Voice what Matters: the Podcast

Staying Present in Unprecedented Times: Part 2

Christine Season 2 Episode 14

Hi Friends, 

This is part 2 of our 3 part series, 'Staying Present in Unprecedented Times', designed to support you through this crazy new world of isolation and uncertainty as we navigate the health crisis that is Covid-19. In Part 1, we took you through a mindfulness practice called Orientation to help you connect to the present moment through your senses. 

In this episode, we will practice orientation again, and then move into an oriented body scan so you can start to feel more connected to your body in the present moment, then we end with orientation from a more embodied place. This practice is useful if you find that your thoughts and feelings are consistently spiraling towards worries and anxieties that are not currently happening in the present moment, or if your awareness of the present moment is trending towards the negative. This sequence will help you find more ease in the present moment by helping you connect to the neutral reality of the here and now, and maybe even to what's pleasant about the here and now-- so that if and when you need to communicate, it's from a place of ease and connection rather than panic and anxiety. 

This practice is inspired by Organic Intelligence(r), which you can find out more about on www.organicintelligence.org, and Fitzmaurice Voicework(r), which you can find out more about at www.fitzmauriceinstitute.org. 

Please let us know how you get on with this practice, what questions it brings up for you, and what other kind of support you would like as we navigate these current times. Please also share this episode with anyone you think could use the support. 

Take good care, 

Christine & Lindsay