Uh let's we don't have to continue those, uh, that, those social norms and greetings, because we know we know how it's going. Is it ideal? No. Does it suck? Yeah. Um, if you have kids, it's, it's segmented. If your kids are zero to five and, you know, six to 10 and 11 to 15 and 18 to whatever you are all going through, similar things, uh, how do I keep my kids occupied? How do I keep them interested? Um, and like I said, like I said, in the beginning, we're, we're very, very fortunate to have the routine of being able to work, but, but even that has become a disjointed routine, you know, get up at six 30 work til eight 30 kids activities till 10 back at 10, 15, getting ready for a 10 30 zoom call, uh, like just, you know, and then like last night I was doing, uh, the girls working til eight or nine, um, our colleague Phil Shum, uh, shout out to Phil, that guy, I don't know what hours he's keeping, because he's constantly talking with, um, counterparts in Asia. So we'll get a message at two 33 in the morning, say, Hey, I just got off this conference call or, or what work is, it's just all, all fluid. So

Speaker 1:

Work life blend is what I like to call it.

Speaker 3:

There is it's it's in the Vitamix. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Playing the vitamins. I got to use my Vitamix more.

Speaker 3:

That's what, that's what we're doing. Yeah. You do have to use it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, I know when I lived in Vancouver, I used it a lot more, believe it or not.

Speaker 3:

So do you know what I've gotten into is a French press.

Speaker 1:

You know, I've been looking for a good single serve coffee solution for my afternoons. So lay it on me.

Speaker 3:

I'm now showing I'm showing my French press, uh, on video. So I went to Ikea. Um, I'm not plugging them, but that's just where I got it. And I grind my own coffee, put it in. I don't know. I haven't found right timeline to let it sit some, say two minutes, I'm say six to 10. Um, but I like my coffee more lighter and watery. So I've been, I've been doing that and add a little bit of condensed milk. That's just a Jamaican.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. The one in the can, are you going to put that little notch in it? Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, actually they have a pull tab. Um, but here's the thing, if you can find, and this isn't an environmental commentary or whatever, but if you can find a plastic lid to go over it, to keep it resealed instead of using saran wrap and, uh, a little elastic band, um,

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah. Actually, you know, where you can find those, you can go to your local pet food store and you can get them for cat food and dog food dishes. And yeah,

Speaker 3:

That is hilarious because I don't have,

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I unfortunately do, but yeah, it's a, you know, actually pets have been saving people's lives through COVID because it's been a, for a lot of people, their only source of daily comfort. And so shout out to the pets. I don't want you all to go anywhere anytime soon. Um, just my cat.

Speaker 3:

Can I, can I, can I jump in with the pots? Cause it's making me nervous. How, how attached people are getting to their pets and how attached pets are getting to people. And if this thing that we're in shifts or changes, uh, there's going to be a lot of unhappy, unhappy paths because they're getting all the love, all the affection, all the attention right now. Like this is, um, I know, and it will change, you know, life is fluid. Life was like water. Um, yeah, that, that makes me, that makes me,

Speaker 1:

I'm less concerned about the pets. Those that have a home are lucky enough. Um, so yeah, we haven't even talked about business yet. Let me just, if you're watching today, uh, I know we've got some dedicated viewers and part of the reason we're doing it this way is because, um, I think what we want to do is give people more frequent dose of these conversations. Like I said, we're going to eventually have guests Barrington, and I are going to keep, uh, keep the fire burning for the next little while, probably through August. And then we'll start bringing people in. Um, but if you like this type of content, please subscribe below because we're going to do this every Thursday night at nine o'clock. This will come out. If enough of you subscribe, we are so close. CSE TV is almost at a thousand subs. If we get to a thousand, we might even be able to start doing this alive. And that means we can start chatting with you live. I'm mostly gonna leave comments open. Hopefully I don't live to regret that decision. We leave comments open below. So tell us which you want us to talk about. What are you what's on your mind? Uh, we're happy to, uh, to bring this all into our world. Um, so Barrington, we haven't talked about business yet, but, um, well we did touch on it. We we've been busy. Okay. So in our day jobs, uh, of which this is sort of part of, um, we've been really busy and I, one of the reasons we kept herself busy was obviously demand for what we do, but we've decided to bring people into our world virtually. And I just want to post the link above, um, of Barrington. And I's original. COVID said that funny COVID, uh, uh, catch up, I guess, back in March, was it? And you'll see the difference in the quality, uh, was, it was, it was March, March or April, and we were measuring things in weeks. Like that was a big deal.

Speaker 3:

No, now it's, you know, 20 to 2020 I'm it's going to be, this is going to be one of the strangest years ever. Like it's already there and it just keeps getting it. It just doesn't.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it doesn't stop. Um, so, you know, we're really in the program here. I, I should touch on one thing that you did do professionally, uh, which was host a ton of content with a lot of cannabis companies in may. Um, and you can go check out that playlist I'll link above and below. But what I will say is recently you were on the, uh, on the horn, uh, taped a video with the Ontario chamber of commerce and, uh, you addressed a really serious and stupid issue, which was, uh, the removal of curbside pickup work, explain to our viewers what happened there, why was important and where things are at right now, if you know,

Speaker 3:

Um, okay. So what, what happened, uh, during, during phase two, um, you know, cannabis shops, retailers, dispensers, uh, they were doomed, the whole industry was deemed in essential service and patients, anybody could go and pick up curbside, you know, a no touch contactless, all of those things. Uh, then it was announced that at the beginning of phase three, that would be eliminated as well as online purchases. Um, but it was only for the cannabis industry in Ontario. Uh, if you wanted to get curbside pickup out the gap or, uh, burger King or anywhere else. And I, and I'm saying those because I liked those places,

Speaker 1:

You may have tested their curbside,

Speaker 3:

I've tufted there a curbside, but for, for whatever reason. And I mean, I have my suspicions and I don't know how far down the rabbit hole we want to go with this. Um, but it was, it was eliminated. And then it takes away from, you know, the economy, it takes away from jobs, all of these things that we're trying to either preserve or stimulate. And the Ontario chamber of commerce in the Ontario, uh, policy, uh, cannabis council was, you know, was up in arms. They're what seems to be, um, a position from the Ontario cannabis stores to be a bit of a monopolistic entity, because all the cannabis purchases that these stores and retailers are making are coming from one central source. So it looked like this entity was becoming for profit. And again, I'm just going out on a limb and the opinions I express here do not necessarily reflect those of the Canadian securities exchange. Uh, they are strictly my own. Um, it's, it's not good. And it's putting a lot of strain on people who may not feel comfortable going into, into places and what the policy, what the, what the, I guess, what the council is asking for was just, just fair and equal playing field. If you're going to get rid of it, then get rid of it for everybody. If you're going to keep it, keep it for everybody, it looked like it was just being singled out. So, um, if you want write your local, uh, MPP, um, you can also write the Ontario chamber of commerce. You can also, uh, send me a I'll be more than happy to direct you to the places that it needs, that your comments and or questions need to go to. There's a lot of resources and some really great people on the council. So, yeah, I don't, I don't understand. In fact, I called a bunch of people saying maybe I missed something. Maybe it was a, maybe it was so glaring to me and I missed it, but I didn't, that's literally what's going on. They decided, Nope, this one industry that's benefiting and actually showing growth job growth. Um, we're going to, uh, we're going to hamper it again, which doesn't quite go with the Ontario's open for business slogan, which has been touted, uh, for a while now. So that's my little mini rant and it is a serious issue because of it. If it's done with this industry, it can be done with other industries.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no it's and yeah, that's, it's good to leave and park that topic there. What we'll do is we'll provide a link below to, um, to the link, to the letter that the OCC wrote. And, uh, I think it's an open issue right now. So definitely, definitely take a look at that, especially for your Ontario residents, but yeah, if you're not in Ontario, uh, definitely be aware of what's going on because as Barrington said, these are the types of things that can, uh, come back to, uh, you know, become precedent elsewhere for, for other jurisdictions. And, uh, uh, we're all about small business here. You and I are all about small business and, um, letting business, you know, meet the market demand. Okay. So that's one thing. Um, recreational cannabis, medicinal cannabis, I think, has been helping a lot of people through this and, uh, you know, uh, amongst other things, um, I want to talk about food cause it's, it's been a popular topic on the business show food. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Let's yeah, let's go there. What, what are, what you mentioned burger, what are you eating? What is the James block family? Um, what's your go to,

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so, so what are we eating? Um, a lot of barbecue. I mean, this, this summer has been the summer of the barbecue. Uh, my inlaws have a pool, so we, we go there whenever the sun shining, basically get the kids in the pool and eat burgers, chicken, sausage, um, you know, probably had more hot dogs this summer than I care to admit. So, uh, haven't been hitting the takeout so much the takeaways for those in the UK. Uh, haven't been doing the curbside burgers. I do sneak in the occasional fast food breakfast because that is my kryptonite. Um, and we can talk about, we can do a whole episode on fast food breakfast, so we'll yeah. Future, future show. Yeah. But yeah, man, um, no, just, just, just trying to survive basically and try not to cook too much. Uh, you know, the days it's crazy. Cause one day you'll be in a meeting, uh, at three o'clock and then all of a sudden it's four and you've got kids that need to eat and you gotta start cooking stuff up. And then you got your headset in and it's, you gotta have those fast and ready meals. So what about you guys? How are you guys sustaining?

Speaker 3:

It's a, this is, this has been quite Epic. Uh, I'm not, I'm not going to lie. So I was, I was out having a very proper social distance beverage with the CSCs good friend and my good friend, mr. Rahima Lonnie, shout out to the OCI group. We know you're watching or listening. We know you're there. And congratulations to mr. Alani, who has recently been married. So now he, we were discussed again, I know in his social circle bubble, um, which he is following to a T um, they will do, uh, local local delivery or local takeout, uh, to support small business. So my family and I I'll just say me because my family didn't do it. I found a local Chile chicken plates. That's called the chili chicken house located on credit view. And Rathburn that I have been frequenting frequenting. It is the second best chili chicken I've ever had. And I told them so, uh, which they were happy and then added more chili chicken to my money in the right order. So that was good. So we try and do that. I've been hitting McDonald's coffee, um, pretty religiously up until the last month because I started making my own when I'm showing it again, French press from Ikea. Now I also wanted to get back to my roots and with that, there are some Jamaican dishes that I've never ever made, but I enjoy immensely. First one is goat Curry. Oh man. So, uh, my sister and I were talking about it and it's like, Oh, you know what? We really have to learn how to make it, or we, we should. And you know, the internet is such a, such a lifesaver when it comes to recipes and people's opinions and things that they add and take away. So I made slow cooked, um, to make a goat Curry. And then another comfort food. Favorite was red piece soup and

Speaker 1:

Red PC. I'd never even heard of a red P let alone a soup made from it.

Speaker 3:

So here's a little thing about Jamaicans. They call all beans peas. So it's kidney beans. Um, but it's red piece. So I made that from scratch. I even made, uh, made my own dumplings or, um, spinners and Todd, you know, it had beef in it, it had pig tail, it had kidney beans. It was, it was hardcore. And it was delicious. In fact, my sister asked me, where did I buy it? Yeah. When I dropped it off for her. And that was a great compliment.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. If you're making store-bought quality eats, you've been even leveling up your, uh, your cooking game. Not that you couldn't get there before, but I mean like,

Speaker 3:

No, this was this, this was, uh, I went there. Um, and now I got my kids cooking. My son made his first meal for the family. I made beef stir fry. Oh, wow. That's good. Wow.

Speaker 1:

Can you get the kids on the action? And they don't make too much of a mess. That's um, that's free labor man. That's that's awesome.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So we've, we've been, um, and we've been using our Vitamix a lot. I'm using it every chance. Like if I need to scramble eggs, I don't, I don't whisk anymore. I put in the vitamin, Oh buddy. Coffee, beans, Vitamix. Wow. Everything. If you want to make a, a, a parfait vitamins every day,

Speaker 1:

You can do. I've done. Okay. So I've done a yeah. Um, a chickpea dip. What the hell is that called? Yeah. There you go. That's serious. No. Shout out to our friends in Lebanon where we're watching is bad, bad situation. Um, so anyways, the, uh, the dip, uh, amazing. And then the soup. So you just let that thing run and it gets so hot. It'll heat up the soup in the Vitamix. And then, uh, you know, I got some squash get ready for fall folks. If you hit up that farmer's market, you're getting some squash. You're getting some pumpkin throw that in the Vitamix, a little bit of cream, a little coconut milk, whatever. And, uh, just mix it up for like six minutes on high wham. Okay. Yeah. And obviously you got to put a little salt in there, but that that's right.

Speaker 3:

I tried something new. I tried something new, uh, hello, fresh

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

No, it's the,

Speaker 1:

The kit. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, uh, there were two items. One was like a lamb something. And the other one was I think, spicy meatballs or maybe a spicy lamb and just regular meatballs. Uh, so this was our first, our first go at it. Um, and we, we, we followed the instructions and it was delicious. It was, it was delicious. And then of course I had to go and look at, you know, if I went to buy everything individually versus using the kit and, and all of those things and the price wasn't too far off, uh, surprisingly

Speaker 1:

Portion size a problem for me with HelloFresh guys, if you can great HelloFresh, I'm hungry for version plus. Okay. Here's a free idea for you. Hello, HelloFresh. If you want more customers, uh, during COVID or any for the future. Hello, fresh. I'm hungry. Like not just for portions, like I'm hungry. Okay. Don't leave me one little piece of me. Oh, I'm really hungry. Um, and then having the ability within the meal pack to create a really dumbed down version of the dish for my kids who don't want any sauces or sprinkles or nothing, just give me like plain pass and a piece of protein and like a couple of cucumbers slices.

Speaker 3:

It's the sidecar. Hello? Fresh flag.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So if you want like the sidecar with kids and then yeah, I've always found that if you take their cards and then you try to reverse engineer, it sometimes works. Sometimes doesn't, uh, sometimes these obscure stuff that you're just not going to buy. Um, but yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. No. So I, um, I thought if you are intimidated by cooking or if you are, um, you know, whatever your relationship status and you're by yourself and you never done it before, he used to have somebody who did it for you, but this thing is great. I'm thinking of, for me, I'm thinking of my kids and if they go away, uh, to school or to study or whatever, um, this, this is great. I would literally order this and send it to them so that they can, they can follow, uh, and the timeframe of, of prep versus what's on the stove versus what you're cutting up. It all worked. So I was, I was very, very impressed and, uh, two thumbs up for hello, fresh.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Given out reviews, uh, down below in the comments, if you like HelloFresh or have a meal prep system, um, meal delivery system that you like, uh, share below we'll, we'll check it out and then we will talk about it on the show. Um, okay. Well, as you get through your day and you eat, uh, and your bellies fall, obviously the next thing you want to do is sit on the couch after you've done your work, or while you're working and watch some sports. And, uh, up until about a few weeks ago, we were relegated to premier league soccer, which I could care less about German soccer, which I could hear even lesser about. And then the Italian soccer, which I believe was happening. I wouldn't really know, uh, spend some golf tournaments again. Uh, they're not majors, uh, PGA championships coming up. That's great. But, uh, what's come back our bubble sports. Let's not, I don't want to talk about baseball right now until that, like, I'm not going to waste energy on something I saw in two weeks. Uh, but yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

It's literally on a lifeline. There's no. Okay. Sorry. We're not talking about it. No.

Speaker 1:

Well, we're blue Jays fans were just pissed and we don't want to, yeah. I don't want to get excited about anything. We got, we got a hot prospect that, uh, yeah, let's not go there. Okay. No, so, but we are Raptors fans and we have the video and the images to prove that because Barrington and I went to the championship braid last year, the reigning champions, uh, so far three and own the bubble. Um, they came prepared. They, it says if they didn't, uh, stop playing. So all I want to say, cause I know we have sports fans watching we're sports fans. Uh, we're intimately involved in sport, um, bubble sports. What's your hot take on NHL and NBA, uh, bubble sports right now.

Speaker 3:

Uh, when it comes to the NBA, I was okay. Well that when it came to hockey, I was opposed I'm I'm old school. I liked my hall. I don't even like playoffs going into June and I didn't understand it. So, um, you know, you were working from home. I understand, but still it's hockey and August, I was sitting there, uh, with my, you know, flag raise going I'm opposed to bubble hockey and hub cities and, and all of that. And as soon as it started, I leave gear on, let's go, I love hockey. Like, and that's all I've been watching. So I, I hated, I hated the idea of watching playoff hockey in August. Um, until I saw playoff hockey in August, it has been fast paced. It has been, these are professionals. Now you're just watching the pure sport there isn't the spectacle around it. It's yeah, it says, yeah, that's all it is. It's just pure sport. There's athleticism on display. There's such an equal playing field because everyone again has been going through this. Uh, I, I appreciate it. I love it. And I don't want to see hockey in August, but I'm not going to stop watching hockey in August. That's, that's how I feel and basketball. Uh, they, again, I love it. It's, it's becoming pure again. There isn't the, there isn't the side show of everything around it. I mean, there is the show on the outside, but they're outside the bubble everybody's in, everybody's contained. And um, I hope everyone's healthy and that this is, this is a release for people. And, um, yeah. What about you?

Speaker 1:

No, no, I've been, I've been super dope for it. I loved what they did with the staging. Um, you know, being a bit of a visual audio geek myself and just, just seeing how they did it with what they had was really cool. Uh, they treated it like it was a TV production, um, and really still blended in some of the elements of it feeling like a live sporting event with the piped in sound and, um, watching the Raptors virtual, the virtual firms that's, you know, I can live with, or without that it's, it's it's novel, but it's obviously like, look, we were using Microsoft teams, um, way back in March, April when you can only have like four people on the screen at once. And since then, Microsoft now can do 300 in a stadium. Um, so those guys have obviously just been rapid developing that and good for them. Uh, but it's, there's some issues there's empty seats. There's people with dogs. Some people are like lean back. Others are way up it's, it's, it's been inconsistent. Um, but at least it adds the element of participation. I'll say this, uh, the rafters, like watching the rafters and just hearing all the same sounds and all the right cues. Like I don't even know how they did that, uh, to, to the degree that they've created that in game experience. So if you're a player, I can only imagine that that gives you so much, um, subconscious sort of, uh, uh, affirmation that you're playing in an NBA game. Not to mention the fact that these guys probably have more, um, mental space to just focus on the game without the fans and all the other stuff. So it's unfortunate. There won't be real home advantage because I know like the Raptors definitely get a home advantage. We have the best fans in the, in the league. Um, at least that's what I think, but the, uh, the overall experience from, uh, as just watching and watching with my kids has just been like this, this is, this is it. Like the level of competition is so high already for the, for the teams I've been ready for it. And you can tell, uh, in sports, not all organizations are built equally, right? Just like in business. Um, you can see the organizations that were ready to come into the bubble and compete in the ones that are in complete disarray. And, um, it'll be interesting to see who, who can adjust and who's just too far behind.

Speaker 3:

So I'm going to, I'm going to jump I'm jumping in because we are missing the perhaps the most and most important thing to happen in this bubble. And it is the social awareness.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, and I think we'll cap the show on that note, which is M and a, and I'll let you do most of the talking here. Cause I'm, I'm, I've just been observing it, but, uh, let's go back to when, you know, as a company, we put a black box on our Instagram feed and go into what's happened since that. I think we all know how we got to that point. Um, and I think the biggest challenge going forward other than people protesting was how do you maintain visibility around the issues and how do you continue to enact change, um, in this sort of decentralized environment that we're in. It's really, yeah.

Speaker 3:

The big, what I've seen, what I've seen change is the communication. It is opening up the doors. It is shining light in the corners. It is lifting up blankets going under the bed. It's, it's opening up conversation and dialogue. It is not being afraid to talk. It is not being afraid to be uncomfortable. It's not being afraid to try. If you want to kneel you kneel. If you choose not to kneel, you can say, I choose not to. I support the cause, but I'm doing it for my own reasons or the reasons of my family or whatever it is. And no one's pointing a finger. No. Um, I, I can't, I didn't think I would see it like this. I don't think Colin Kaepernick thought he would see it like this and the stuff that he went through to represent the things that we're in are happening. And, and to see it, like the Raptors came in on, on the bus, that's how they rolled in, um, the, the T shirts, the, the opinions, the mass, the, you know, and, and I don't want to forget about the w NBA cause they've been getting a lot more profile and visibility as they deserve to, and they're getting support from the NBA, which is, which is, which is awesome. Um, yeah, I, I, I get goosebumps when I see it. When I see players, I play college hockey and before during the warmups, everybody would skate together around the ice. And if you've played hockey in Canada, you know, like, that's, that's crazy. You're just asking for a bra that you stayed at your own side of the red line. And they're like, no, no, everybody skates together. It's part of the game. And we're like, okay, yeah, I can do this. And then when, you know, fast forward, now you see players linking arms players taking these. And you're like, this is so much bigger than sport. Um, this is about humanity. I was reading about Tyler Sagan and, uh, you know, guiding the other team came up and said, Hey, I'm going to take a knee with, uh, didn't know if he wanted to. He was like, yeah, absolutely. I'm in. And he went and he told his team, Hey, I'm going to take a knee. And another guy's like, I'm going to join you. And he was like, cool. And they did like, it was that easy and, you know, kudos to the NHL, kudos to the NBA, NFL major league baseball, all those for all those organizations that are coming around. And I don't know the reason they are, and I don't want to, I don't want to taint it, but, uh, they are. And that's, that's the main thing.

Speaker 1:

Right? So, so that, and that has been amazing. It, Matt dumb, his speech was amazing. And, um, you know, this through the summer, so it has been, the sports have really helped continue carry the flame, uh, in a productive way, I think. And it's, it's, it's kind of proven what sports can do socially. Now, when we look at our world in business, uh, what should we, or can we be doing to continue this discussion? And ultimately I think, uh, provide more equal opportunity for, for those, um, you know, uh, to, to participate in business. Um, there still seems to be segmentation and it's not going to get fixed overnight, but where do we have those discussions? How do we do it other than obviously we can do it here, but, um, how do you, how do you see that continuing to progress, um, on Bay street,

Speaker 3:

Again, it's it's dialogue and communication. It is having it become part of, um, part of the culture. Uh, I think at the Canadian securities exchange, and I'm not just saying it because I work there. I think that it has a very open door policy for dialogue and communication. Um, and we're very, very lucky for that. If you are, um, white, black, or Asian male, female short, tall, like whatever it is, um, I honestly feel you can go and call and talk to anybody in our company and somebody will talk back, talk back in a good way with you.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we talk back to I'm sorry. Yeah. So, so, okay. And so we, we continue on that path. We continue to have the dialogue. Um, what would you like to see change?

Speaker 3:

Uh, I would like to see, I mean, I'm going to be biased. I'd like to see more, more people of color represented in major corporations. I want to see us at the boardroom table. I want to see us having decisions. Um, I want to see females alongside males equal pay, not, uh, 87% of those are the things I want to see. Um, I, I really just want it to be based on the ability it has nothing to do. And if there are two people who are equal and one's black and one's white, or one's male, one's female, then it comes down to the intangibles like personality or the extracurricular activities or volunteer or whatever it is, but not, not the visual that's. And that that's really what I want to see. Just the equal opportunity.

Speaker 1:

All right. Well, yeah, I certainly appreciate that Barrington. Um, okay, well, look, this is, this has been our main voyage of, uh, uh, aftermarket and hopefully you made it this far. If you did again, give us, you know, that little like button down below, um, that's really important to us. Uh, if you hit that, it really helps and that's all you can do for us right now is hit that like button. Um, if you know us personally, just send us a message and let us know what you thought of this. Uh, we're going to keep doing it every Thursday through August. Um, we want to get to a thousand subscribers. So you got to subscribe. That's, that's going to unlock, uh, our ability to hopefully do this live at some point and let us know he wants to talk to, cause I think we'll, we'll do this. We can do this all night and day, but what we really want to do, uh, all night, but we want to bring some guests in. We want to introduce some of that diversity we just talked about would be cool. And just doing a manner where it's a little more casual, uh, as opposed to our hashtag finance podcast, which is, um, you know, it's obviously driven by the agenda of the issuer, but, uh, yeah, no, uh, any final thoughts here before we sign off for the night,

Speaker 3:

If you're listening and watching and you happen to be related to the CSE in some way, and do you maybe want to be on the show? Uh, you know, there's nothing to stop us. This thing is wide open. If you have an idea or there's something you want to talk about, um, drop us a line, we will literally listen to any idea that's how things got started. So,

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, we didn't, we were just trying to fill a void. We felt like there needed to be an anchor program, uh, throughout our digital content, which was a little more conversational, a little more casual, less agenda driven. Um, so we could dig into some of the things that we know that we talk to our peers about, uh, here, here, uh, while virtually, but you know, on Bay street and Vancouver, uh, and across the country and internationally, we've made a lot of friends over the years. And, um, we just find that, you know, in absence of us being able to go to a bar or travel to your country or go to your city, uh, you know, if we can use this as a venue to chat, I think we finally figured out the technology. I think we figured out sort of where we need to be putting in this content. Now we just need you the viewer to be, and to give us some ideas and be a part of it. Yup. Yup. Click subscribe, share with your friends. Yeah, exactly. That's all we can ask. And, uh, again, uh, this, this is coming out Thursday nights after nine o'clock on YouTube. And, uh, for this episode, we will put it out on our podcast network. We may continue to do that, but for sure, this is a video product. And, uh, again, thanks for watching. This is James I'm with Barrington Miller and we'll see you next week for sure. Take care.