Voice what Matters: the Podcast

How to Become More Present: Conversation with Craig Deuchar

Christine & Lindsay Season 2 Episode 12

Hey Friends, 

Are you looking to become more present in your communication, or just in general? In this episode, Christine talks with her dear friend and colleague Craig Deuchar about a body of work called Organic Intelligence(r), and why it can be a useful practice to help you become more present generally and in your communication. Christine started working with Craig on an OI practice almost two years ago, and it has completely transformed the way she approaches communication training. 

Organic Intelligence is a mindfulness and compassion based clinical approach designed to alleviate the symptoms of stress, anxiety and trauma and help people live more present and vibrant lives. Christine talked to Craig about why, as a practice, it can help people become more present communicators. Themes that come up are: 

- how OI can help alleviate the stress and anxiety that often comes with public speaking and performance by helping you take your attention off of "what's wrong" 
- An explanation of how Fight/Flight/Freeze states can take over in communication situations, and how a practice called Orientation can help you not only reconnect to yourself and your environment, but even find more enjoyment and curiosity in your communication 
- how OI is different from (and yet complementary to) other mindfulness based approaches and public speaking training/actor training approaches

You can find out more about Organic Intelligence at www.organicintelligence.org. 

Craig is a voice, presence and OI coach and does some corporate communication work. He works with the nervous system to help people get more regulated on a biological level and how that manifests into their lives in a positive way, whether through an OI session or a voice session or an acting session. Find out more about him at www.craigdcoaching.co.uk. 

Take good care, 

Christine & Lindsay